When I finished my student council job and got home, I had unfamiliar shoes on my doorstep.

Men's unfamiliar shoes.

I looked at the shoes and pinned that Mr. Lotus was coming.

Nearly a month has passed since my sister and Lotus Mi officially dated each other.

Lotus Mi seems to have begun to live alone, and she has often seen her sister sneaking down her shopping bag and taking her feet to the apartment where Lotus Mi lives, but she is rarely coming to our house today.

I'm looking after Lotus, and I'll say hello.

I think so, and when I pass in front of my sister's room trying to put my stuff in the room, I notice that the door in her room is slightly open.

And from that gap, I could hear the sisters' conversation leaking.

"... eh... no more... eh. Please... no more..."

I unwittingly solidify into the voice of my troubled sister.

Then I wanted to hold my head in the voice of Mr. Lotus.

"You can't, can you? Here."

"Hih... yes, Sukesan... I can't do this anymore... please, don't..."

Lower than usual, sweet lotus-minded voice.

... Oh, my God. What a bad time I am.

If you'd gone home half an hour late, I wouldn't have had to hear the troubling voices of your sister and Lotus.

I didn't want to hear my real sister's voice like that.

My room is next to my sister's, maybe even from my room.

Should I be downstairs reading the air here? Or should we go somewhere?

The conversation between the two of you, who don't know about me like that, goes on.

"Soyu-san...... eh. If I do this any more..."


"If I do this any more... my spine...!

Hmm? Spine......?

I flaunt the word "spine” out of my sister's mouth.

"It's okay, because I'm not putting that much effort into it, and I'm not building this much. Look, again."

"Yikes. I want...! Ouch......!

"Um come on..."

Mr. Lotus Michi makes a frightened voice.

When I peered into the room from an open gap, which I feared, there was a sister-in-law sitting with her knees straight on the floor and a Lotus View pushing her back.

There is absolutely no unhealthy atmosphere that I imagined.

It seems a relief and unfortunate… in a complicated mood, I break into the room and make a frightened voice.

"... what are you doing, sister..."

"Oh, Yudo. Welcome home.... Ah. Yasuyu-san, don't push it!

Lotus is staring at his sister, who screams, "I want to, I want to."

For now.

"What the hell is this situation...?

I asked for an explanation of the situation.

"Misaki's body is so soft. She was learning ballet at an early age... and she told Soyuki that she was jealous."

"Rinhua said she's hard, so she showed me how hard she is... more than I imagined..."

Mr. Lotus looked at his sister and smiled bitterly.

My sister looks at Mr. Lotus like that, and she looks swollen.

"I can't help it... I was born..."

"Yeah... sister, you've been hard for a long time..."

When I laughed bitterly and looked at my sister, she looked at me like she was in shock.

You admit it yourself, they're shocked when people tell you.

Anyway, now I've decided to show you how hard my sister's body is.

Sister sits with her knees straight on the floor.

And I stretched my arm...


"... I don't know. I'd rather be working on this...!


I shut up and saw Mr. Lotus.

Mr. Lotus Wai shakes his neck sideways like he gave up.

Oh, something about me, Lotus. I see how you feel.

"... sister, that's a joke, right?


"No... That's hardly bent, is it? It stopped a little over the knee at the tip of my hand. Normally, it should be a little bit more."

"Ko, this is my limit! Because I'm working really hard...!

A sister who stretches her arms desperately.

But it's not that different from earlier.

I gently pushed my sister's back to try it out.

Then I said, "Yikes!" and my sister screams pitifully.

... this.

"Sister, I'm stiff too, but I'm gonna bend this much."

I'll try to do it in a demonstration.

As a matter of course, I can bend far more than my sister and barely touch my toes.

My sister looked at me like that and she looked incredible.

"Ugh, lie! I can't believe you're stiff with that... No way!

"Because I'm not lying. You're unusual..."

To Lotus Michi, who shrugs in a shuddered voice, my sister says, "I'm lying...!" and blocks his ears.

Removing such a sister's hand from her ear, Lotus says in a harsh voice, "Look at reality".

The sister, who stared at Mr. Lotus Ha, moisturizes her eyes and apologizes, "I'm sorry..."

My sister stared at us and said this with a serious look.

"I'll admit the reality properly. I knew I shouldn't be like this... how could I soften my body?

"... I hear you'd like a bath stretch"

"Stretching the bath...... ok. I'll do it today. At least to become bent about Yodo!

"... well, that. Hang in there......"

To Lotus Mitsu, who was slightly drawn, my sister said, "Yes!" and nod vigorously.

And my sister looks at me and says with a serious face.

"Yudo. Please! I need your help with the bath stretch from now on......!

"Huh. Why me..."


"Ugh, yeah... well, fine..."

When I nodded, my sister laughed happily paar, "Thanks!" and hugs me.

If I turned a blind eye to Lotus, Lotus looked at me in a grumpy way.

Frightened. Please don't hug me in front of Mr. Lotus...

Ms. Lotus softly let her sister go from me, put her hand on my shoulder, and smiled.

"Yudo. I asked for Rinhua (...)"

"Yes... Gambarimus"

Lotus Mi stares at me with a black grin.

If I continue to help with this stretch too much, I'm afraid of the rest.

I vowed to do my best to exempt him from the stretch as soon as possible.

For a while from that night, I was like, "Ouch good!!" Needless to say, the voice of my sister screaming echoed the Kagura Tree family.

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