"Is that the rumored peasant knight?"

"Are you really a child? I can't believe Lord Raymond lost."

Did you hear that? They were selling junk vegetables for the poor during the winter. "

"Why has the Lord given us territory over such a lowly thing? There will be as many other knights as there is merit in the territory."

"No, I can't be an idiot. He seems to have a different kind of magic than the Fontana family. I saw it during the mobilization the other day, but before I could see it, a position was created. I saw something horrible."

"Must be some sort of noble tie. I have to say something to the owner."

Looks like I'm getting a lot of attention.

The people around me and watching me weren't ordinary people like the peasants I usually see.

All of them are in the position of knights and belong to a privileged class different from ordinary people.

To be a knight, you must work on the battlefield, and in that regard, your origins are irrelevant.

In fact, however, it seems that those whose parents are knights are more likely to be taken as knights.

Normal farmers still don't have decent weapons, and just eating them every day is the best they can do.

There must be a big difference in that parents can teach talent better when they are knights.

It is noteworthy that I suddenly appeared to such a knight, and I suppose it is also an obstacle.

The atmosphere wasn't very good.

However, none of them seem to be inadvertently causing difficulty.

It seems like you're just looking at it from afar.

Why am I supposed to be stared at by knights?

That's because it's dawn.

Apparently, the customs of nobility around here also celebrate the New Year.

The knights come to greet the lord at dawn.

Of course, I have to participate in the event, even if it is a newcomer.

We went to Carlos' castle in the city of Fontana on a known date.

By the way, Valkyrie allows me to move around during the winter.

But not the other knights.

So not all of them, but when the snow begins to fall, the Knights of the Territory will gather in Fontana.

There is also a noble city in the city, where you can stay during the winter and celebrate the New Year.

Rather, there may be more knights living in the city with substitutes in their territory.

I came to Fontana City in the midst of the snow, and I'm going up to Carlos' castle.

The castle in the heart of the city of Fontana, with its exterior walls, is on the hill, so it is a step higher than other buildings.

Its construction means more to me as a fortress than as a castle in Kawakita that I built, but it also means more to me as a building where the powerful live.

It felt like a large Western hall with a luxurious structure, with a blue roof and a tall tower connected to a pure white wall.

Inside, there is a large entrance hall, a knight's room, and so on.

Then they were temporarily waited for, and when they called their name, they were guided to the Lord who was waiting for Carlos.

Carlos is sitting in a luxurious chair again, behind the clean carpeted lord.

As the knights who had come to celebrate the New Year entered the Lord, they lined up in front of Carlos and greeted each other.

The newcomer's turn seemed to be the last, and after a long wait, I finally finished watching.

But that's not the end.

This time, we moved to the banquet hall and the dinner party began.

So once again, I was to be observed while being told this by other knights.

"Hmm, it feels awesome. I don't know you very well."

Since I arrived at Carlos' castle, I have felt too alienated and have spoken to myself.

Those with Barca's surname are also generally considered knights, but they are under my command and I am the only one who has been classified as a knight by Carlos.

That's why I was the only one in this castle.

If it's true, you should talk to a lot of people here.

But there were many knights who might have had a relationship with Raymond, and some of them were hostile.

I don't want to go out of my way to talk to you and get in trouble.

I couldn't help it, so I also thought about crushing time by observing the knights.

Looking at the knights while eating prepared meals.

Of course, it's not just looking.

I concentrated my magic on my eyes and observed it.


While looking at the knights I had barely known before, I noticed a certain law.

It was obviously that those who were accustomed to the battlefield had a better quality of magic.

The amount of magic was too high to be of good quality, and some of my eyes could not see a faint magic sprinkler.

Perhaps they were once placed above the Magic Pass according to Raymond.

But they seem to have at least a good amount of magic on the battlefield.

They must have taken a natural and qualitative approach from their polished experience on the battlefield.

Still, I think the quality of magic is better.

I think this is quite a big piece of information.

You might want to tell your part-time brother that training is not just physical training, but also magic training.

I'll think about it later.

"Huh? What's that guy?"

But there was only one person out there who would make a difference.

The magic I see in my eyes is completely different from the other knights.

There will also be high quality.

But what was more different was the magic bias.

The owner of a flesh that doesn't seem to have ever been on the battlefield with a smooth body.

Because he wasn't a knight.

A person who works as a waiter to serve the food served at a banquet held during a banquet.

The man had all his magic concentrated on his head.

"Does concentrating magic look like that? I feel quite uncomfortable."

The knights are all enchanted with magic, and they look extra crazy because they are not biased.

I didn't come to this banquet to speak up for the first time because I noticed someone so different.

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