Chapter 435

Her words were completely unexpected.

I took control of my expression, but it must have been revealed that I was already shaking in my eyes.

“She looks like she didn’t even tell her. After all, it’s not easy to tell someone.”

“What do you mean?”

Grace Rothschild’s eyes lit up with interest.

“The man who had nothing, became the richest man in the world in five years. If it wasn’t for him, how would he be able to do it?”

“how… … .”

“You don’t have to hide it. I’ve known for a long time that you have that ability.”

“… … .”

What do you know about me?

“You deserve a higher rank than you are now.”

From the first meeting with her, I felt a strong sense of incongruity or alienation towards her. And only today did I seem to understand why.

Her gaze and expression seemed to be looking down at the world. It was as if I was living in a completely different world.

“Come to Buckinghamshire. I’ll tell you what you want to know.”

Buckinghamshire is home to the Rothschild family.

She bowed gracefully towards me.

“I will be waiting. So until then, you’ll be fine.”

Grace Rothschild turned her body and walked away. After she was completely gone, her surroundings became quiet.

She felt as if nothing had just happened to her.

As I stood there for a moment, someone tapped my shoulder.

“What are you doing here? You found it.”

She turned her head to see her Ellie standing there.

“Oh, I was resting for a while.”

Ellie stared at me.

“What’s wrong?”


“You look like you’re possessed by something.”

“Yeah, right?”

I smiled awkwardly, and Ellie hugged me.

“I had a lot of trouble preparing for the wedding. I have a good rest today.”

It felt soft to the touch and warm. He seemed somehow reassured.

I gave her strength to hold her in her hand.

“I see.”

* * *

The guests are all busy people.

When the wedding was over, the people who had business left, and those who did business here remained.

We decided to stay in Jeju Island until the weekend and then go up.

I dragged Taek-gyu into the hotel room and locked the door.

“What’s up?”

When I told him about what had happened before, Taek-gyu was surprised.

“What? Really? Somehow, when I saw the woman standing behind the ceremonial hall earlier, I thought she was that woman, but I guess she was right. But why did Rothschild come to my sister’s wedding?”

“I must have come because I was invited.”

She sent her invitation from Golden Gate to Rothschild, where she would represent her family.

Anyway, that’s not what’s important right now.

“Are you aware of your abilities?”


Taek-gyu crossed her arms and pondered.

“Didn’t it just float?”

“I don’t think so.”

When he looked at his eyes or expression when he spoke, he knew something.

“You are not the only one who says you have foresight. Isn’t that almost a recognized fact?”

As I said, the media have been talking about me for a long time as a ‘prophet’ or ‘a prophet’. Especially after Big One, it got worse.

As always, humans want to know the future.

In the past, shamans used to divide animals into fortune-telling, but now scientists, economists, and other experts are playing that role.

Just as investment and speculation are separate sheets of paper, so is prediction and foresight.

In the financial world, where information is directly connected to money, forecasting is more important than any other field. Whether interest rates will rise or fall, whether the economy will rise or fall, whether new technologies will succeed or fail, etc.

There are people in the world who have accurately hit the financial crisis. New York University professor Nouriel Roubini, Black Swan author Nassim Taleb, Science Capital founder Michael Barry, and more.

There was no special information only they knew. I just analyzed the indicators that anyone could see if they made up their mind.

Looking at the same indicators, some people noticed signs of a bubble burst, but most said they were fine. The same was true of financial experts, Nandinanda, and officials of the U.S. Treasury Department.

And the global financial crisis broke out.

After that, everyone changed their minds saying that before the collapse, various indicators were already pointing to the collapse of the bubble. Talking plausibly after work is something anyone can do.

Then, why did some people know and who didn’t see the same data?

The reason the financial market is difficult to predict is because there are so many variables at work. Just as the flapping of a butterfly’s wings in Brazil can cause tornadoes in the United States, so little variables can change everything.

Finding the truth in it isn’t just about being smart. We need something beyond that.

To others it is intuition, but to me it is a superpower.

One day, this superpower was born and gave me wealth and fame.

He made astronomical amounts of money in a short period of time, beating Warren Boat and many other famous investors to become the greatest investor of the 21st century.

“Say she knows your abilities. Doesn’t it change anything though?”

“It is.”

Unless it’s a superpower that uses physical power, there’s no way I can prove it, and there’s no way others can prove it.

But if what she really knows is correct, one question arises.

How the hell did you find out?

Of course, some people think I have intuition, but no one thinks I have superpowers.

At this point, I am also interested.

Rothschild is a regular protagonist of conspiracy theories. Surprisingly, however, it is a family that exists today and exerts enormous influence on the financial world.

Just as the Kennedy, Bush, and Underwood families are famous in the political world, there are also famous families with a deep history in the financial world.

