Today is March 14th.

Yes, it's White Day.

"This, Valentine's Day payback"

"Well. Thank you, Song Yu."

Rinhua smiled joyfully and received a reward from me.

And I said, "Can I open it?" I snort at her.

This is a slightly expensive Italian restaurant.

I made an appointment for her that she likes Italians.

So at the time of finishing my meal, I was able to give you back what I was worried about when to give it to you.

Valentine's Day payback seriously bothered me about what to do.

I thought I'd make it a treat, like last year, but it's our first White Day as lovers. I want to give you something that stays in shape, not something that disappears like a treat.

That's what I thought, and this year I decided to give you some accessories.

"Well......! Kuma, cute necklace......!

"Think it looks good on you."

What I chose was a pink gold coated necklace in the shape of a heart.

It's a very cute design and looks good on Rinhua. Looking at it, I was eagerly recommended by the clerk to buy it.

When I opened the box, I was also told that I could wrap a small beard peeking at my face, and I thought I might like Rinhua, so I got wrapped up with it.

Rinhua is happy and satisfied as expected.

"Thank you, Song Yu. You can wear it all the time."

"... Why don't you take it personally?

Rinhua shrugged and laughed when I turned away from Rinhua.

"... Speaking of which, I said thank you because Misaki took care of you on Valentine's Day..."

"... oh"

Rinhua leans her neck strangely and tells me.

I remember what happened the day before Valentine's Day and I looked away.

"... what did you take care of?

"Misaki told me to teach you how to make sweets."

"Well, Misaki made sweets?

Rinhua opens her eyes like a surprise.

That would be so. Even I was surprised.

I told Rinhua about that day...

"What? You want me to tell you how to make sweets?

Suddenly Misaki summoned me and asked me to teach her how to make sweets with a serious face.

"Really? It's Valentine's Day, isn't it? Rinhua made me some handmade treats last year, didn't she? So I thought I'd do some handmade stuff this year. But when I think about it, I've never made sweets... Rinhua told me that Rinhua was also taught to make them by Yudo, so I thought I'd ask her to do it."

"Misaki makes sweets..."

I got a little worried.

Misaki is stubborn that once she decides to pierce it, and I'm sure she won't give up making sweets to see Misaki's expression right now.

I sighed and stared at Misaki, coming to the conclusion that it would be better for Misaki if I had properly monitored and supervised him rather than being made something I refused to do here.

Teach Misaki to make confectionery, which is not to mention making confectionery, and would never even have a knife properly. Must be a tough task.

But I am determined to do the work for you. [M]

I'm the one who gets sick and gets in trouble. It must be easier to monitor and supervise Misaki's confectionery making than to take care of Misaki.

"... ok. However, you must do what I say. If that's a promise, I'll tell you."

"Yes, of course. So thank you."

That's what Misaki said, smiling and bowing her head to me.

Take Misaki home and rent a kitchen.

Most ingredients are always available, so you can make anything.

But if it's something a beginner makes, I'd like something simple.

So I decided to make cookies.

"I'm going to make cookies. It's nothing, is it?

"Yeah. I wouldn't complain if it was handmade. I really wanted to make something more elaborate, but I'm a beginner."

Misaki nodded seriously and stared at me with a serious look.

"So, what do I do first?"

"Start by washing your hands"

Me and Misaki, wearing aprons and triangular scarves, wash their hands thoroughly.

Then prepare plates, balls and ingredients and arrange them on the table.

"This is the ingredient for cookies. Thin powder, unsalted butter, sugar, eggs, and chocolate chips"

I point to the ingredients one at a time and give them their names.

Misaki stares seriously at what I point to and squeals her ingredient name small.

"First, measure the material according to the quantity with this measure. Making sweets is important in terms of quantity, so don't make mistakes about quantity."

"Yeah, okay. First, yeah. All the way... thin powder? Could it have been...... 240g of this......"

I waited for Misaki to put a plate on top of the gauge and try to gauge the thin powder with a careful hand.

"Misaki, we need to get the metered memory to 0"

"Huh? 0 memory...?

"You have to pull the weight off the plate, don't you? Press here to get to 0..."

Carefully explained from scratch, Misaki listens to it seriously.

I repeat that task several times and finally finish weighing the ingredients.

I'm so tired here alone.

The knife's hand when cutting the butter was dangerous and harassing, he failed to break the eggs, and he shelled them in a grand... well, he did everything that was common to beginners.

I thought I might have licked the boxed lady a little.

"Next sift the thin powder (...) ……"

"You can shake the thin powder (...), right?

That said, Misaki waved a small ball with thin powder to the left and right in momentum.

I explain to Misaki that I hurry to stop it and not shake it.

Shake, Misaki tilts her neck wonderfully, not sure what that means.

I take out the sieve and teach Misaki in practice that this means sieve.

Misaki looked seriously at where I was sifting the thin powder.

I don't know what to do, I'm losing confidence that I can do it well......

I zeroed my sigh so Misaki wouldn't find out.

"Stir the butter back to room temperature until it looks white in the hand mixer."


"Hey, Misaki!? Be more polite..."

"It's turning white! Next thing you know, you put sugar in it, right?

"Yes, but wait a minute..."

