"I'm going outside. Leka, Tila, ask for support."

"... Huh?

Reply from a guardian I've been in touch with for a long time. I checked the contents. That's what I said as I went to the desk procurement, and Tila, who was preparing my luggage because she just thought it was something she was going to attend school now, raised her surprise.

"Outside? You mean outside the school?

"That's right. The destination is the Count of Teresia's residence and the House of Lords, other depending on the circumstances. Elise, call 'Latka'. accompanied by an escort."

Copy that.

Call Latka, and that means come dressed as a man. Latka quickly left the room with Leka, even as she looked fed up with the samurai clothes that annoyed her to wear and take off.

"... Wait a minute. Take us to the House of Lords?

"Only aristocrats with titles can enter Alexandria Castle. You guys are waiting at that entrance. You don't have to be nervous, Aslan."

"No... not nervous or anything. Are you okay, even if you take us? Don't they say anything about bringing the Syls to the royal palace?

I only look at the anxious face Aslan once, from head to toe, and I say, no problem. The Sil people who lived on the plateau have slightly darker skin colours than the humans in the Yugfena region, but there are not so many differences in facial appearance.

So I wondered why Aslan mentioned that.

In the realm, they have successfully suppressed evil feelings for the Syl tribe.

Since the meat, milk, and processed products of livestock raised by Ning Lo and others can be distributed into the territory, the residents are mostly favored by the new residents, even if they leave their place of residence, so they have rarely been exposed to direct harm. Since the beginning of the war with Lindar, the Sir warriors have sometimes taken on most of their military service, and now there is an air of tabooing the entire territory with the exposures of exclusivity themselves.

Aslan's gaze moves from me to the Teala behind it.

Tila is the daughter of a pure Sil tribe, with some darker skin color than Leka from the farmers and Aslan, the son between it and the Sil tribe.

"Many people in Arxia have darker skin colors. There are a large number of people from the Southwest who have a lighter, blacker skin color than the Sil. Your face will be slightly unusual because of its strong northeastern character, but noble squire is not unusual, so no one will care."


Aslan nodded, but still somewhat badly cut his teeth.

... Well. Not many people in this school know the origins of Tila and Aslan.

Those who are sensitive to the information will find themselves old Altras people who accepted it into Cardiac territory because of the colour of their skin, but, as I explained to Aslan, dark-coloured skin is also very common in the country. More than no certainty, the well-educated aristocrats, even though they are children, do not imitate it in their mouths.

I turned from Aslan to Tila. She was smiling flat and soft, but it would be better to hang her words as their guardian than Aslan is anxious.

"Tila, Mrs. Heidemann is only a person outside the realm. I don't care if she tells me something. I will return it to the Teresian family at any time on the grounds of insult to my people. I don't mind protesting against the Marquis Lietergau today. I'm going to see his brother now anyway."

"I don't care. Because I believe above all in the words of my lord, Lord Eliza, and I think I should.... uh, you know, there are times when the words of the leftovers are less valuable to the Syls than the roar of livestock. So let me tell you something, I don't mind anything."

I nodded at Tila's words.

The servant has a chain of command divided by gender. The only person who is handicapped by the pride of Mrs. Heidemann, the housekeeper, is Teala, who is given a larger room as a samurai with a husband.

The Teresians are profitable because of the special needs of the war, so there is no such thing as the Lady who came from there has the intention of political Cyrillic exclusion. If she's hitting on Tila because she's a Shill, she'll find no other excuse to disparage Tila. Excellent samurai, above all.

"... the Sil women are strong"

So grumbling as Aslan finally relieved himself. Latka came back after finishing dressing there and this story ended as it was.

While keeping an eye on Mrs Heidemann's trends, the dismissal was still to be seen. It is a good opportunity to lend to a Teresian family who has deliberately sent incompetent talent. Even though the Teresian family is not a single rock, there are no cards for the attack.

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