Chapter 434

The marriage between the successor of Golden Gate, the world’s largest IB, and the 3rd largest shareholder of OTK Company.

As it was the wedding of the century, global attention poured in. The people who gather at the wedding hall are celebrities who can be recognized just by hearing their names, or are key figures in the financial world who can move tens of billions of dollars with a single word.

South Korea’s opposition parliamentarians and provincial and provincial governors have secretly informed them of their intention to attend.

I don’t have any personal acquaintances, I don’t do business with Golden Gate, so I don’t know why I’m coming to someone else’s wedding.

Taegyu said.

“Would you like to have a course meal?”

“no. You want to shake hands with celebrities and take pictures.”

Wouldn’t it be nice to post a picture on the face note and then publicize the voters that they worked hard to attract investment?

I turned it down because I couldn’t find a seat because it was obvious. In fact, there were not enough seats, so the people who were invited now also picked and selected them.

Then, even though they clearly said no, they sent wreaths from various places. President Lim Su-mi placed the wreaths well out of sight.

Professor Ho-Min Kim came along with Professor Myung-Jun Kim and Professor Se-Myung Jang, as well as Professor Hyeon-Joo’s sister’s college days.

I told Professor Homin Kim.

“Take it easy. Would you like to win another Nobel Prize?”

“Give it, you should get it.”

Even the money that comes in from OTK battery royalties is money that can’t be used for the rest of your life. Nevertheless, the reason I’m working hard on research like this is not because of money or fame, but because of my greed as a researcher.

It is natural for investors to rush when an opportunity to make money arises, and researchers to rush when they see results.

Professor Mohan and Carey are in school right now, so Professor Petrov was unable to come because he was at the TWR construction site in Kaliningrad, and instead sent congratulations.

The CEOs of Carlos, Face It, M Pizza, and OTK Games were also busy, so they deliberately did not invite them, and decided to contact them separately later.

Ambassadors from different countries also attended. Princess Anneke came with the Norwegian ambassador, and Hana Yang accompanied CL Chem’s president Yang Ho-young and his wife and CL group chairman Yang Jun-mo.

And Min Ha-young came alone late. He is cute in his small stature and wearing big glasses. She also dresses modestly.

It was such a luxurious wedding, and there were far more foreigners than Koreans.

Min Ha-young looked around her with a withdrawn expression.

“Hey, can I really come here?”

“What can’t be done? Eat well and congratulate my sister. Hana-san and Anneke were placed at the same table.”

“uh? Isn’t that guy a movie star?”

“right. David Bishop.”

Hollywood top star David Bishop was with his lover Sasha Alexandrova.

Min Ha-Young shook her head.

“Great. i’m a fan I’ve seen all David’s movies.”

Taegyu said.

“Would you like to greet me?”

“Is that okay?”

If not at this place, when will we meet separately?

After Taek-gyu went and said a few words, David Bishop, who was talking with other people, came over to us.

Min Ha-young bowed her head in surprise.

“Good morning. I am a fan.”

It’s in Korean, but it seems like you understand it.

Min Ha-young took out her cell phone.

“Blood, picture, please?”

David Bishop was happy to take a picture with her, and she liked it.

Her mother, Taek-gyu, went to the bride’s waiting room with her mother.

“Sumi-san is so busy that it’s hard to talk to her.”

Sumi Lim, the president of the company, is giving instructions around the site so that there are no mistakes in her customer service.

“By the way, when are you going to do it?”


My mother spoke in a low voice so that others could not hear.

“You should get married soon. How long are you going to keep Ellie waiting?”

I nodded.

“Do not worry. I will do it soon.”


“I’ve thought of everything.”

After her wedding, she plans to go to Hong Kong, her hometown of Ellie, to propose with a view of the sea.

Of course she doesn’t know Ellie yet.

My mother was taken aback by my words.

“Think of it, son.”

* * *

The governor of New York and the mayor of New York came together. New York, as we all know, has Wall Street, the center of global finance.

