Chapter 437

Akit’s main customers are Europe.

Even now, excluding the California restoration project and Saemangeum development, 80 percent of design clients are European companies and governments. So far, we have traded freely without any problems, but if a no-deal Brexit occurs, we will be hit hard.

As a result, executives were divided on the issue in favor of leaving London and staying. Opinions differed as to where to go if we left.

President Peter Kazuyo said.

“There is too much uncertainty in the UK. It is said that only warehousemen are making money now. Companies that import products from the EU are stockpiling enough to burst their warehouses, and French and German companies that import products from the UK are the same.

What the economy hates the most is uncertainty.

I’d rather react if the worst happens, but I can’t do this or that because I don’t know what will happen.

In this situation, Belgium, the Netherlands, France and Germany have offered various benefits to attract British companies.

The EU is the UK’s largest trading partner. Although Brexit has been decided, as can be seen from the Northern Ireland issue alone, there are a number of issues that need to be resolved.

The UK has made it clear that once it leaves the EU, it will retain the customs union. It means that the movement of manpower will be stopped but the movement of goods will continue. In other words, they will do what is advantageous to them and not what is unfavorable to them.

Of course, the EU cannot stand still and watch this kind of cherry-picking.

The EU has pressured the UK to pay the price if it wants to remain in the single market, and May has agreed with the EU to abide by its demands, including a £39 billion contribution.

The British House of Representatives rejected the agreement as humiliating, and Prime Minister May resigned in charge.

Former London Mayor Boris Kane became Prime Minister.

As a strong Brexit supporter, he pushed for a no-deal Brexit, saying he would not negotiate badly with the UK, and the EU said that there would be no further negotiations or delays in negotiations as the EU did.

He thought, ‘Will there be a no-deal Brexit?’, but to his surprise, it actually happened.

As this problem dragged on for more than three years, the politicians and the people seemed to be getting tired of being tired.

Now, there were many responses that they did not know why they voted or whether the UK is really leaving the EU.

President Kazuyo shook his head.

“If we voted again, it would be a completely different result. But now you can’t turn back time.”

As former Prime Minister May said, Brexit means Brexit. What else could there be?

A no-deal Brexit is not unique to the UK.

Considering the size of the economies of the UK and EU, if it becomes a reality, the global financial market will have a huge shock just like it did at the time of the referendum.

During the meetings at Akit headquarters, reporters followed me wherever I was.

It seemed like I was hoping for an answer or an answer to the UK’s future, just as I correctly predicted Brexit.

Whatever I say will be a big issue. Wouldn’t it be possible to throw England into chaos with just one word?

British politicians, businessmen and senator aristocrats have asked to meet. I declined all requests on the excuse that I had a schedule.

I actually have a schedule.

A letter had arrived at the hotel. The envelope was sealed by melting wax, and a seal was put on it. It was not written who sent it. When I opened it, it said ‘Welcome to England. G.R.’ was written on it.

Do the British really like classic things like this?

* * *

I escaped the reporters’ eyes and got into the car. Oliver Taylor, who was riding inside with the bodyguard, asked.

“Where to, sir?”

“There will be no leaks of where I am going or who I am meeting, right?”

“of course. The representative’s actions are kept strictly confidential.”

I gave the address.

“Please go here.”

Upon checking the address, Taylor was taken aback. But he ordered departure without asking anything.

The car headed to Aylesbury, the capital of Buckinghamshire.

About an hour later, we arrived in a small town a little far from the city center. A mansion was located on a hill in a quiet village.

The mansion was obscured by the surrounding trees.

To find the entrance, we had to walk around the barbed wire for a while. Two men were standing at the entrance.

“What are you doing?”

I said as I rolled down the window.

“Tell them that Jinhoo Kang has come.”

Those who checked my face immediately picked up the radio and contacted me somewhere and opened the iron door.

“Just follow the road and go inside.”

After passing through the iron gate, a huge garden opened up. It was lined with water fountains and statues, and well-maintained trees and flowers. And at the end of it stood a mansion that looked like it could only be seen in the Renaissance era.

It was a long way from the entrance to the mansion.

This mansion was built at the end of the 19th century.

At the time, the Rothschild family purchased over 200 acres of land and built it themselves. Later, other houses and castles, including the surrounding grounds, were donated to England.

However, the mansion was still owned by the Rothschilds.

It felt unrealistic for people to live in a place like this these days.

There are countless castles in Europe, and some are actually inhabited. Picasso also lived in the castle in his later years.

It’s not that difficult to buy a castle if you put your mind to it.

How would it feel to live in a place like this?

But living in a castle is very inefficient. There are also management issues, hot and cold air, indoor movement, etc.

In addition, it costs a lot of money to manage the spacious garden and mansion. Spending money on something like this is something you can do because you are rich.

The most inconvenient thing is the location.

Most castles are located on the outskirts or in the countryside, and transportation is inconvenient. So these days, the rich prefer penthouses in the middle of the city.

Well, it doesn’t matter if you don’t have to go out at all?

