One day as early as a week after graduation.

I was twitching all the time.

Peek into the mirror over and over again and check for anything weird.

To Lotus Look staring at me with a smiley face, I ask a question so repetitive that I don't know how many times it will be today.

"Master Lotus. What do you think? Isn't this outfit weird?

It's not weird.

"How's your hair?

"It's okay."

"Lady Lotus, this..."

- Rinhua.

I was softly checking everywhere. I looked up and stared at Lotus.

Lotus smiles bitterly and hugs me, and whispers.

"Calm down. It's okay. It's really cute."


I feel my face turn red and lean down.

I always get at this distance that I still can't be.

But when you're in Lotus Watch's arms, you're very calm.

"Calm down?

"Yes... sorry for the disturbance"

Freed from the arms of Lotus Watch, I am ashamed to show my reddened face and apologize to Lotus Watch as I leaned down.

"By the way."

To Lotus Watch's words, I slowly raise my face.

There was a Lotus View face with a very nice smile.

"When will you call me by name, and you?


I open my eyes and blink deliberately with my pussy.

No, I didn't forget. Yeah, I didn't forget.

I just hesitate to call you by name because I've always called you Lotus Seeing.

Yes, even if he so wished.

"Hey, Rinhua?

"Ha, yes... what is it"

"Call me by name"

"What. Um... that. My heart is ready..."

"If you don't tell me, I'll punish you, okay?

Punishment, and...?

Shit, what's that scary about?

But I'm ashamed to call you by name, and I'm not used to it.

"If I don't call you by the time I count five, I'll punish you. To………………………"

I'm in a hurry for the countdown that all of a sudden started.

Shit. I don't know how to treat you. Make up your mind, me!

"Oh, Yasuyu-san!

Lotus looked very satisfied when I shook my whole body power and called my name.

This spared me the punishment. Good......

"... you can't call me 'Lotus Seeker' to see my parents from now on, can you? They're all lotus eyes."

"Ah... right"

I nod convincingly.

This is Lotus View's home, and from now on I'm supposed to meet Lotus View's parents.

Because that's the promise that's been made since the combination.

Bringing someone who thinks Lotus View is this guy by the time he graduates, in front of Lotus View's parents.

That's the promise Lotus and your parents made.

And if the person is suitable for your parents' glasses, then sunshine entitles the person to engage Lotus View.

I'm in charge of that.

If I'm not suitable for Lotus View's parents glasses then we...

I squeeze the back I had in my hand.

Then Lotus Michi graciously held my hand.

"Because it's okay. Because you don't have to worry so much."


"Take it easy, they're not that tough."

"But if I do something weird..."

"It's okay, because you're weird originally. Don't worry, I told my parents."


Is this something to be thankful for?

No, it's a good place to get mad, right? Isn't that right?

"Well, it's a joke"

"Yasuyu-san... do you know there are good and bad things to say?

I glance at Lotus with a tingle on my cheek.

"... nervous, sounds like you've solved it, huh?

"Ah...... yeah. In shame."

Anger blew up nervousness, yeah.

But I'm sure this is also part of Lotus View's calculations.

When I thought so, I heard a knock on the door.

When Lotus Michi replied, someone somewhat familiar came into the room with a gratuity. Is he about his age in his mid-twenties? A man with a very sweet face. I do look familiar, but I don't know who it was.

"Master Yasuyu, we are ready"

"Okay. Well, good to see you."

"I'm in awe. Please, this way."

I stare at his hindsight guiding us through graceful motion. I stare at you with so much eyesight that I think you might be staring.

I wonder who it was. He's not coming out even though he's going to be out in a little while. Wow, I'm so tired of it.

"... what are you staring at?

"I'm not staring. I just thought it looked familiar, so I was just following my memory."

Ryunosuke?... Oh "

Think a little, Lotus looks up as convinced. I wonder what convinced you.

"Ryunosuke is the son of the coffee shop owner I often go to."

"Ah. Um, the store owner's... I see you look familiar in the street. You look just like me."