Governor Copper told me jokingly.

“Shouldn’t the OTK Company also be moving to Wall Street soon?”

I also took it as a joke.

“The rent there is too expensive. Let’s raise some more money.”

“Hahaha, if you come, I’ll add it even if it’s taken from my paycheck.”

Group members in their 10s also came. In the Suseong Group, head of the company Kwon Young-cheol and Seoseong SB President Lee Soo-hak came to take the place of the absence of the head of the group, and in the Eunsung car group, where the Eunsung car had fallen, Eunseong RT president Kim Hwan-jin attended.

Yuri brought her father, Vice Chairman Shin Byung-doo and Chairman Ryu Cheol-gyun, along with her. Both of them had already been to Jeju Island three days ago and met with officials from the sovereign wealth fund.

The return of a private equity fund is directly related to the size of the fund. RCK Bros plans to establish a Regional Fund to invest in Asia, such as China and Japan, in the near future.

It is difficult to list all successful mergers and acquisitions so far, so everyone showed interest.

“Thank you for coming.”

“Thank you for inviting us.”

Then an old gentleman wearing a hat and holding a staff appeared. Even in England around the end of the 19th century, it would not be strange to have a wonderful and profound appearance.

Golden Gate CEO James C. Goldman. He had just been in the room for a meeting with others and came down after it was over.

Next to him was an elderly couple. He is now retired as the former head of Asia at Chase Southwell. To his older sister, Hyun-joo, it is nothing less than a gift.

We met after a long time and greeted each other warmly. In addition, many celebrities have come.

In the past, when I first met these people, I was nervous, but now I feel comfortable as if I was just meeting someone I knew.

Is it because I grew up in the meantime?

“I was okay from the beginning.”

“You were also nervous when you met Shigeru Ichakawa.”

“Well, Shigeru Ong is a legend. I am still writing a new legend.”

Everyone has someone they respect.

Thinking like that, for a moment people’s attention was focused. Warren Boat, president of Berkshire Cashier, appeared with an old man of the same age.

“Five! CEO Kang Jin-hoo!”

President Warren Boat took my hand and waved it warmly.

“You have worked hard to come a long way.”

“Heh heh, it’s been a while. This guy next to me is Charlie Bane.”

I’ve met Bot on a few occasions, and I do communicate occasionally, but this is the first time I’ve met Charlie Bain.

Chairman Boat and Vice Chairman Bain do not leave Edens, where Berkshire Cashier’s headquarters is located, and do not appear at outside events. Since both of them are in their late 80’s, it’s not easy to make a long-distance flight here.

As such, it is a great thing to have come all the way to Korea to attend a wedding.

“It is an honor to meet you. This is Jinhoo Kang.”

“Nice to meet you, CEO Kang Jin-hoo. I have always wanted to meet you, but today is that day.”

“no. I should have found you sooner.”

He is not well known in Korea, but he is also a famous investor as much as Warren Boat.

From the point of view of direct investment, you can see how great these two are.

If you’re lucky, it might be possible to make a few hundred percent profit at some point, but it’s hard for anyone to make a steady 20 percent return for decades.

I was naturally admired for having built the world’s best investment company without any ability like foresight.

* * *

We headed to the bride’s waiting room.

Hyun-joo’s older sister, who wore contact lenses instead of glasses, wore bridal makeup, and wore a pure white wedding dress, exuded a completely different charm than usual.

Taehyung was amazed.

“Wow! My sister is really pretty today.”

Hyunjoo noona made a slight impression.

“Are you kidding me?”

“I’m serious.”

I nodded.

“I think so.”

The atmosphere was calm and elegant rather than flashy.

She took a deep breath as if trying to calm her heart.

“I thought it would be okay, but somehow I’m trembling.”

i told my sister

“Looking earlier, Henry was also trembling.”

Perhaps now is the most important moment in her life. Marrying someone would be like that.

