"Hey, big brother."


After watching two holo videos, Tina called out and answered. What I saw now was like a documentary film in which researchers and adventurers studying a civilization that did not have the so-called interstellar navigation technology called primitive civilization accidentally landed on a primitive civilization planet ruled by primitive civilization at the end of the accident, formed bonds through interaction with primitive civilization people, and eventually returned to space again.

It is not a non-fiction, but it seems that there was a subject matter event. Basically, contact with primitive civilizations and primitive civilizations is a violation of the Space Culture Protection Act, but it is not a crime if there are slightly irrelevant circumstances due to accident. Nevertheless, we must refrain from contact whenever possible and ensure that it does not affect the development of civilization.

Well, I guess I'll listen to Tina as well.

Aniki is a so-called primitive civilized person, right?

"Ah... well, that's right. My universe, or my planet, was a faraway place in space. Interstellar navigation technology was a dream again."

There may have been a theory, but I'm not familiar with it as an oligarchy. I heard about the operation of the International Space Station and the development of rockets in various countries and places, but I had no direct involvement.

"Space and culture protection, is it legally okay? This situation?"

"Isn't it nice?" I already have citizenship of the Graccan Empire. I wonder if everything is right now. "

"I see." Niisan, don't you want to miss your hometown? "

”Hmm, well... I'm giving up for several reasons”

“For some reason?”

Whiskers listening to Tina and I interact in silence are coming from the left. Yeah, I'm sandwiched right and left on the couch by my sisters. I can't think of a situation like this before I come to this world, but what virtue have I gained in my previous life? No, because you're in a lot of trouble, and you're dying.

“First of all, my home, as I know it, is Earth, the third planet in the Sol system. In other words, Sol III."

If you know what the name of the system is, and what planet it is, can't you go home?

"This is the name given by the Earthlings. I mean, it's a name given to an unexplored primitive civilization that doesn't have interstellar navigation skills. Now, will it be registered under that name on the galaxy map?"

"Ah... ah..."

You know what I'm talking about. From a terrestrial perspective, Earth is the third planet in the Sol system, but for the interstellar navigators operating the galaxy map, the Sol system may not be the Sol system, but the Tayo-Pikapika system. In other words, I have no way of locating the home system of Sol on the galaxy map. In fact, not only in the Sol system, but also in the cosmic nearby systems of Sirius, Alpha Centauri, and Tau Ceci, which seem to be relatively nearby, which I quickly investigated in this universe, but I was unable to find.

"If I were a super astronomer, I might be able to determine the position of the Sol system from the arrangement of countless stars, but unfortunately, I'm a common person with little connection to that kind of knowledge." First of all, this is the first reason. "

“I see. Can I ask you another reason?”

"Ok. If you fully believe what Kugi says, I've gotten lost in another world - a world with high potential." I don't know exactly what this high-potential world is, but I can only imagine that I jumped through space and time with supernatural force anyway. "

"I'm not convinced that the engineer is" I don't really understand ", but

"I don't know. I don't know, so I can't help it."

She shrugged her shoulders by saying so to Tina, who had a subtly unconvincing expression on her face. What kind of action did I have in this world with Krishna? It seems unlikely that there will be any explanation other than the spiritual content claimed by Kugi.

Well, if this universe and the universe I was in were the same thing, then the question is how far away is the 'now' that jumped through space and time from the 'now' that I was in?

It seemed like you couldn't bite my words off well, and the sisters tilted their necks to the left and right.

"In other words, you can't imagine how far this moment is from the 'now' that I knew, even if I had my home in this universe, even if I had to lay aside." It might be a superfuture or something very ancient. On a cosmic scale, thousands or tens of thousands of years is like a moment, right? That's the second reason. "

"Yeah, that means that when oniisan jumps from where he was, he may be jumping over time as well as space." And whether it's a positive or a negative direction, either way, if you think on a cosmic scale, you don't know where the original planet is. "

"Ahh... I don't know what would've happened if it hadn't been tens of thousands of years or even hundreds of years ago."

Even in this era where life expectancy is increasing due to the development of medical technology, it takes hundreds of years. It is only time for generations to change.

"Even if I can return to the original universe from this universe, will I be able to find my place when I return for the same reason?" There's a problem... and even if my home is miraculously in this universe and I haven't flown in time, there's a big problem. "

Big problem?

"I already have citizenship of the Graccan Empire, and my home, as far as I know, is an untapped planet of primitive civilization. Imperial law and the protection of space culture cannot be returned to law. And even if I were to go home, I wouldn't be able to get on a Krishna and go down to my planet. This is the third reason."

Krishna was quite big. If we don't do something about it, we may be able to capture reactions at the technical level of the Earth, where the satellites are operating. If that were to happen, the world would be in chaos. It is the arrival of UFOs of Madjimon. There's no way it won't get noisy.

"Hmm, I see. It certainly seems impossible from various points of view..."

"That's right. Well, I wasn't as many relatives as I was originally." If you say that you have no cultivation at all, it will be a lie, and I feel sorry for suddenly disappearing, but I don't think I will abandon all my current life and go back to it. "

”I see... but aren't you going to be lonely?”

Tina looked up at me with a worrying expression.

"I miss never going home again, but now Krishna and Black Lotus are like my house." Besides, there was a gentle Tina and Whisker who worried about me like this. For me now, this is my home, so it's good. "

If I were to be thrown out of the universe for the sake of Krishna, I would try to return to the Black Lotus where everyone is. Well, I don't think this will happen many times, but there's no guarantee that it won't happen again because it happened once. Since I've been in this world, I've been in a lot of trouble... please don't.

"... niisan, don't throw up on me like a real face sometimes"

While saying that like tea, Tina's face and ears turned red and began to tease my thighs with her fingertips. Does it tickle you? Or rather, whiskers suddenly increase the level of body adhesion.

"I'm not aiming at you... is that how it works?"

"... it's wild, oniisan"

"We're going to be heavy stones, so oniisan won't go anywhere again."

I see.

That was the way it was. I want you to think about the rest of it.

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