Can I have a moment? I need to ask you something. "

"Yes, what is it? What can I do for you?"

"What's your name? Where do you live? I want you to tell me a lot of things."

"Ah, um, customer, I'm in trouble...."

"No, really, I just want to ask you a few questions. It's okay because I'm not asking you anything weird."

"Ah, ahh...."

"Arus, you look like you have a nice new year. Are you still whispering women to your children?"

It was as I approached and talked to the person I was serving during the banquet.

Approaching from behind, Carlos, who was the head of the Fontana family and the star of the feast, called out.

Something strange is happening.

"Dear Carlos, no. I'm not dictating otherwise. I just wanted to talk to you for a second."

"Very often. I didn't speak to the other knights, and I was afraid to speak to the woman in service. Heroes, people who like color."

"That's why it's different. I didn't say anything because she was a woman. Just because there was something that bothered me."

"Hmm, you like Liliner so much. All right, it's Lillina. Take Ars to the other room. And you're going to be talking to him."

"Ah, um, Carlos. I, um...."

"You always read books, too. This is a good opportunity. You must treat your guests well."

"Yes, yes. Now, Arus, come here."


I just watched my head concentrate on magic and shouted.

It seems that Carlos has made me nervous.

Yes, the person who stopped in my eyes was a woman.

The name seems to be Lilina.

I wonder if she is 15 to 16 years old.

I was guided to another room by the liner.

"What does Lillina have to do with Carlos? I think Carlos cared a lot about you."

"Yes, I am connected to Carlos' blood."

"Eh, you mean sister and brother? It was someone else's manners around it....."

"Carlos was born between his predecessors and his wife, but my mother was a maid in this hall."

"Oh, I see. Is the mother different? That's a bit similar when you look at it. It looks just like the color of my hair."

Looks like Lillina's half-brother with Carlos.

Somewhat similar.

However, unlike Carlos, who had an ambitious burning and sparkling atmosphere, Liliner had a quiet atmosphere so I didn't know for sure until I was told.

But if you take a closer look, you're a little bit of a beauty.

Carlos is also quite a beautiful man, but perhaps so were his predecessors.

It may be natural in a sense that Liliner, a hybrid with her predecessor's maid, is beautiful.

"But why did Liina, who has blood on her hands, serve her?

"Yeah, that's a pretty common story. A woman born in a noble or knight's house entertains her guests. I've been serving as an apprentice since I was a kid."

"Yeah? You don't think Liina's too young? You mean younger than me, actually?

"Chi, no. I haven't done this much before... I've only read books and lived there, so Carlos, who couldn't see it, told me to treat customers to New Year's celebrations this year."

"Does that mean I finally started my manners apprenticeship this year?"

"Yes, that's right. No, that's enough, about me. More than that, did you have something to ask?

"Oh, that's right. Actually, I was observing someone during the banquet. I was worried that you were different from the others."

"Am I with someone else? Could it have been something coarse?"

"No, it's not. I was observing the magic of the people there. Then I'll find you. Liliner is concentrating all her magic on her head. Did someone learn that?

"Ma, do you use magic? Now, I haven't learnt anything in particular, but I've never cared about it before...."

Lillina answers my questions.

He doesn't pretend to be lying and answers honestly what he's been asked.

Is that really unconscious?

Concentrate magic on your head, and the quality of magic is better than others.

In my experience, collecting magic into a part of my body can greatly improve the function of that part.

Bite brother can strengthen his body by filling his body with magic, but Vargas can gather magic on the skin surface to greatly increase his defenses.

Likewise, when you focus on your head, your memory, judgment, and thinking skills jump greatly.

The Memory Storage I use is also an application.

Liliner is doing the same thing.

But what bothered me was that I could see the quality of the magic very well.

The knights who were there during the banquet had a lot of magic, but some were rare in quality.

There are people who have gained experience on the battlefield and have a good quality of magic.

But Liliana's magic was better than those knights, who had barely ever practiced manners before.

In a sense, this might also be a talent.

I became more and more interested in her and listened to her a lot.

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