Episode 116 – Double Mage

The guy called Gawain was very strong. Because even for me, the only thing I could do was avoid his attacks. Besides, it wasn’t just him, there were still three others. The other three were still on the lookout, and Lorsha had put a curtain of water in front of them to block them, but they couldn’t pay attention because they didn’t know when they might join. Besides, Gawain’s attack was somehow strange. The intuition that I should avoid that bastard’s attack and never block it never left my head.

“Hoh… You’ve got pretty good intuition! Yes, that’s right! You instinctively avoid being touched!”

“I just don’t like to fuck with a disgusting bastard like you.”

I didn’t have any hobbies like messing around with boys my age.

“As expected, this is the weapon our organization was aiming for!

Fuck I’m not some kind of Monster Hunter monster, what kind of weapon are you making out of me? I was annoyed at the attitude of seeing people as Valfaruks. That attitude of seeing people as monsters had to be taught. First of all, I didn’t want to go skin-to-skin with that bastard, so I had to keep my distance and compete with magic.

“Steel dragon’s scales, pierce the enemy.”

Countless sharp steel scales flew towards Gawain. If you hit even one, it can severely restrict your movement… oh shit. The steel scales melted away as soon as they touched his body. Looking at the remnants of my attack that had melted into molten iron, I gritted my teeth.

“Unfortunately, I’m a man whose body is as hot as his heart… Like iron, it melts as soon as it touches my body. Thanks to that, I can block most types of magic, and I can easily defeat opponents who use chess or swords. Well Sir Lancelot It’s going to be hard for you, but it’s okay.”

In short, it means that the body is fucking hot. The fact that the body is so damn hot… It’s as if the inside of that fine skin is burning red. That means that the chewy means red to the ear? The blood of the fighters of Myeolgong cried out.

“Today is your anniversary, you unlucky pig.”

“I’m pretty skinny? Besides, you seem to be quite good at martial arts… You probably don’t know that if you touch me, you’ll turn into a gooey meat stew right away, right?”

It certainly was. If you fight that bastard with your bare hands, you’ll definitely get fucked. Then I had to find another number.

“You said it vigorously, but there’s nothing particularly pointed about it, right? I hate those kinds of people. The kind of people who don’t have any countermeasures but start by shouting loudly first…!!!”

“Sorry! I hate bastards who look like you!”

Just avoiding his fists and kicks was the limit.

“Water spirits, eat my enemies!”

A large amount of water was poured at him. As long as I soak myself like this and put lightning magic into the water of the ground to electrocute him, I can win.

“Ha ha ha… All wizards always think the same and suffer the same way…”

He wasn’t wet at all. All the water I shot with my magic evaporated before it even touched his body. How hot is your body? It’s been fucking hot inside the iron mine since earlier… This bastard was the culprit. It’s like global warming that raises the temperature of rice.

As a village that protects the environment, I had to kill that bastard. But now that most of my means of attack were sealed, I had few means to kill that bastard. Well, it’s nothing if you’re prepared to make one arm out of hard charcoal… That said, sacrificing my body to catch that bastard was a no-brainer.

Then Lorsha’s voice was heard.

“Haa… Let’s switch positions, Werner.”

Suddenly, as if being swept away by the water of a valley, my body was swept toward Lorsha. Lorsha rode the leisurely flowing water and confronted Gawain.

“Hey, don’t joke! Lorsha, you saw it too. Water attribute magic doesn’t work on that bastard!”

“Well, all wizards know that if they splash water on me, they will win. In fact, water-attribute magic is meaningless in front of me. Even though it evaporates before it touches me and is useless.”

Then, Lorsha smiled and then stared at Gawain with a displeased expression.

“You’re the type that I fucking hate. Water attribute magic… Neither attack nor defense is good… The kind of idiot who ignores entertainment magic…”

“No, I didn’t say that. I just said that water magic is meaningless in front of me.”

“Today, as a gift from the underworld, I will tell you how great water magic is.”