When I said that, he turned around and turned to me and replied with a gentle grin similar to that of the store owner, "I am often told".

"That shopkeeper - Wada, but Wada opened that store because Ryunosuke inherited Wada's tracks. He said it was Wada's long-standing dream to open a coffee shop."

"Well, it is."

"Yeah, it is. My father always said he wanted to open a coffee shop... his dream came true and now he seems to have a lot of fun every day"

"That's a good thing."

Walking around talking like that, I quickly arrived in the room of interest.

Lotus House is very large. It's bigger than my house. So much so that I wonder how many rooms there are.

While in doubt, my heart rate soars due to tension.

Calm down, calm down, me.

Lotus said it was okay, so it's okay. You just have to be natural.

Su Ha - and I just took a deep breath, Ryunosuke knocks on the door.

I hear a response from inside, put it down for a beat and then go into the room.

"Excuse me. Sir, ma'am. I've brought Song Yu and the lady with me."

"Oh, thank you for the guide"

It was Lotus Seeing's father who said so and answered.

Same as when we met at a Christmas party before, it's Dundee.

After all, it does not resemble a lotus look, but it is a very cool uncle no matter how many times I look at it.

I enter the room following Lotus View.

"Excuse me."

I beg your pardon.

Your uncle looks at me and laughs.

"Hey, you've come a lot, Rinhua. Since last year's Christmas party, I guess?

"We are out of time, Lotus Mistress"

"Yeah, you're prettier than before"

"No, no..."

When I smile, I say "Dad" with a face that the next lotus look doesn't seem interesting.

My uncle glanced at such a lotus look, "It's nice to be young," he said in a father's stinking dialogue. But even if your dandy uncle says a father smells like dialogue, it's just cool. I wonder why.

"- Sounds fun, folks? I want you to join me."

Turning toward a clear voice like a bell, there was a woman there who looked just like Lotus.

From sitting next to your uncle, I guess this guy is Lotus' mother, but he's a lot younger. Young enough to work even when I say Lotus Watch's sister.

"Hey, Yasuyu. Introduce her to me?

"Yes, Mother, this is the one she promised"

"Nice to meet you. My name is Rinha Kaguraki. Thank you for inviting us today. It's boring, if you don't mind."

That being said, what I offered was a mother's push of shortcake. The cream is thick and delicious.

Lotus Michi's mother thanked me very happily for taking the time to say thank you.

We talked about not taking it away from there, and when my nervousness was reasonably resolved, Lotus Michi's mother made a bomb statement.

"By the way, when will Rinhua come to your wife?

Buh, I managed to get close to blowing out the tea I was drinking, and the tea got in the weird spot. Lotus eyes gently rub my back against my gobble.

My uncle looks a little troubled and smiles at Lotus Mother.

"I'm still in the mood."

"I wonder...? But you can always come to your daughter-in-law, okay? I'm so excited to wait."

"I'm not even engaged yet, Mother..."

"Oh. Well, let's get engaged."

To the second bomb statement today, once again I flush my tea to a strange place. I knew Lotus would be gentle on my back.

Lotus Michi's mother and uncle have just spoken to Kaguraki... what a discussion.

... I'm kind of too busy talking all of a sudden to be sure, but is this okay with me being able to admit it to my uncles?

As I thought about it, the door opened in momentum.

When we looked at the door at the same time, it was a woman who seemed to be standing there in her early twenties or so. He's a very beautiful man. It looks a lot like Lotus View, rather than a woman like the female version of Lotus View.

Seeing the woman, Lotus looked distorted in fear for a moment.

The woman looked over at the room, and when she and I met each other, she smiled very beautifully.

And Lotus sight and Lotus sight's parents held me blindly.

What happened?

"Well! How cute!! Oh, I can't believe I'm getting such a cute kid anymore... and I'm going to play Yuki. I'll give you a compliment."

"Hey sister... why are you here"

"It's my house. Would it be weird if I were here?

"No, that's not true... but my sister is studying abroad now..."

"You're Rinhua, aren't you? You said our Yoshiyu was bothering you, right? I'm sorry."

