

Drink tea in the Black Lotus cafeteria while agreeing with Mimi.

After spending a few more days with the mechanic sisters, I waited for another three days before finally deploying. I know it's impossible to ask an army for the same lightness of footwork as a mercenary, but it took some time.

I feel like I've had quite a relaxing time.

Having said that, Kugi quietly drinks tea. Yeah, you're still admiring the laid-backness. In fact, even if we talk about spawning, we won't have a curtain for a while. We need to work with the Independent Star Thief fleet, which has seen an increase in the number of ships. Besides, we're supposed to be accompanied by a lot of other mercenaries. The main thing is a group of battleships, mainly regular Imperial Air Force combat ships. There are no cosmic thieves selling fights to these people, so it's hard to imagine an enemy attack until you reach Edge World.

"I haven't been excited in a long time."

It's good to be excited, but please stop freaking out and destroy me suddenly.

"I know, I know."

It seems that Elma has been struggling to spawn on her ship for a long time. I only hope that the fighting spirit is not idle, but I have confirmed that the plane is free of defects again and again, so there will be no problems. I know how to fight Krishna and Black Lotus, and I don't think there's anything wrong with the coordination. I also checked the cooperation with the simulator. If it were true, I would have hunted a space thief on a real plane to see how they could work together, but it was a shame that the situation didn't allow it.

Incidentally, the Black Lotus was towing the Antrion. It was connected to the towing joint on the Black Lotus and was sailing. And with that joint, Elma is immersed in the Black Lotus cafeteria.

My lord, you're flying through subspace right now, right?

That's right.

“I don't feel that way at all.”

I'm sure that's true.

Black Lotus departed from the Windstellthius Colony about thirty minutes ago, synchronizing his hyperspeed drive with the Cosmic Bandit Independent fleet and transitioning to hyperspeed. We just activated the hyperdrive in sync, entering every hyperlane in the fleet, and now we're sailing in the hyperlane.

If you go to the cockpit of Black Lotus, you may be able to see the scene in the hyperlane, which is very colourful, but to be honest, it is very painful to my eyes, so I don't recommend it very much. I don't recommend it.

“You want to go check it out?" Hyperspace "


Kugi's face glowed as he pinned the ears above his head. You're curious, Gugi. Maybe it's because I grew up in a box.

Where are you two?

"I'm Pass."

I don't mind either.

Elma and Mimi didn't want to go to the cockpit to see the hyperspace.

In fact, if you want to see it, you can show the situation in the hyperspace captured by the external sensors on the holo display of this cafeteria, but after all, it's more immersive to see it in the cockpit or on the bridge.

Leave the two in the dining room and head with Kugi to the Black Lotus Bridge.

How about a sub-pilot study?

"I remember a lot, and I'm worried because I'm required to be judgmental on the spot."

"There's no way I can do it perfectly right from the start." At first, you just need to remember the terminology and focus on getting the subsystem up and running as I tell you. ”

“Yes, I will do my best to meet your expectations.”

"Hahaha, you're so stiff. Well, even if you fail, I'll manage to follow you, so don't overthink it."

It's good to have a serious attitude toward work, but it's not good to be too overly overstretched. It's a stressful job in battle. As for me, I still don't know if it's realistic or what, but I don't feel any stress at all. When you come to this world, the part that governs the fear of brain miso has become strange?

I reached the Black Lotus Bridge while thinking about it and talking to Kugi in the public.

"Welcome, Master." And Kugi-sama. "

I'm sorry to bother you.

I'm sorry to bother you.

Kugi and I make the same greeting. The Black Lotus Bridge is essentially like Mae's private room, Mae's territory, or her castle. She herself, the Maiden, had never claimed that the Black Lotus Bridge was her private space, but at least this view was the unified view of everyone except Kugi. Mae herself would never confirm that.

"I won't bother you at all, so don't bother me." Will you be watching hyperspace? ”

"Yeah, put it on the main screen."

I understand.

The dark main screen shows a hyperspace scene. As usual, it's a psychedelic sight, but it's a little different today. There are many warships that have synchronized the hyperdrive and pushed into the hyperspace together, so other ships are reflected in the hyperspace of primary colors.

"It's a busy day, isn't it?"


Kuki was silently staring at the sight in such a hyperspace. What is it? It's like I'm staring at a dot... but there's nothing there, right? There's no ship, right?

"... do you see anything interesting?"

“It's not funny”

Kugi stares at something while saying so. No, it's not funny, but you see something? Are you scared? I tried to look at Mei, but she didn't feel anything in particular. She shook her head sideways without expression. This image was picked up by a Black Lotus sensor, so May can view the exact same data. If May couldn't detect the anomaly, I didn't see anything weird.


That said, Kugi took her eyes off the screen and walked towards me and May. I lost interest in the scene in the hyperspace.

"Oh, oh... what did you see?"

"It's boring, my lord."

Having said that, Kugi smiled. It feels a little unusual, but the atmosphere drifts with a feeling that it's better not to pursue it too much. Somehow, in a nutshell, the atmosphere is ugly.

"I see. Then what do we do?" Do you want to talk to May about something? "

"That's right... if it's not too much trouble, I'd like to tell you a story from the time May met you."

“Okay, I'll talk to you then.”

That's why May started talking about the first time she met me on a marine resort planet in the Sierra system. Perhaps it's an interesting story for Kugi... I'll just say that listening to me from May's perspective was quite an experience that stirred up shame.

Stop it. I'm not that much of a human being. Forgive me.

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