Chapter 436

An ordinary Jewish family, the Rothschilds began to grow rapidly in the 18th century, when they gained the trust of King Wilhelm of Prussia.

But at the time, Europe was in a turbulent period. In the war with Napoleon, Prussia was defeated, and the Rothschilds also suffered a crisis.

Sighed by the return of King Wilhelm, the Rothschilds sent their sons across Europe to organize an international financial network.

After that, the crisis continued. The family was divided into several by descendants, and World War II broke out.

The Great Depression that occurred in 1929 was the worst economic crisis ever experienced by mankind. Numerous individuals and companies went bankrupt.

After World War II broke out, the whole of Europe was engulfed in phone calls. Jews in Nazi-occupied territories were deprived of their property and massacred in concentration camps, but Jewish families moved to England and the United States survived and rose to power.

There was no war that shook the world after that, but there were still numerous crises in the financial world. Two oil shocks, the dot-com bubble, the global financial crisis, etc.

In every crisis, someone fell and new wealthy people were born. But the Rothschilds were still Rothschilds.

There is no family in the financial world with a history as long as the Rothschilds and as influential as the Rothschilds.

“Despite the downfall of many families, the Rothschilds, based in England, prospered in every crisis. And he entered the United States at the right time and established himself on Wall Street.”

Even with the exception of those who have fallen, there are still several Rothschild families left. Even today, the name of Rothschild can be easily found among European entrepreneurs and financiers. But the Great House everyone thinks is in England.

“The current head of the Rothschild family is Grant Darrel Rothschild.”

He became the head of the family in the 1970s.

Grace Rothschild is his great-granddaughter.

“Have you ever met him?”

At my words, Vice President Bain smiled and shook his head.

“He doesn’t come out of the mansion. He does everything inside. Even within the family, there are very few people who have seen his face in person unless he is a close aide.”

In fact, little was known other than the name. It is not even clear when he was born. I’m guessing it’s around 80-90 years old.

Well, secrecy is nothing more than a Rothschild tradition.

After the conversation, I thanked President Warren Boat and Vice President Charlie Bain.

“Thank you for telling me. Thank you for clearing up some of my questions.”

“I’m glad you did.”

Vice President Bain took my hand and said.

“It was a pleasant conversation for me, too.”

After letting the two of us go, I came back and only Taekkyu remained.

Every crisis has a reason for its occurrence.

After the crisis is over, I can give you 100 reasons why it should have happened. But how many people can accurately predict the size and timing of a crisis before it occurs?

The Rothschilds “lucky” averted countless crises.

Was it because I was really lucky? Or, is there some other reason?

Taegyu said.

“So you mean there could be someone with foresight like you in the Rothschilds?”

“I think there is a possibility.”

It is said that highly advanced science is no different from magic. So, does highly developed intuition become foresight?

There is no law in the world that says that only I have this ability.

Come to think of it, this is not the first time this has happened. Professor Mohan’s grandmother also accurately predicted Big One.

For economists and investors, it is their job to predict the future. They actually fit well, and sometimes they make a lot of money.

After World War I, the Allies signed the Treaty of Versailles, which paid heavy reparations to the defeated Germany. British economist John Maynard Keynes, who was a party to the treaty at the time, prophesied: ‘If you deliberately try to impoverish Central Europe, your revenge will be quick and easy.’ And that word became a reality exactly 20 years later.

Even in such cases, they usually think that they have excellent intuition, but do not think about foresight.

This is because it is common sense to think that such a thing as foresight cannot exist in reality.

But what if you knew it existed? Of course, foresight comes first.

If so, how much does the Rothschild know about this ability?

It’s just a home, it’s just my opinion. If you want to know the truth, there’s only one way.

I remembered the words of Grace Rothschild. He said he would tell you what he wanted to know when he came to Buckinghamshire, right?

“I want to go to England.”

“Are you going to come? What if I kidnapped you there?”

“You can’t do that unless you’re crazy.”

Yeji is not something that comes to mind by forcibly squeezing it out.

Inviting someone means taking responsibility for their safety and safety. Considering the money and fame I have, I wouldn’t do any harm.

If something happens to me, America will not stand still.

Taehyung nodded his head.

“Well, I guess I need to go there to uncover the reality of the conspiracy theories. Go and dig it out thoroughly.”

* * *

dawn before sunrise.

I went out for a walk with Ellie. The reason I woke up at this time was to see the sunrise. It was early and it was not a sunrise spot, so there were few people.

We walked along the path that was still dark. The seawater crashed against the rocks, creating white foam.

Ellie opened her arms and stretched her out.

“Hmm, Jeju Island is also nice.”

It’s a face I see every day, but no matter how I look at it, it’s pretty. Most of all, her cool smile is attractive. I think she would have been a good fit if she shot another commercial.

When she left her former lover and went to the military, she never thought that she would meet such a lover.

What will Ellie think if she finds out that I’ve come this far thanks to her foresight?

“I’m sorry, can she delay her decision to go to Hong Kong?”

At my words, Ellie stopped walking.


Ellie was excited about going to Hong Kong to see the schools and restaurants she attended. I was thinking of proposing to see the night view of Victoria Harbour.

However, if you suddenly say you will cancel, you will not be disappointed.

“I think I should go to England.”

“You want to go to England, not Hong Kong?”

Ellie spent her college years in England.

I smiled awkwardly and shook my head.

“Oh, it’s for work, so I guess I’ll have to go alone. As you know, things are a bit complicated in the UK these days.”

“Well, it is.”

Ellie, who was gloomy, smiled immediately.

“I see. Then grant me one wish.”

I nodded her head.

“I’ll listen to anything.”