Hyunjoo noona looked at us with warm eyes.

“Thank you everyone. Thanks to this, I met Henry, gave birth to Gun-i, and got married like this. If it wasn’t for you, I wouldn’t know if there was such happiness, and I might have been working alone even now. Especially Oh Taek-gyu.”

“Huh? I?”

“I was worried that I didn’t study Hara and only played games and watched anime, but I’ve grown up to be so wonderful. Thank you so much.”

“No, what… … .”

Taek-gyu was embarrassed by his sister’s compliment, so he looked elsewhere for no reason.

Water dripped down the black horn-rimmed glasses.

“Are you crying?”

Taek-gyu shook his head at my question.

“Don’t cry.”

“It seems like everyone is crying.”

“Wow! Do you know how I feel about letting my sister marry me?”

“… … .”

Anyone who sees it would think that he is a father sending his daughter in marriage. By the way, Taek-gyu’s father, who is sending his daughter in marriage, is smiling.

Without saying a word, I tapped Taek-gyu’s shoulder.

* * *

There is nothing that is not of the highest quality, from wedding decorations to props and meals.

Among them, what President Su-mi Lim paid particular attention to was the meal. For this, she says, she has personally selected and ordered expensive ingredients from around the world since a month ago.

Indeed, it is a luxurious wedding that can not be compared with the world’s richest or Hollywood stars.

Taek-gyu was satisfied and nodded his head.

“Great. If it’s my sister’s wedding, it should be like this.”

He is a good little brother who always thinks of his older sister.

Throughout the wedding, four cameras filmed every scene without missing a single scene. Again, the best filming team was recruited, and cameras that could almost be used for filming were mobilized.

Throughout the wedding ceremony, Geon-i was standing next to the two of them.

Having a wedding with a child may not be known in a foreign country, but it is not common in Korea. Later, when you grow up and watch your parents’ wedding video, you’ll be surprised that he was there.

The two held hands and kissed, and the guests clapped in unison.

Taek-gyu was crying again, and Elly was also in tears.(Read more @

“I’m glad that both of you are happy.”

Meeting the person you love and spending the rest of your life together is such a great thing. I grabbed Ellie’s hand and she smiled.

* * *

I ran out of the building to avoid people. When I said hello and shook hands, my throat was sore and my hands were tingling.

In fact, his right hand was swollen and red.

If you go back inside, they will talk to you without a break. I took a breather for a while, and then someone approached me.

Blonde hair that fell to her waist and blue eyes. She wore a green chiffon dress with heels, and lace gloves on her hands. Her face is pretty like a doll, and her skin is pure white.

It is an appearance that attracts attention just by being there, even though it is not decorated glamorously.

When did you come? I guess I didn’t see you until the wedding started.

She said with her blue eyes shining.

“Nice to meet you, Kang Jin-hoo. It’s been a long time since we were.”

A British accent goes well with her clear voice.

“What’s going on here?”

“Because I was invited. Our family has a long history of dealing with Golden Gate.”

If you think about it, it’s normal.

How many places in the financial world don’t do business with Rothschilds, given the size of their investments and the banks they own?

I saw my opponent.

The first time I met her was at JP Morgan’s headquarters on Wall Street. And she met again in Oslo, Norway.

Is this the third time?

“I was waiting for a call. Have you lost the business card I gave you?”

I looked at her and asked.

“She doesn’t really need to contact me,” she said.

“Ok? I have a lot of things I want to say to you.”

“What are you talking about?”

She pondered as she tilted her head slightly to the side.

“Hmm, what about our future?”

What is this all of a sudden?

I answered as before.

“I have a lover.”

She smiled faintly.

“I know. She is the woman who received the bouquet earlier.”

She took one step closer to me.

“How much does she know about you?”

What else does this mean?

I said absurdly.

“At least I know more than you.”

Grace Rothschild laughed out loud at my words.

“You really think so? So, do you know about that ability you have?”

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