The residence of the white dragon.

It lies deep within the peak, at a high altitude, but in the valley, and there is always a blizzard.

Even in such a very cold environment, there are a large number of ice absorbing stones, and the surrounding area is kept at a comfortable temperature and turned into a white dragon bed.

I thought so, but this might have been some sort of labyrinth.

If the ice absorbing stone that the white dragon was sleeping on was larger than it could be seen from the snow, it could be closer to the Atmosphere.

As a labyrinth core, the Atomosphere was in the midst of Atomos, spawning spirit stones around it and driving Atomos warriors to become giants.

And if the same thing is in the giant ice absorbing stone, it makes sense that the white dragon will continue to be present here.

In short, it must be cozy.

Where there is a labyrinth core, it is easy to increase the magic power concentration, which is why strong monsters sometimes form near the labyrinth core.

Besides being an easy environment to spend time in, the dense magical power of the white dragon may be my favorite.

Benjamin touched the giant ice absorbing stone that was the core of the labyrinth.

And the aim was to gain power from the giant icestone.

In the same way that I would use the spirits that were inside from the ice absorbing stone I saw before, I would do the same from the giant ice absorbing stone.

I thought I could see the magic drain, but Benjamin was well prepared.

I took something out of the magic bag again.

It was a black magic stone.

It must have been created by Magic Stone Generation .

Magic Stone Generation was a magic spell created by Brother Arth. Casting a spell could produce magic stones.

The magic stone was pale blue.

And I was able to replenish my magic power.

The more magic I put in the magic stone, the darker the color became.

However, it wasn't the true form of the Magic Stone.

Originally, it seemed that the magic stone was black.

Because when Brother Arth originally created the Magic Stone Generation spell, the originating Magic Stone was the Dragon Magic Stone obtained from the Immortal Bone Dragon.

It was a magic stone large enough to be held in both hands, and it was said that it was obtained from the inside of the skull of the Immortal Bone Dragon, and it was completely black.

I used the magic stone to craft a spell, but the magic power changed to a pale shade in the empty magic stone.

In other words, if you could put the same amount of magic power into the magic stone as the dragon species, the color would be black, which meant that the magic stone Benjamin had now was so full of magic power.

I replenished such abundant magic power, and with it, I continued to send magic power to the giant icestone.

I didn't see the magic power being sent into the giant icestone, but it was moving inside.

I'm sure you'll chew what's inside.

It seemed that the White Dragon could sense the movement of that magic power.

Until then, the white dragon stopped moving and looked backwards as he ignored the humans who had entered his bedroom and fought against the royal demon soldiers and the demon weapons.

Then, recognizing the appearance of the human being there and the act he was doing, he let out a voice of anger.


Until then, I heard several times that the dragon was a monster, and it emitted a breath of white dragon along with a very different voice.

Even the giant ice absorbing stone could not absorb the cold, and the overwhelming cold air was released towards the White Dragon's residence.

However, I tried to prevent it by using my king class demonic armor and demonic weapons as shields.

"... Hey, Alphonse, it's snowing."

"What? What, Ian?"

It's snowing. It's slipping down from there.

"It's a phenomenon called avalanche. I suggest you evacuate, Mr. Alphonse."

All units retreat. Aye, evacuate the mercenaries.

It seemed that the white dragon's roar had an impact on the surrounding mountains as well as attacking Benjamin.

An avalanche phenomenon.

Snow pushes in like a wave.

It's far more vicious than it looks.

The [Wall Construction] can't prevent it because it's overwhelmingly massive and pushes against the wall.

"Please, Valkyrie."

The Valkyrie and the Valkyrie run at full speed to escape the avalanche.

It was faster than snow, but it ran safely over the snow to avoid slipping and slipping.

How long have you been running?

With the Valkyries following the lead Valkyrie, we were able to finally stop as we climbed down to escape the crumbling waves of snow while somehow joining the mercenaries on standby.

It looks like we managed to evacuate the area safely.

I'm glad.

If the Valkyrie hadn't responded calmly, they might have died right now.

"I wonder what's going on over there." As expected, I don't think the white dragon will die as a result of his attack.

Having escaped all the way to safety, she mumbled as she slowly took a deep breath.

The residence of the white dragon in the valley must have been affected by the avalanche.

I don't know how much the White Dragon will be affected by this, but Benjamin may not be able to live.

It was far away from the royal demon army, and it was difficult to defend itself.

"Hey, hey, what the hell." Something big is flying.

That's what I thought.

Something flew in the distance.

She spreads her back wings and glides through the sky.

And it soon became clear that it was the shape of a white dragon.

But the problem is that the numbers were not one.

There were two pure white dragons gliding through the sky for some reason.

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