The figure of a dragon gliding through the sky.

I was stunned that it was not just one body, but two bodies.

At some point, the second person who was somewhere appeared.

Could it be someone you're connected to?

I thought so, but apparently it wasn't.

"Is that a demonic weapon?" I see. It looks like the spiritualized demonic weapon has become like a white dragon. ”

After confirming the appearance of the new dragon, I finally noticed it.

The shape of the white dragon was slightly different from that of the white dragon.

It was probably a demonic weapon.

I think Benjamin created it by using the spirits in the giant icestone through magic power.

Supergiant icestones rival the labyrinth core.

When the spirit in it was embodied with a magic weapon, its form became a dragon, perhaps.

In other words, dragons are monsters and spirits.

"That may be the case." It is said that Carlos de Fontana, the ancestral king of the Kingdom of Fontana, was able to summon the Ice Dragon when he used Ice Summoning . ”

"Well, that's right." Has Ai seen it? "

"No. My ancestor, Carlos de Fontana, died before I was born." However, according to Ars Barca, Carlos was undoubtedly the strongest spirits among the [Ice Spirit Summoning] users. "

Huh. Does that mean that that white dragon might have been summoned to fight alongside his brothers?

"I wouldn't be tired of being summoned to do that."

Speaking of which, it seems that Brother Arth has been working for the Lord for as long as Carlos was alive.

Now that I'm king, I'm chaining up the Heavenly Kingdom and doing whatever I want, but I must have been ordered to do a lot of things at the time.

After all, if someone used a dragon up there, they wouldn't be able to rebel.

How dare you lose to such a man.

Were you able to seal the spell?

"Well, but is it okay that Ben's goal has been achieved to some extent?" I was able to gain power from the giant icestone and use my spirits. The spirit can become a dragon by using a royal demonic weapon and a demonic weapon. You can be recognized as a king. "

"That's right. If we can return alive, we will be able to meet the conditions."

But hey, it's a little too strong, isn't it?

Benjamin, the First Prince of the Brillian Majesty.

Perhaps the most powerful person as the next king could definitely become a king if he served as a dragon and triumphantly triumphant.

At least those who have stood out and rebelled can be crushed with force.

I think those who see it will be afraid and obedient.

The Ice Dragon would have that much power.

But that's not good enough.

What will happen in the future when the kingdom is raised together under a mighty king and made to be a cornerstone?

If Japan stabilizes, will it be able to turn its power outward next time?

It would be good if it were an empire or a church, but it could be a small group of countries.

In other words, the Orient nation could well be targeted.

Do you think the Orient country will miss out on Ben and Al in their nickname relationship?

That's subtle.

I was engaged to the Vandenburgs, and the Vandenburgs are not the First Prince's faction.

Benjamin's faction is perceived by the nobility as a rival faction and could be hit with a hard-line attitude.

I wish Benjamin had fought a deadly battle with the white dragon, and even if he couldn't defeat it, he would have gotten a piece of it and taken it home with him.

That way I could show my prestige as a king and measure the strength of Benjamin.

But I didn't expect to really get the power of a dragon.

I may be a little overcooperative.

"No, look closely, Alphonse. It's being pushed by a white dragon opponent."

"Huh? Oh, really, Ian. I wonder if the Ice Dragon is stronger than the Ice Dragon....."

"Probably because of the intense consumption of magic power." The ancestor Carlos, who was summoning the dragon, didn't have much time to maintain his summoning. It was used as a trump card here. "

"Ah, I see." If you were to use a giant spirit like that that would release a breath of bang, your magic would be gone immediately. Even if the human opponent ends the battle immediately with a single hit, the white dragon opponent's strength will be reversed. In the end, the human side's magic power will not be enough. "

That's true.

That's not going to work.

So Benjamin's next move would have been to try to leave as soon as he got the power from the giant icestone.

But it was also difficult.

I had to deal with the avalanche.

Benjamin succeeded in using a non-standard spirit called Ice Dragon.

But even with that power, I couldn't win before the power of the dragon.

The two dragons that appeared while gliding after the avalanche continued to fight after landing, but the movement of one of them gradually became worse, so it was settled.

I guess Benjamin's powers were exhausted.

Thus, the transcendent battle outside the sphere of survival of the person named Mausoleum ended.

Well, it's my time from here.

So it moves.

The job was finished when Benjamin, the owner of the job, defeated the White Dragon and lost his life.

I'm going to do the rest for myself.

I pounded on the riding Valkyrie's head and made him take a step towards the white dragon.

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