“What are you going to do? It's too stupid a decision to think you can beat a dragon in human form."

Norn said so when he saw Benjamin rushing out.

Could it be because it was a demon sword that originally emanated from a vampire in a land called the Demon Continent?

No matter how much you redeem yourself, you can't win.

The demon sword Norn, who lived for many years, affirmed that.

That's true.

I watched the battle between the white dragon and the demonic weaponry as I kept my distance, but the scale was too big.

Until now, Benjamin had been able to fight the White Dragon because he had a weapon called a magic weapon.

But I'm sure you can say the opposite.

Humans can beat dragons if they have enough weapons to defeat them.

Even Brother Arth, who defeated the flying dragon, used the Sky Extinguishing Sword at that time.

With a magic sword that had the effect of cutting itself off from a distant space, he slashed the dragon in the air while inside the magic airship.

Of course, it was amazing to be able to make such a weapon in the first place, and it would require a lot of magic power to use it, but it was still a feat with a weapon.

I'm sure you know it's Benjamin.

I didn't know if I needed to defeat the White Dragon myself.

If there is something that can be used, I can use it.

Whatever it took to defeat the dragon.

That's why they were using king class demon soldiers and demonic weaponry.

Benjamin ran to the White Dragon.

What kind of solutions do you have in place?

I watched carefully as I felt my life was in danger.

The white dragon attacked the ice weapon with its claws and fangs, and various pieces of ice, large and small, began to fly.

Avoiding that ice mass, Benjamin managed to get close to the white dragon.

It looked like the White Dragon was paying attention to the royal demon army.

I was curious to feel the signs of a spirit in a special metal armor that was not normally seen, such as scarlet gold.

The white dragon's gaze was always on the royal demon army.

So I barely looked at the approaching Benjamin.

Even though the white dragon was moving around, Benjamin reached its footsteps.

What are you going to do?

What kind of attack is Benjamin going to launch?

The next moment I was watching with excitement, I felt like I was stung by my shoulder.

Isn't that right?

Benjamin was able to get close enough to be touched by the white dragon's legs.

I could have reached out and slammed my sword.

But I didn't do anything.

Benjamin didn't take any action against the white dragon and ran straight through.

Beside the white dragon who was fighting fierce battles with the king's demonic armor and numerous soil and ice demonic weaponry.

What are you going to do instead of attacking me?

Perhaps that's what His Highness Benjamin is after.

Huh? What's that, Ai?

"It's not the white dragon, it's the white dragon's dwelling." Look at that. The white dragons have been moving in the battles so far. They were gradually drawn away from their dwellings due to the attack and defense of their magic weapons. ”

"From home? But what does it mean to do that..." Oh, I see. There was ice absorbing stone in the dwelling. ”

“Yes, it's even bigger than what we found on the road, and that's why there's a huge ice absorbing stone in the White Dragon's dwelling that isn't enough for the White Dragon to lie down. It is probably the tip of the iceberg that is visible on the snow. It's actually bigger than it looks, and in some cases it may be comparable to the Atomosphere.”

"Atomosphere, a gigantic spirit stone called by the Atmos warriors, the great stone inhabited by the spirits of the earth. And it's also a labyrinthine nucleus."

At first, I couldn't understand what Benjamin was doing, but Ai pointed out it to me.

Until now, Benjamin fought the White Dragon to catch it.

It lured me out of the White Dragon's dwelling place, and I kept paying attention to it.

To do just that, I used the royal demon army I got in the magic labyrinth.

And the aim was on the white dragon's bed.

The icebreaker there.

Even in the peaks, ice absorbing stones are exposed to extreme temperatures like the breath of a white dragon.

How cold has it been absorbing?

Also, how many years have I had to be protected by the white dragon?

It looked like there were a lot of icestones, but a white dragon of that size was riding up to sleep.

Nevertheless, when I saw that it was not slightly broken, I was sure that there was something of considerable size under the snow.

I don't know if it's actually the same as the Atmosphere, but it must be quite a size.

And if it's that big, maybe it's working here as a labyrinth core.

Benjamin had eyes on such a giant icestone.

Benjamin, who ran past the White Dragon, said that he was heading toward the Ice Absorbing Stone.

Then, his hand touched the ice absorbing stone, and a huge amount of magic power once again poured in from Benjamin's body.

You're going to steal power from a giant icestone.

What would happen if we could do such a thing?

Some of the giant spirit stones contained even more powerful spirits.

If so, the situation may be reversed once and for all.

I couldn't take my eyes off Benjamin, who touched the icestone, and kept looking at him.

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