Chapter 115 – Iron Ore

The inside of the iron mine was full of moisture and was very damp. No, maybe it wasn’t like that. But now I have not been given a chance to know what the iron ore’s original humidity was.

“Water bullet, pierce the heart.”

The monsters attacking, the members of the Miners’ Guild, and even the black round table’s henchmen… They all lost their lives to Lorsha’s water-attribute magic. And there were two new facts.

First of all, there were animals that could easily go into heat even after looking at Lorsha’s body shape.

[Hey, boys catch women alive. It’s been a while since I’ve seen a woman like this, so damn lucky.]

[Hey, the body shape is a bit unfortunate, but what about being a woman? If you sell the man next to you, I think you’ll get a pretty good price?]

[Honestly, I can do a man’s side…]

[Yaya, tie it up first!]

Of course, he answered me with 6 consecutive hits of the Hoyeong-ryu Rakshajang and the Goewan-ryu regime. Even the shallow attacks of horny monkey babies did not reach this Werner Alton. The attacks of frivolous people are shallow and insignificant.

“Sleep in my love.”

They ended their lives with the feeling of a ninja blowing off the head of a yakuza rampaging in the underworld. According to Count Holstead, they had a hard time at first too. Poor working environment, low wages, yes, it must have been very difficult. yes don’t sympathize But as long as you all join hands with the Black Round Table, you are trash. As long as you have walked the path of garbage, you are nothing but mere worms.

“Just die, you fucking bastards!”

Unlike me, who was armed with mercy and love, Lorsha answered them with a smile.

“Women… Women… Do you like women that much? Didn’t you receive love from your mother when you were little? Then, fuck, will I let you meet your mother?”

Lorsha concentrated blue magic on her fingertips. To be honest, when it comes to water attributes, even Werner couldn’t catch up with Lorsha.

“Blade of water, cut and purify my enemies.”

As she swung her finger, the heads of the enemies in the track began rolling on the ground. The floor was covered with blood and the water Lorsha created. Ah… I should have worn boots… My feet were already damp.

“Go to hell and ask your mom to meet you and hug you.”

Lorsha looked in a bad mood today. Well, you must be in a bad mood to come to this stupid iron mine full of horny monkeys. I also kind of understood it. That is, until she kicks the black round table soldier in the head rolling across the floor.

I wanted to point out her such blasphemous behavior, but I decided to stop because her expression was very bad. In the first place, those bastards are scum that don’t respect life, so even if their own deaths are insulted, they won’t be able to refute anything.

But… at least I wanted to bury it in the ground. that’s the bare minimum

“Mouth of the earth, devour their bodies.”

At least go to sleep in the dirt, you buggers.


“Oh, how annoying. How much more do I have to go in?”

“The more you go inside, the more dust there is in the air, and it’s kind of muggy for some reason.”

Thanks to that, my shirt was wet with sweat and sticky. However, Lorsha did not show a drop of sweat.

“Lorsha… Aren’t you hot? I feel like I’m in a steamer right now.”

“Ah… did I not tell you? Our family is a family blessed by the water spirit king. Thanks to that, we block most of the heat and cold created by nature. So that we don’t get hot in the summer, and we don’t get cold at all even when we’re naked in the middle of winter.”

“Ah… your hobby of being naked outside in the middle of winter…”

I was trying to be respectful. Because each person has different hobbies. Even if Lorsha’s hobbies were outdoor exposure, I was willing to respect her. That’s the manner of an English gentleman dealing with a lady.

But to my English gentlemanly manners, Lorsha responded with British imperialist violence. I managed to block Lorsha’s drop kick, but my posture collapsed and I had no choice but to fall backwards. Lorsha didn’t miss the moment when my posture collapsed and got on top of me in a mount position. Wouldn’t Lorsha have grown into a genius of the century if she had gone to combat rather than magic?

“Hey! I don’t have any hobbies like that! It’s just that Yehsiga is like that! Yehsega! It’s just cool in winter! It’s warm even in winter!”

Wow my fists are so hot…

“It’s just that I won’t freeze to death…”

“Oh, you’re not going to freeze to death, but I think I’m going to die right now…”

There was no physical damage, but it just hurt terribly. After the UFC match ended with my surrender, we started heading into the depths of iron ore again.