“really? I promised.”

Ellie ruffled her matted hair in her sea breeze.

At that moment, the sun began to slowly rise over the horizon. The sea gradually turned red. We watched the scene as we held each other’s hands.

“Come on, let me tell you my wish.”

“Tell me.”

Ellie put her hands around my neck and said.

“Kiss me right now.”

* * *

I stopped in Seoul for a while, then boarded a private plane and headed to London.

The ostensible reason is to meet the management of Akit, a subsidiary, and to tour the UK financial market.

This is the first time I am going to the UK after it became known that I am the CEO of OTK Company. There was no reason to go there, but it is true that I intentionally avoided it.

The UK was in a state of chaos ahead of a no-deal Brexit. When it became known that I was going to England under these circumstances, a fierce controversy arose.

The Financial Times, a British daily economic newspaper with a tradition of more than 100 years, published an article on the front page of “Jinhoo Kang is coming to England.”

After a half-day flight, we arrived at London Heathrow Airport.

After completing immigration procedures, the first thing that greeted me was the camera baptism. Shutters and lights exploded incessantly, and the microphone approached ahead of the person.

“For what purpose did you come to England?”

“What do you think of a no-deal Brexit?”

“I would like your opinion on the UK economy.”

“Do you have anything to say to the British?”

The bodyguards stopped the reporters, and I walked out of the airport.

A car and a person from the British branch of Golden Gate were waiting.

“Welcome to England. This is Oliver Taylor. It is a great honor to be entrusted with the training of the representative.”

“I wish you all the best while you are in England.”

I got into the waiting car. The car is a Rolls-Royce Phantom as in the UK. Like Bentley anyway, it went to Germany sooner or later.

Just by looking at the driver’s seat on the right, I realized that I was in England.

“Have you ever been to England?”

I nodded.

“I’ve been to London once before.”

I stopped by when I was traveling with Taek-gyu. A lot has changed now in just a few years. Meanwhile, he became the richest man in the world, and Britain decided to leave the EU.

On the way out of the airport, protesters violently protested on the road. The EU flag was seen on one side and the Union Jack on the other. Protests on both sides were fierce, with police stationed in the center to prevent clashes.

On the picket held in his hand, phrases such as ‘Gang Jin-hoo, leave the UK’, ‘Go back to Korea’, and ‘Speculators go away’ were visible.

Taylor told me.

“You don’t have to worry. It’s the British people’s own choice. They just don’t want anyone to admit that they were the ones who created this situation.”

The glory of the British Empire, once called the country where the sun never sets, has disappeared.

Germany, which they had defeated twice, emerged from the wounds of defeat and emerged as the leader of Europe, while Britain lost its place in Europe.

It was humiliating for Britain to follow the German and French terms in the EU.

The decision to Brexit was made to restore its former glory, but this only caused more confusion. When the voting was over, I thought Britain was leaving the EU right away. But even after more than three years, nothing has been resolved.(Read more @

Politicians are still fighting over whether or not to leave the EU, and if so, how to leave.

Brexit is a misfortune for the UK and Europe, but luck for me. Thanks to this, he earned over $30 billion, which became the basis for his Carlos and Rustbelt investments.

Without the Brexit event, OTK Company would not have been able to grow like this.

“I read the article on the way home, and they were accusing me of taking advantage of the national misfortune to make money.”

At my words, Taylor smirked.

“British financiers have done a lot worse in other countries. It was the same when Korea suffered a foreign exchange crisis.”

There is no good or evil in money. It’s just looking for revenue.

He asked me carefully.

“What do you think the UK will look like in the future? Will there really be a no-deal Brexit?”

There was a slight uneasiness in his expression and tone of voice. Probably all British people have similar apprehensions.

The EU is basically an economic community. What is important to maintain this is the free movement of goods, capital and manpower.

Brexit means the UK will fall out of this single market. From now on, UK goods entering the EU and EU goods entering the UK will have to go through customs.

Tariffs are a problem, but customs procedures are also a problem. As the procedure that was previously omitted is newly created, it is impossible to estimate how much restrictions there will be on import and export or how long it will take.

British companies are in a state of emergency as they may not be able to get the necessary materials and parts on time. Companies with factories in the UK have been busy purchasing and stocking up as much as possible of the materials and parts they need in Europe.

Ordinary citizens also stockpiled clothes, home appliances, and food with a long shelf life in case the price of goods rises or imports are blocked due to tariffs.

However, if you are going to create customs procedures for EU products, there is one problem that must be resolved before that.

Since England is an island country, the sea acts as a barrier. The problem is Northern Ireland. Northern Ireland, a British territory, is attached to Ireland, and there is no border wall between the two.

In this way, Irish products can enter Northern Ireland without customs clearance, and from Northern Ireland back into England without customs clearance.

If a no-deal Brexit becomes a reality, it is time to build a wall at the border between Ireland and Northern Ireland.

Is this really possible?

“I think the worst is not going to happen, but I don’t know.”

“Didn’t you accurately predict Brexit?”

I smiled bitterly.

“I was just lucky.”

The UK is a traditional financial powerhouse. It is no exaggeration to say that all of the world’s largest financial institutions are concentrated in the City of London. Hong Kong, which was once a British colony, became the financial center of Asia because it was greatly influenced by such influence.

The UK is still the world’s fifth-largest economy and the head of the Commonwealth. But will it be able to maintain its influence after leaving the EU?

These concerns have already had a negative impact on the economy. After Brexit, the pound continued to decline, fueling inflation.

The car slowed down due to the protesters.

The clashes between the two sides became more intense, and profanity erupted everywhere.

Taylor sighed.

“Where did British pride go?”

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