"Yasuyu, the eggs..."

"No, so wait..."

Repeating headache interactions, I managed to complete the fabric and the work proceeded to the point where I put it to sleep in the fridge.

Honestly, I want to throw a spoon already.

But Misaki is serious. I seriously make sweets.

Well, all I had to do was unmold and bake, and I was optimistic that I could figure it out...



"... Um"

"... how can this happen...?

I finished putting the dough to sleep and went into the task of stretching the dough and unplugging it.

I went in, but when Misaki pulls out the mold, for some reason, she can create a mysterious object that doesn't keep the shape of the mold.

Something that is originally in the form of a heart or a star can take the form of a snake or an unidentified organism.

In a way, I wonder if this is a kind of talent, and I think of it as an escape from reality.

"... I wonder if I have the gift of making sweets..."

"No, because it's not that level of talent or anything..."

I can't help but laugh at Misaki, who drops her shoulder as a jerk.

"Why don't we just round it up? I think it's more hand-crafted in a snobby shape."


"At least, I think so. Besides, you're not in shape, are you? It makes sense that Misaki made it so hard."

"Yasuyu...... thanks. I'll do my best."


Misaki regains her temper and challenges her out of shape again.

Then, until just now, a mysterious object is arranged out of its beautiful shape as if it were a lie.

I quickly finished pulling my shoulders out and all I had to do was bake them.


"Yay... I'm done!

"Oh, tired, Misaki"

"Good luck with Yasuyu. Thanks for letting me know. You made some delicious cookies!

Misaki smiled and thanked me.

I replied, "Good for you," and watched Misaki wrap it up.

I wondered if I didn't have to taste it or anything, but I decided to believe that I didn't have the wrong amount and probably would be fine.

And Misaki smiles and offers me one of those bags with cookies in it.

"Yes, early in the day, but it's Valentine's Day."

"... to me?

Misaki snorts.

I said "thank you" and received a bag of cookies.

Misaki stares at me with glitter.

You mean eat. Is that what you're telling me to taste this?

I felt the cold sweat dripping, and I took the cookies and put them in my mouth.


"I wonder, is it delicious?

I make a smile so it doesn't get unnatural, and I say, "... it's delicious."

Misaki smiled Paa softly, good, holding her chest down.

I stare at the cookies at hand.

Oh, my God, this cookie doesn't taste good.

I was surprised to eat it. Is there any kind of cookie that doesn't taste good? No, this is what I'm doing here.

I don't feel the flavor of butter, the taste of eggs, the sweetness of sugar, the sweetness of chocolate chips, anything.

Just something with a cookie texture.

...... weird.

The portions should have been perfect. And yet why did this happen?

But, well, it's not that it just doesn't taste bad. It's not like eating and harming, and I thought, okay.

The people who get this cookie from Misaki tomorrow will be surprised.

In this way, I was able to finish making Misaki sweets.

"... that's why"

"... well. That tasteless cookie was handmade by Misaki...... I was just wondering if my bad luck hit a tasteless cookie."

"... there's no way that's happening"

Rinhua's natural mess made me weak.

But Rinhua said, "Really?" and lean his neck. I thought it was blunt, but I didn't think it was that far.

If I am weak, Rinhua will do something with you.

I wonder what you're doing, and if you look back at Rinhua, Rinhua was about to wear the necklace I gave her earlier.

But they can't put the chain on well.

I couldn't help but take a seat and pull the chain around behind Rinhua.

Rinhua then said, "Thank you," looking up at me.

"What do you say, Mr. Yasuyu? Does it look good on you?

Rinhua is so adorable.

Impulsively I took that lip.

"Soo, Song Yu......!

Rinhua's face, which looks at me with her lecturing eyes, is red, its initial reaction is so adorable, I laugh all the time, holding back the urge to touch its lips more.

"It's your fault now."

"Is it my fault......!?

I give Rinhua another present to surprise her.

"This, another gift"

"Is this... a key?

Rinhua compares me to the key in a strange way.

What I gave Rinhua was the key to an apartment.

Spare keys, not master keys.

"I'm supposed to live alone next month."

"Huh? Really...?

"My father told me that I could do a lot of things by myself..."

"Well, did you...... So, could this key be...?

"The key to that room. Next time, I'll tell you where, come whenever you want."

When she told him so, Rinhua stared seriously at the key, and clenched the key with joy.

"... I'm glad. Kind of like her..."

"It's like her, not her."

When I said it in a disloyal voice, she laughed, hehe.

"Right. So, can I ask you to cook dinner next time? Actually, I'm learning to cook."

"... cooking?

Rinhua nods a little shy when I look surprised and listen back.

"I started it for a different purpose at first... hehe, glad to have a useful day"

"Different purpose...?

"Oh, don't worry about it, it's about this one."

She says like she panicked.

I was a little curious, but you didn't even tell me, so I decided to give up asking.

"Hmm... well, I guess I'll look forward to your handicrafts"

When I told her that, she smiled and said, "I'll do my best," as she stuck.

Honestly, living alone was a hundred million robberies, but if you can eat her handicrafts, living alone isn't bad either.

Besides, if you live alone, you won't get in the way.

I began to feel excited about my new life from spring.

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