The Morgan family who created JP Morgan and Morgan Stanley, the Goldman family who created Golden Gate, etc.

The most famous of these is, of course, the Rothschilds. Even if you have no interest in finance, you probably won’t know the name of the Rothschild.

If you are in the financial world, you will surely hear the name somewhere. But how many people know about it?

After learning about the Rothschilds, I was surprised by two things.

One is that too much is known, and the other is that little is known about the things that really matter.

Even what the media says is only superficial information that has not been verified as authentic. Exaggerated conspiracy theories made it more difficult to find the reality.

“Rothschild… … .”

* * *

I met Chairman Warren Boat with Taek-gyu.

Fortunately, he was due to leave tomorrow. Berkshire Cashier still holds tens of billions of dollars in cash and is struggling to find a suitable investment.

It is also investing in California restoration projects, and has shown interest in theme parks and complex resorts built by the Ceylon Hotel in Saemangeum.

After her wedding, President Lim Su-mi cannot rest and is meeting with IB, PEF, and SWF officials.

I asked him.

“Do you know anything about the Rothschilds?”

President Warren Boat nodded in surprise.

“If you are involved in the financial world, wouldn’t you be unaware of it? Why are you asking that all of a sudden?”

“I met that person before.”

He showed interest.

“Hey, what did you say?”

“You seem to be interested in me.”

He burst out laughing at my words.

“Haha, not just the Rothschilds, but any family, right? The Rockefellers, the Carnegies, the Coengs, everyone is showing interest in Mr. Kang.”

“Because of the money I have?”

“The Berkshire Cashier is currently a little under $600 billion. However, you are not free to decide how the money will be used. You have to keep an eye on the shareholders, and there are a lot of things to be concerned about. This is also true of Kanline Group and Redstone. But Mr. Kang is free to choose. If someone else had done the same thing to stop Big One, they would have been kicked out of the company right away.”

80% of OTK Company’s assets are mine. On the other hand, the hundreds of billions of dollars of operating funds held by IBs and PEFs are money invested by someone.

If so, whose money is it?

“As for the Rothschilds, Charlie probably knows better than I do.”

He called Vice President Charlie Bain.

After a while, Vice-President Bain entered the room after the meeting was over. He was wearing horn-rimmed glasses with a plump, round face.

He looked like a brother to President Warren Boat next to him. If we run a company together for a long time and make investments, will we start to resemble each other?

Upon hearing my story, Vice-President Bain’s eyes lit up like a child.

“It seems that Rothschild has reached out to the CEO as well. They traditionally value talent. We put a lot of effort into that.”(Read more @

“What is the size of Rothschild’s assets?”

“No one knows for sure. I’m just estimating that it’s probably more than $1 trillion and less than $2 trillion. Even this is not certain.”

Henry said the same thing.

Again, it fell far short of the $50 trillion that conspiracy theories are talking about. After all, if you have $50 trillion in assets, no matter how much you diversify it, it won’t go unnoticed.

It is still an unimaginable amount, but it is impossible to dominate the entire financial world to this extent.

“But the power of the Rothschilds doesn’t just come from the assets they own.

“of course?”

“The connections and influence they have in the political and financial circles of the United States and Europe. Maybe you can say something like this. It is the force that can move capital in one direction.”

I pondered those words.

Vice President Bain continued.

“Just as water flows from a high place to a low place, money has the property of moving toward a place of high profit. If you can control that flow, you can do a lot. George Soros Didn’t he show it to you once?”

When George Soros, the head of the Quantum Fund, said he was attacking the Bank of England, everyone laughed.

No matter how brilliant a hedge-fund manager he was, he rushed to the central bank of the British Empire because it seemed like an egg.

But he wasn’t alone. When he launched his attack, a number of hedge funds sided with him and moved in one direction.

A drop of water is nothing, but when it is collected, it becomes a river and a sea. And moving in one direction at a time can cause a tsunami.

The Bank of England, which was caught up in it, collapsed helplessly.

“The Rothschilds have maintained their wealth and influence for 250 years. You know how great this is.”


100 years is longer than you think. The period of 250 years spans from modern times to modern times and to the present moment.

Just listing what happened in Europe in the meantime is the equivalent of dozens of books. Small things aside, the world went through two world wars, the Great Depression, and the financial crisis.

Every time a crisis broke out, many companies and families collapsed and collapsed. But Rothschilds are still Rothschilds.

How was this possible?

Vice President Bain said with a bitter smile.

“When you think about it, it’s really strange. The Rothschilds have been subjected to numerous attacks as they have long dominated Europe’s financial system. There have been times when the family was split or nearly destroyed. But I managed to avoid the crisis as if I had foreseen it, and in the process I gained greater wealth.”

As soon as I heard those words, something popped into my mind.

Taek-gyu and I looked at each other with a surprised expression.

surely… … ?

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