"You said that Lillina was reading all the books. What kind of books do you have here?

"That's right. There aren't many, but there are history books."

"Hmm, isn't it a novel?

"Novels, ghosts, etc.? Books are all expensive. I don't think there's much for kids."

"Oh, I see. The parchment alone is quite expensive. Would it be a luxury if it were a book?"

"Yes, that's why every book is so hard to write... It takes time to read a book."

I see.

Speaking of which, even in my previous life, I have heard the story that books were valuable in the past.

I don't know whether the contents are difficult or not.

According to the story I heard from the old man, you have to praise the other party with quite a lot of words, such as letters written to the nobles.

Probably not at the level of simply writing and being able to read, but scattered with difficult words and modifiers at the level you want the dictionary to be.

This may not be understandable even if I read the book.

It seems like a level of reading classics without prior knowledge.

"Really, it's so difficult. So, Lillina, can you tell me what the book is about?

"Eh, what's in the book? Me?"

"That's right. You said you had a history book. I don't know much about history. Please, Lillina."

"I see. I don't know how far I can go, but I'll talk to you.... you're nervous."

"Well, you don't have to be so conscious. For now, may I ask you a question? Do you know why the royal family that unites the nobles has declined?

"The decline of the royal family? Yeah, of course I understand. Let me explain."

That's how I got a history lesson from Liliana.

The land we live in is vast.

But the land was surrounded.

To the north are vast forests, and to the east are mountains high enough to penetrate the sky.

And there are valleys and wetlands to the west and south, just like the cracks in the earth.

We lived in a land surrounded by nature.

Surrounded by nature and less worried about the outside world, people only showed up to bring it together.

That was the ancestor of the royal family.

The first king had the magic of overwhelming others, and followed everything around him, and ascended to the ruler of the land.

That's where I used the magic system of the church.

He strengthened himself by adding the wizards scattered around him to his ranks, and reigned as the absolute king.

A long time passed since the first king and the wizards reigned as the rulers.

But one time, dust appeared in the royal rule.

Some of the descendants of the wizards who became nobles to support the royal family rebelled against the king.

Naturally, the king was furious.

He pleaded not guilty to the rebellious aristocracy and solemnly swore.

However, it would have been good if this had been done by the first king, but there was a decisive difference between the king at that time and the first king.

That meant that the king of the time was not a wizard in a pure sense, but only a heir to the power of the first king.

"At that time, the tyrant Nero, who had been rebelled against the nobles, was overconfident in his power. I thought there was nothing wrong with solemnizing the nobles."

"What do you mean? It's called the King's Power Source. Instead of giving them magic, they have parent-child relationships, and they receive magic from their children."

"That's right. King Nero, who solemnly declared his nobility, lost his power."

"A sharp decline? Did you kill so many nobles around, the king?"

"No, it didn't seem that large. However, the solemnity reduced the king's rank."


"Yes, the great magic that only the king used to unite the first king was lost by Solemnity."

"Magic? Is there such a thing? No, did it happen...."

"That's right. According to one theory, we could wipe out one city with just one exercise of great magic."

Well, I guess I'll use a lot of magic just once again.... oh, I see. I wonder if the amount of magic the idiot used turned into a vendetta. "

Speaking of which, Bishop Paul said so.

Since I named it, the amount of magic has increased, the rank has risen, and healing magic can be used.

I knew you'd reach out to me after you rubbed with the Fontana family to make sure you didn't lose that position.

If you don't have a magic source like me, your rank will drop and you won't be able to use Heal Magic.

The royal failure would have been the same.

I think he probably used an incredible amount of magic against the royal magic.

But that is by no means a bad thing.

In a sense, it's even natural.

If you name it, you can use the magic that a parent who is a superior can use, as well as a child.

My magic and that of my parent, the Fontana family, have enabled me to use attack magic, such as Shotgun and Ice Spear .

However, this is problematic.

It is dangerous if everyone can use attack magic such as Shotgun and Ice Spear .

In order to reduce the risk of transmitting this attack magic, a mechanism was developed whereby a knight was named after a knight who could be trusted as an implicit understanding in the middle of the day.

But there are other ways to avoid inadvertently transmitting magic.

It is a way to prepare magic that consumes so much magic that the named opponent can't use it.

Magic that can't even be used by ordinary knights or nobles.

What happens if there is magic that can also be called such a great magic?

The parent receives magic from the child, but the child can no longer use the great magic of the parent.

If there was so much magic that only the royal family, the highest level of magic passes through magic systems, could use it, then nothing would defy the royal family.

It's as if only the Royal Family had a bomb.

If you disobey, if every city is erased, you have no choice but to obey quietly.

But in its long history, the royal family has turned a blind eye to it.

I took it for granted that there was great magic.

As a result of the solemnization of the nobility, I realized the seriousness of the great magic for the first time since it was lost.

I can't take it back anymore.

According to Lilina, the tyrant Nero had laid down terrible oppression.

The royal family, which lost its great magic, rushed to reconstruct its connection with the nobility.

But a lot of nobles didn't do it right.

Until then, nobles who did not disobey the royal family could not quietly obey the royal family who could no longer use the great magic.

Rather, he refused to be named after the royal family in order to prevent oppression.

Thus, the royal power lost its great magic and fell to the same level as other nobles.

But the history of this world isn't bad either.

After all, when the oppressive royal family was removed, each nobleman began a territorial struggle for personal gain.

Sometimes the church was forbidden to have offensive magic from its inception, and it was not a substitute for the royal family.

Because of this, many more years were spent in the war.

Hmm. I didn't think you'd hear so much about it. It was a good study. Thank you, Liliner. "

Lillina keeps telling me if she likes to talk about what she knows.

Full of immersion, but when the story slightly derailed, she smiled and showed her knowledge sparingly.

So I was able to hear a lot of non-royal stories from Lillina.

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