Episode 117 – Contract (Lorsha’s point of view)

In our family, jewels containing the power of the Spirit King have been handed down from generation to generation. Everyone else coveted that power, but neither my father nor I wanted to use it. Because my father and I were also hard-working people. The moment you use that power, all the effort you put in will be recognized as a virtue of that power.

[Father, then wouldn’t it be better to just sell those jewels?]

In that case, I thought it would be better to just sell it at a high price and cover the research expenses. At my immature words, my father quietly stroked my hair and said,

[There is a time for everything. Even if you throw away your beliefs, if the moment comes when you need strength… there will be no tool as reliable as this jewel.]

I couldn’t understand that at the time. Because I thought there was nothing as important as the value of one’s efforts and one’s beliefs.

Time passed like flowing water, and my aging father handed me the seat of the owner of the tower and the jewel of the king of spirits and said,

[Lorsha, I said last time that power will be of great help when you need it… but you shouldn’t use that power. The moment you use it, your children’s children will be forever bound by the contract. If you think it’s okay to throw it all away, use it.]

It meant that if I used that power, my descendants would have to live bound by that contract regardless of their will. Then there was no reason to use that power. Because I said that hurting innocent others for my own benefit is the habit of scumbags. who said it? Those were the words of my only close friend and first love.

But after saying that, my first love suddenly left. Because I couldn’t keep up with him. If I had kept him by my side, none of this would have happened. I still wanted to hold on to him, so I told him to become my assistant.

I said that without knowing how much it would hurt that child who was proud of himself and loved magic.

Because of those words, our relationship became distant. It seemed like a huge stream of water was flowing between us. But I didn’t have the courage to go against the stream. It seemed that going against the stream would hurt the child even more.

When I first heard the news that the child was engaged to the daughter of a grand duke, I cried for three days and nights. When the blanket and the entire bed became damp, instead of sadness, another emotion rose in a corner of my heart.

It was a regret. If I had protected that child, if I hadn’t said such rude things to that child, if I had confessed to him first… a situation like today might not have come.

I wanted to visit you even the day before the engagement ceremony and tell you my feelings. Saying I like you, throwing everything away and running away.

But when I found him, he had already disappeared like a dandelion seed blown away by the wind. What was the wind that the dandelion seed flew on? The gaze of the rotten nobles? Or is it an overwhelming burden? The pain of an irrepressible wound? Or… the words I spit out? What I won’t be by your side when you’re having a hard time?

You could call it excessive self-consciousness. So I begged you to come out and mock me. But even so, the child did not show up.

At that time, the nobles protested against the child’s escape in the palace. It wasn’t until after Werner disappeared that the teeth were exposed. Disgusting, repulsive maggots.

[To disappear without a word is an insult to the imperial family! We must quickly bring in that Werner and punish him!]

[In the first place, the nobility was not given to such a lowly person! The country’s discipline must be corrected so that this does not happen in the future!]

[Leaving without selecting a successor caused confusion in state affairs, so I think it should be dealt with with the death penalty.]

On the topic of bugs who were only flattering in front of the person concerned…

I raised my hand and stood before the Emperor.

[This is Lorsha McKellen, the owner of the Magic Tower of Water. I am sorry to inform you, Your Majesty, but Sir Werner did not run away irresponsibly.]

The old foxy emperor paid attention to me. It wasn’t a sticky look like lust for a woman. I was surrounded by garbage, and I was looking at the least good thing.

[Whoa… can you tell me what that means?]

[I am Sir Werner’s successor. Will you send all imperial family requests to the Water Mage Tower from now on?]

[Hmm… From what I’ve heard, it’s not easy being the owner of the Magic Tower. But can you handle the work of the famous royal mage?]

I bit my lip. Yes, it was difficult and daunting to work as a mage master. There was no time to sleep just checking papers, organizing budgets, conducting personal research, and supervising other wizards. But it was for the child.

[Is there anyone who ignores the request of a dear friend? If that’s the case, that’s not a friend… It’s nothing more than trash approaching for status or networking.]

The last part was directed at the trashy nobles present. They also started coughing, as if they had been stung a little.

The emperor appointed me imperial mage, and I warned the scum nobles as I left the throne room.

[Ah, and… it’s a position I took on out of friendship for my friend, but I will faithfully fulfill my duty as much as I care for my friend. So while I faithfully fulfill my duty, if there is anyone who slanders that friend… I will take my life on the spot.]

I continued to live a life where it was unknown whether I would be able to sleep three hours a day and take a day off a year.


I couldn’t possibly forgive the bastards called the Black Round Table. They were scumbags who always only hurt him. I never for a moment forgot my hatred for them.

However, I knew at least that the difference in skill was obvious. The one who called himself Gawain was certainly strong. And the man called Lancelot, who watched the situation quietly, and the woman wearing a mask were stronger than that.

I was different from Werner, who couldn’t use great magic. He spat out curse words in his shabby heart. Not wanting to lose, I spat out a curse.

But at that moment, Gawain melted my magic and charged me. I had no choice but to give up at least one arm.

But at that moment, Werner blocked my way, and I received his attack as it was. Werner deflected the attack and stepped back.

“Idiot… Even if I got hit, it would have just ended up with minor burns…”

“I’m fine. Compared to what I did to you…”

what wrong did you do to me…

can’t forgive It couldn’t be stolen again. I will not let you steal anything from Werner. Resentment dominated my reasoning, and I spat out curses that I was ashamed to say. And I had to make a decision.

I took out the jewel I had been keeping for a long time.

“By offering the jewel that the McKellen family has been protecting, I have approved the contract with the King of Water Spirits, so this contract will be passed on from generation to generation.”

For a fraction of a second, my mind sank into a dark trench.

[Don’t worry, child. Because this is a very short moment, only 0.00001 seconds.]

What stood in my way was a huge whale. A whale bigger than most cities and with dark blue patterns smiled at me.

[Do you really agree to the contract?]

“Yes, give me strength.”

[It’s the first time I’ve seen such a bold child since he was created by his mother in the beginning. So, you know what you have to pay for this contract… you know?”

Even if the value of all my efforts go back to nothing, even if my descendants resent me, I don’t care. I didn’t want to regret any more. It doesn’t matter if you regret it later. I’m going to save what’s in front of my eyes.

“Lorsha McKellen, head of the McKellen family and lord of the Mage Tower of Water. I agree to sign a contract with the water spirit king, Ballena.”

[Valena, the water spirit king, I will lend you my power according to the laws created by my mother in the beginning.]

The water of the trench where my mind sank, the power of the giant ballerina flowed into me. It was definitely painful. It felt like a lot of water was going into my lungs.

But I was able to put up with that kind of pain. Because I know what real pain is.

Yes I may regret this decision. You may hear resentment from your descendants. But I was afraid of what might happen or not, and I didn’t want to see my precious person hurt anymore.

With this decision… I’ll save you, Werner.

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