Now that we have a training plan for Mimi and Kugi, we have finished procuring combat ships for Elma and refurbishing the Black Lotus. I haven't had a chance to fly freely through space so I'd like to get down to business with you, but unfortunately, we have a nomination request from Colonel Serena's Independent Star Thief Fleet - the Imperial Space Force - and they're ordering us to stand by until the fleet is ready to deploy. I couldn't help but get angry when I left the Fluffy and Windstellaus colonies on my own, so I had to wait unwillingly without doing anything in particular.

Well, when we spawn, this system could be called the Imperial Space Force's knee system. At least three times if you're going to fight a space bandit. You can't earn a decent living without moving the hyperlane five or six times. Five or six hyperlane journeys can take several days each way. It's not far enough to just say "a little to that" and get out.

In other words, it is an act that is almost certainly treated as desertion if it is done during the military mission.

"So you're here to see what we do?"

You're so busy, huh

“It's fun to relax and watch people doing their jobs.”

"Okey-dokey." I'll buy that quarrel expensively. "

"Forgive me."

Tina brings out a plasma tool that can dismantle monsters, so she surrenders early. Isn't that something you shouldn't be aiming at humans?

But that's plain to see.

Let's get out of here. Krishna, Black Lotus and Antrion are in perfect condition.

"In that case, you should stock up on parts that are easily worn out or take time to replicate." Maintenance bots, military battle bots, tools, maintenance facilities, and so on. "

I see.

Now they are surrounded by maintenance bots of various shapes. There are only a few human shaped ones, most of them are multi-legged and have one or more arm that is likely to have power. Others are drones who work at heights. They seem to be floating fluffily using gravity control technology. Same principle as that wastedly high-tech drink holder.

Well, maintenance bots can be serviced by maintenance bots, and military battle bots can be serviced fully automatically with a dedicated maintenance system, so there are only children who don't need much help.

"Honestly, the tools we use are too expensive."

In fact, is there any place where the two of you can use your hands directly to make repairs?

If we had all the maintenance bots, we wouldn't have a chance to wield the tools directly.

"Krishna, Black Lotus, and Antrion weren't needed for maintenance." However, when it comes to stealing gear from captured Starfleet ships or making repairs, we become the main players. ”

“Oh, I see. Maybe that's what it is.”

"Krishna also had a lot of manual maintenance at first." I didn't have any templates. "

“Yeah, yeah, that's right.”

The Black Lotus was manufactured by Space Dwellg and the Antrion was manufactured by Idal Starway, but Krishna appeared with me when I got lost in this world. It's completely unclear where it was made, and some of the airframe parts are black boxed.

Fortunately, it is compatible with ships in this universe, and although it has managed to be repaired, there is a high risk that the black boxed parts will become unrepairable if damaged. Actually, Krishna is the most troubled child on the ship we're operating now.

"Well, I'm working on the analysis little by little." Since we have created a work template for the basic maintenance scope, we can manage the maintenance as long as we don't suffer too much serious damage. "

“In the meantime, we've given top priority to moving arm weapon-mounting, such as around a heavily drained thruster. The other parts have been analyzed a lot and can now be repaired, but after all, the neck around the generator is the neck."

Oniisan will be fine, but avoid direct fire on the generator.

"The generator is almost jammed."

Of course, the Generator is the most important weakness for a spaceship. Since there is no difference in the state of being directly damaged when the shield and armor are removed and the vital part is hollowed out, the crew on board is almost safe in that situation. If we had escaped every cockpit block before the explosion.

"Well, forget about Krishna, and when will you spawn?" It's almost time to run out of time.

"What will you do if you run out of things to do?"

"Hmm, are you studying?" I do it every day. "


I didn't think that words like studying would come out of Whiskey's mouth, so I accidentally asked back.

"We have to keep learning about the latest materials and technologies from our engineers." Engineers with old knowledge and inability to maintain current products are just grain smashers, right? "

“I see. We need to update our knowledge and technology.”

That kind of thing.

"If you declare the cost as an expense, I will pay it, so make sure to declare it properly." I don't like things that lean too much toward hobbies. "

Really? Thank you very much ~

Thank you very much.

Tina and Whisker smiled happily together.

"I'll have May scrutinize you."

"Ugh... it's okay."

I stuck a nail over and over again. I'm not an expert, so I can't tell if the expenses you filed are legitimate. I'm sure May will take care of it. Mae was going to have a hard time, but this was going to be necessary.

By the way, oniisan is so busy?

I'm free.

Elma was able to make adjustments to Antrion, and Mimi and Kugi are studying as instructors to gain a new career. As for me, as of now, I have no choice but to wait without getting a new job, so I have no choice but to come and tea with Tina and Whiskey who are working in this way. Well, if I wanted to move my body in the training room after watching my hobby Holo Movies, it would be useless to watch and move my body alone.

Oniisan's pretty lonely, isn't he?

"Hmm...? Well, maybe so?"

Soon after I came here, I spent time alone, but then I picked up Mimi, and then I picked up Elma without putting down the day. Somehow, I always spent time with Mimi and Elma, and after that, there was more May, more Tina and Whiskey, and I was always with someone. I spent a lot of time alone in the original world.

Nh, well, we don't have any work to do in a hurry, do we?

"That's right, onee-chan. Oniisan, what should I do?"

Somehow the two of them look very gentle. Don't stop, you guys. It's natural to look at the emotions of motherhood. Somehow it feels very unbearable.

After that, I had a very pleasant time watching a holo-movie in the room of the two of us.

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