Then, blue aura began to circulate through Lorsha’s body. Lorsha has been devoted to water magic all her life. Yes, magic is better if you are familiar with many attributes like Werner. Because you can deal with more diverse situations and enemies.

However, there is a law unique to human beings who stubbornly insist on only one path. I began to believe that she would not lose in this fight because she never compromised, focused on one thing and poured everything into her.

“Young people these days are so bold. They shout so loudly at adults!”

“Oh, it would be nice to be older? If you were that old, would your mother’s last name be Saurs?

I almost lost my mind at the dizzying level of the pad lip. Looking at it now, even Lancelot, who had always maintained a blunt and cool image, was breaking out in a cold sweat.

“Ha, young kids are rough-mouthed! This is why kids these days don’t have any manners!”

“Isn’t it better to be spoiled than not to have a mother like you?”

Lorsha, who spat out a diss reminiscent of a rap battle in Harlem, radiated dark blue magic instead of a pad lip this time. It was humid yet cool enough to cool the heat that had spread within the iron ore.

“I should have told you? Water attribute magic is useless to me…!”

“Sweeah of the Haegyo Dragon, pierce through and eat the arrogant and wicked things.”

Then, a huge shark’s teeth appeared out of nowhere and ate Gawain’s right arm. To be precise, he only bit off the flesh on his right arm, but nevertheless, it was true that he had hurt that bastard who couldn’t even see the answer.

“It’s true that you’ve materialized a part of the body of a water elemental spirit. That’s a fairly advanced spirit!”

“Don’t worry, Hae Gyo Ryong is younger than your mother.”

Gawain must have been furious after hearing Padlip, so he blew fire from the spring and burned the teeth that had grown around him.

And Gawain rushed at Lorsha. Just by touching her body like that, Lorsha would be cooked well-done. I hurriedly threw myself to save Lorsha. It didn’t matter whether other round cubs were looking for my back. It’s because they’re bastards who just wait and see while their comrades fight.

His hand touched my arm.

“This shit…”

it was fucking hot It felt like I had put my arm in boiling oil. Even though it was only a very light touch to spill the trajectory of the attack.

“hahahaha, isn’t it hot? Hey lady! Didn’t your friend get hurt when you said it so vigorously? If you shouted that loud, you’d have to fight properly!”

Lorsha didn’t say anything and came over to me and examined my arm.

“Idiot… Even if I got hit, it would have just ended up with minor burns…”

“Well, I’m fine. Compared to what I did to you…”

It was a big mistake to allow others to rest only 11 days for 12 years. It was not something I could repay with such a burn.

“Werner… You’re a real fool. Just stand back and wait while I fight… Just step out and get hurt like you did back then.”

“hahahaha… Maybe it’s because I’m glad you’re worried about me.”

“… Water Spirit, embrace your wounds and give them peace.”

Then, cool water covered the burned area, and with a bitter feeling, it felt like the burn was getting better.

Lorsha left me behind and moved forward. She was still emitting dark blue magic power, but somehow I felt like I was getting colder than before and getting goosebumps.

“It seems like I haven’t seen your parents for a long time… Go and shine a little on your face and do some filial piety.”

Lorsha’s magical power weighed heavily on the inside of the iron ore.

“It means go to hell you bastards. Of course they won’t kill you easily.”

“Lorsha, you don’t have to be so angry…”

Lorsha took out a blue jewel from her bosom. It was an object with extraordinary power.

“By offering the jewel that the McKellen family has been protecting, I have approved the contract with the King of Water Spirits, so this contract will be passed on from generation to generation.”

And an intense blue light began to surround Lorsha’s body. The three of them, who had been watching the situation, rushed in as if they felt that the situation was taking a strange turn, but it was already too late.

She completed a contract of some sort, and stood in front of me, exuding magical powers like ocean water.

“No one can hurt you now. It won’t be the same as last time. You won’t cry again or lose anything.”

Lorsha’s back was strong like the sea and beautiful like flowing water.

“I will make it.”

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