Before Lotus could finish, your sister turned to me, smiling and talking to me. I want to applaud the strength of the heart talking to you without moving at all, even though Lotus Watch is staring at your sister behind it and your sister should have noticed it too. I can't do that. Should I say that's my sister and brother?

I reply because I can't ignore my sister while I see Lotus.

"Yes, no...... no. I'm more of a nuisance..."

"Well, do you? But I think that would be cuter. Oh, you haven't introduced yourself yet. Lianmi Qin Ye (is). Song Yu's sister. And your future sister-in-law. Nice to meet you."

"... sister, will you not ignore me? And Rinhua is in trouble."

Hold me as Lotus takes me back from your sister.

Then the loser and sister also held me, and I was in a state of lotus sight and my sister's board pinching.

"It's okay, because Yasuyu can always see Rinhua! I rarely come home, do I? Give way to your sweet, beautiful sister as you are today."

"Where is someone like that? You don't look like me."

"Well. Yasuyu's eyes are a pity, poor thing. Hey, Rinhua doesn't think so either?

"Huh? Um..."

As I wandered my gaze in difficulty in responding, Lotus Seeing's parents glanced at me.

"Here, harp leaves and music blessings. Rinhua-san is in trouble, so stop it. Rinhua, I'm so sorry."

"Yes, no..."

I manage to make a smile and answer.

Our sister and brother are very close, but Lotus Seeing seems to have a lot of fights. But it doesn't really feel sinister, so I guess we're close enough to fight.

Then we exchanged harp leaves and we had a nice cup of tea.

Mr. Qin Ye was a very bright and sociable lovely person, and the addition of Mr. Qin Ye made the story even more exciting, and I was totally able to break the tension and make normal bickering.

The most exciting story is about Lotus Michi's childhood. Listening to Lotus Watch, which I don't know, makes me feel awkward. Lotus was looking very bad and her ears were a little red.

Such a good time for tea was quickly over, and my uncles said they had plans after this, and as they spared their goodbyes, they said away, "I'll tell your father about the engagement," he said.

Mr. Qin Ye said he had business too, and he left the room with his uncles. "Let's have tea together next time," he said as he left, and I smiled and replied, "I'm looking forward to it".

The rest of me exhales unexpectedly.

"Look, you were all right"

"Yes, you have a very nice family."

"... well, quite so"

Lotus Mitsu answered looking a little illuminated.

Such a lotus look was so adorable, I zeroed my grin.

"Uh... what do we do? You want to go somewhere or something?

Lotus saw changed the subject to delude.

"Where do you want to go, sir?

Suddenly you say you want to go, but you can't think of it right away.

I thought a little and then I answered.

"... you know, I wish I could... I'd like to see Yasuyu-san's room"

"My room? Nothing..."

Lotus looked strange, but she gave me pleasure.

I wanted to see it for once. Where Lotus is spending every day.

"Go ahead?"

"I'm sorry to bother you"

And guided by Lotus View, I stepped into Lotus View's private room. The size of the room is no different than my room.

The interior of the room was like a lotus view, a very simple one. The furniture made of monotone seems to be a lotus look.

The image of only the minimum amount of furniture I needed was in me, but I felt very surprised that there was an electronic piano on the larger bookshelf and corner of the room.

"Electronic piano...... do you play or not?

"My sister influenced me to learn piano when I was a little girl. I still play it every now and then. It's the main product of our company."

The company at Lotus House handles musical instruments. Musical instruments, whether taken from the name of Lotus View or marked with lotus marks, have a reputation for sounding very good and selling to fly around the world. Electronic pianos and pianos are very popular among them.

"Soyu-san was learning the piano, too. It's kind of surprising."


Lotus looked at me with her neck tilted. Our gaze intertwines.

And suddenly I was conscious. That we're alone here in Lotus View's private room.

Being conscious makes me suddenly nervous and I wander my gaze pointlessly without meaning.


"Yes. What is it?

"Why don't you sit down?


I nodded and sat down on the couch where Lotus was sitting.

Stay away for about one person.