“But I’m a bit envious of being immune to heat and cold.”

“It’s not completely immune. There is a limit to relieving the cold or heat given by nature. If you go to the snowy mountains in the northernmost part of the continent, I feel the cold, and if I go to the volcanoes in the southernmost part, I feel the heat too.”

“Ordinary people die before they even feel the heat or the cold when they go there…”

Snowy mountains where torches freeze, and volcanoes where torches melt… There are rumors that spirit kings live there, but no one has been able to confirm the truth of the rumors. It is a matter of authenticity or not, why not testify once you have to live, all those who left there freeze to death or dry up from the heat and die, so how can you prove it?

The existence of the spirit kings living there is like Schrödinger’s cat. It may or may not exist, but no one knows.

“Then, that’s the effect of the blessing? It’s a little draining.”

“Ah, dishes that use a lot of water, such as soups or drinks, are always delicious. Even if the ingredients are deliberately added strangely and the seasoning is changed, it always comes out delicious.”

“…that’s great. No, that’s like the greatest effect.”

“Isn’t that right? I think so too. Because the effect is the most convenient. Even when I work alone until dawn, I have to eat roughly, and it’s very comfortable at that time.”

The chains of my guilt began to choke my heart. Werner was me, and I was Werner.

After Werner beat everyone up and escaped, Lorsha only worked for 11 days for 12 years, so it is said that I am also responsible. It was strange that he wasn’t afraid to talk about his hardships.

“Hey Lorsha, the story of that time is now…”


Lorsha put a finger on her lips and covered my mouth with the other hand. I could feel the salty and warm touch of her hand.

She quietly put a message on her magical energy and sent it to me.

[Someone is coming.]

Only then did I feel my footsteps. Three men… one woman… All of them were quite good masters. To the point where I doubt if the two of us can deal with each other.

As I continued to listen, I could faintly overhear their conversation. I couldn’t hear everything like a broken Raido, but I could roughly understand parts of it.

[Lan…Sir Lot…ah…one thing…is it…solved? Look… crab… this… deep… yo.]

[Shut up… Yes… No spirit… First of all… The iron… The King’s… and the Bong…]

[By the way… Sir Wayne… of the family… of personnel… treatment… perfect… work… setbacks… tolerate…]

[I’m so worried… if I go and kill Mojo… that’ll happen… outside… there’s going to be a co-op…]

What kind of head do these cubs have a broken Internet? Why do I cut off every word I say? I quietly approached and tried to eavesdrop on the conversation more closely. However, he accidentally stepped on a small pebble and was caught by the wind.

A frivolous voice stirred Lorsha’s and my copper.

“I didn’t get caught this time, so come out. I knew you were hiding anyway.”

You guys were taking good care of them. The round table that was there…

“It’s you. Recently, I feel like I’m seeing your face often, so it’s not very nice.”

“Because I didn’t want to run into a human like you either?”

and a blonde male.

“Hmm… The mage of water for the mage of the royal family… It’s going to be a good warm-up before playing sticky with the other mage masters.”

The bastard who looked down on me perfectly was Gaway.


And a woman and what appeared to be a young man, without saying a word, simply slipped into the darkness of the iron ore, wearing masks. As if the shadow of death carried them away.

Baby Gawain looked me up and down and said in an interesting voice.

“You… you’re interesting. That goddamned goddess… no, let’s stop here. That’s not what’s important. You join our Black Round Table.”

“Fuck it.”

I had no intention of joining an organization with the stupid name of the Black Round Table. Wouldn’t it be better if it was an organization name like ‘Red Moon’ or ‘Night Crow’… The naming sense was too poor to say it was a black round table.

“Then there’s nothing we can do about it. The only thing we can do is brainwash it and make it our side…”

It sounded like a dog. But I wasn’t the one who formally protested against this bullshit.

“You’re talking nonsense, you crazy bastard.”

Lorsha tugged at my cheek.

“He owes me 12 years. But what are you guys taking? He owes me 12 years plus interest for 70 years. He can’t go anywhere until he pays it all off.”

12 years grows to 82 years. What the fuck is this world’s Ushijima?

“Hah… even a young girl can be bold.”

“Oh yeah, is it good that you’re old? Then your mother must be old as well? So your mother said that when you breastfeed, formula comes out?”

Lorsha seemed to come from the street.

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