The car stopped while I was thinking.

I got out of the car. In front of the front door stood a young woman with a white man who appeared to be the butler.

Dressed in her blonde, pure white upholstery, she grabbed the ends of her skirt with both her hands and leaned her back slightly.

“welcome. Welcome to the Rothschild Mansion.”

* * *

Like the medieval exterior, the interior was not formidable.

A chandelier hangs from the high ceiling, a thick carpet is spread on the floor, and paintings that seem to have been seen from somewhere hang on the walls.

I followed Grace Rothschild down the long hallway. The mansion is in the form of a long stretch from east to west. It would take a year just to move from end to end.

How many people live in this spacious house?

She stopped her steps only at the end of her east wing. A vein recognition device is installed next to the door, and a CCTV is installed above it.

Apart from its old-fashioned appearance, it uses state-of-the-art equipment. After all, as long as humans have continued to live, it must have changed one by one with the development of civilization.

When I take out the smartphone, data and Wi-Fi are fine.

Her lock was unlocked as she raised her hand and pinched her veins. When I opened the door, I was greeted by the peculiar smell of old paper.

It was the library. No, it was more like a library than a study.

The bookshelf that reached the ceiling was lined with faded old books. The bookshelf was clean without a single dust, as someone regularly cleans it.

The desk and chair at the end were antique furniture that would have to be sent to a museum rather than to be used in real life.

“It’s rare for outsiders to come in here.”

“Should I call it an honor?”

She smiled.

“I am honored.”

I saw a faded book open in the glass case. The intricately written spelling is unreadable. Is it Latin?

“What is this book?”

Grace Rothschild said.

“It’s a Gutenberg Bible.”

“Ah… … .”

I thought I saw it somewhere, did I ever see it in a textbook?

“Is it real?”

“Does it look like a replica?”

It was a stupid question.

The Rothschild family has a history of 250 years.

In the meantime, they bought numerous paintings, sculptures, and cultural assets in Europe. Some of them were re-sold or donated to governments around the world, but many are known to still be in possession.

“Do you know about Johannes Gutenberg?”

I nodded.

“No one will know.”

In Korea, it is famous for making metal type. It is our ancestors who made the world’s first metal type, but it does not mean much.

Technology is more important than who invented it, but how it changed the world.

There is no particular history other than that metal movable type was first made in Goryeo. Because the scope of his influence on the world is small. But Gutenberg is the father of modern typography.

He discovered or created not only metal type, but also a printing press, paper suitable for printing, and ink suitable for printing.

The printing press produced in this way changed the entire history of mankind.(Read more @

Prior to the advent of the printing press, book production relied on transcription by skilled intellectuals, and the price of books was so high that only aristocrats and wealthy people could not access them. However, thanks to the printing press, the era of mass production was opened, and books were accessible to everyone.

The first book he printed with a press was the famous Gutenberg Bible.

Of course, its value is beyond imagination. Even if you put it up for auction right now, you could easily win over $10 million.

There are currently about 50 books left. Was one of them here?

“He wanted to make a printing press, but he didn’t have the money. Fortunately, a rich man named Johann Fustar lent the money, but he did not pay it back on time. Gutenberg, who lost his trial, lost all his printing press and technology, and went bankrupt, died a tragic end.”

The printing press is definitely a revolutionary technology.

However, new technologies do not directly translate into money. There are many cases in which competitors see the light of day after being hit by copying and releasing, or due to trial and error in the process of commercialization.

It would have been even more so in the past when the rate of technology diffusion was slow.

“There are a lot of great inventors in the world. Some of them succeeded and became wealthy, but most of them collapsed and disappeared. In the end, the ultimate winner is the investor with the capital. J.P. Morgan’s investment in Edison and Carnegie is a famous anecdote, and so are you.”

Daryl Sagan made electric cars, Toby Strong and Gerard Bacon made Face It, Professor Homin Kim made OTK batteries, and so on.

All of them have accomplished great things, but it was I who made the most money by investing my money in them.

“How about Rothschild?”

She smiled.

“So are we.”

As we were talking, a handsome young white man pushed in a wheelchair. But what caught my eye more was the old man sitting in a wheelchair.

A few strands of his pure white hair remained, and his wrinkled face was covered with age spots.

His stature was as small as a child’s, and his legs were small compared to his body and twisted at odd angles. He wasn’t hurt, but it seems like he’s been like that since birth.

He had an oxygen hose running through his nose. Without this help, he found it difficult to breathe on his own.

Nevertheless, he was dressed in a suit and even his shoes. What was surprising was his eyes. Contrary to his crumbling body, his eyes shone as clear as a boy.

There was even a sense of awe in such a sight.

He said hard in a voice as if scratching iron.

“Nice to meet you. I finally met you. My name is Grant Darrell Rothschild.”

He felt the same strong sense of incongruity as when he first met Grace. Is this person the head of a huge financial family called the Rothschilds?

I greeted politely.

“Nice to meet you. This is Jinhoo Kang.”

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