Lotus glances at me half-eyed, but I look familiar.

Even though I'm aware of it and my heart is bugging me, if I sit near Lotus View, my heart must explode.

Lotus looked at me for a while and then laughed.

I don't know, I have a really bad feeling about it.


"... what is it"

"Maybe, are you conscious?

"No way! I'm not even conscious at all!

Too upset, I reacted too plainly to bite or deny with all my might.

Oh, no. I thought so, but it's too late. Lotus sight's grin deepened.

"Hmm. Are you unconscious? Well, you're okay to get close, aren't you?

"Huh? Well, that's what happens."

Before I said I was unconscious, I couldn't deny it, and I answer as I distracted myself from Lotus.

Then Lotus saw approached me and embraced me.

I feel my pulse rate soar. The sound of a heartbeat sounds painfully all over my body. My heart made such a loud noise that I wonder if Lotus could hear this beating as well.

Shit, it explodes.

"Oh well, Lord Lotus..."

"Name, is Back to Origin"

Every time Lotus Michi talks to me, I feel the exhalation in my ear.

"Name, read?

I'm on the verge of knocking out to the low, sweet Lotus View voice.

If they whisper so sweetly, I can't help calling them. Is it the weakness I fell in love with?


I exhale and call the name of Lotus Seeing. Then Lotus looked happy and smiled, well done, says.

And we stared at each other at close range, and naturally, we moved our faces closer together. As Lotus's face approached, I gently closed my eyes and waited for the moment.

When Lotus Look's lips and mine were about to overlap, the door burned with momentum! and was opened.

Me and Lotus look at the door in a hurry away.

And there you go, "Oh?" Qin Leaf, inclined to his neck, stood.

"Oh. Oh. I'm sorry, did I interrupt?

"... if you know what I mean, get out..."

"Oh no, if you play Yuki. Don't look so scared. Rinhua will hate you, won't she? Oh, more than that, Rinhua. I had some errands after this, but I suddenly canceled. If you like, why don't we go have dinner together?

"Huh? Are you sure?

"Absolutely! I want to get along with my future sister-in-law, and more importantly, I want to know about Rinhua. Come on, let these bugs go."


Mr. Qin Ye draws my hand all the way.

I am drawn to Mr. Qin Ye, but I stand up.

When I saw Lotus View at that time, he looked very scared and stared at Mr. Qin Ye.

"See, also Yasuyu. Don't get bogged down, I'll be there soon."

We were guided to a delicious French restaurant, where we were treated to a full course of French cuisine, while being pulled by Mr. Qin Ye.

The conversation during that time was also very pleasant for me, but only Lotus Watching remained stubborn.

"Good treat, Harp Leaf"

"It's okay. Something that was a lot of fun. Let's go to dinner together again, shall we?

"Yeah, definitely."

When I answered with a smile, Mr. Qin Ye looked at me with a smile as well, then looked at Lotus with a troubled look on his face.

"How long have you been obstinate, Yasuyu?"

"... nothing"

"You're already... a child. Come on, I'll send Rinhua to you properly."

"I know. Let's go."

"Ah, yes. See you later, Mr. Qin Ye."

"Yeah, see you later, Rinhua."

I also answer Mr Qin Ye, who smiles and waves, while I follow Lotus View.

And then we get in the car, and the car leaves. We were silent while the car was running.

The car slowly stops and tells them that it has arrived in front of my house.

Before I get out of the car, I speak to Lotus View.


"... what?

"Thank you for today. It was a pleasure to meet Yasuyu-san's family and talk to them."

"... yes. That's good."

Lotus looked just a little bit, and raised the corner of his mouth.

Seeing that lotus-seeing face, I thought I'd try to be brave.


What, and aiming for the moment when Lotus Might tried to answer, I gently mouthed Lotus Might's lips.

I smile with embarrassment at the lotus sight staring at me as I was surprised.

"Good night."

That said I got out of the car and ran to the house to escape.

"... that's against the rules..."

I don't know what Lotus looked like when she dyed her face red and shrugged like that.

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