"My head hurts... I don't want to go to school..."

"What are you talking about, you're the one who said I won't be replacing you for a while"

Latka frowned surprisingly at the words she squeaked between sticking her eggs and breakfast in her mouth. I have barely replaced him since that mock duel. It's because you can't replace it in a situational way.

"Look, squeaky mesh. Eat. What the hell is wrong with you? I've never seen you look like that before."

"... Shut up. You're speechless, Elise..."

Even though he told me with his head in his arms, Latka stepped down his neck, and then when he took the bread I was wrapping in the first place, he jammed it up there and shoved it back into my mouth.

"Eat fast. It's time to get out of the dorm or I'll be late for lecture."

... Ugh. My head hurts. I don't want to go to school. Ning Luo, why do you have to go to lectures that only come out of what you've already learned...? Wouldn't it be a more meaningful use of time to clean up your job as a lord than to do that...?

I cursorily continued my careless breakfast, guzzling dialogue like a student trying to skip school in my brain without even realizing that was a quote from a memory of a previous life.

"Morning, Cardia. Are you okay? You look pale..."

"Oh, Zephyr...... good morning"

Next to me, who attended the lecture from the unpleasant prediction that things might get worse when I ended up resting, Zephyr, with a worried look, lowered his back.

This is how he often speaks to me when he says there could be vain bad reviews. I haven't heard any more pussies about Zephyr than I had been told, so I've been talking to him casually there lately.

"My health is fine. I've been doing a lot lately, and I'm just getting a little tired."

"Yes. Don't push me, okay? Well... it's tough when the lord falls."

"Oh, thank you"

He knows the real reason for my illness. It is very gratifying to me now that his presence just breaks my heart, drawing on my desire not to talk about it.

"Good morning, Count Cardia, Mordon"

"... Morning, Laurenzorel"

"Good morning, Baron Laurenzorel"

The grandson of the commander-in-chief who came to school there joined me with a normal face, and I held my head softly.

Ten days have already passed since the day of that mock duel.

But the fight between the grandson of the recalcitrant commander-in-chief and Eric that day is becoming more recalcitrant every day instead of subsiding. Prince Wang and Grace, who are out of school on official business, are not coming back, so there are no people who can arbitrate them.

And on top of that, the commander-in-chief's grandson was starting to behave with me like he did with Eric.

This is the seed of my headache.

In fact, he and I, the nobleman of the House of Laurenzorel of Takemen, can go out more casually than Eric with blood that leads to the royal family, and there are quite a few stories, and he is not even a good friend if there is no quarrel between the two.

Prince Wang and the Grand Duke are too different identities to want to be involved with each other if they can, but only the grandson of the commander-in-chief is a different story. I have a lot going on with the Laurenzorels, so I also want to keep him company if I want to think about the future.

But...... this situation is not good. Being in the vortex yourself is still a bad idea.

After that mock duel - Eric's past insult - the commander-in-chief's grandson asked him for two apologies. It is an apology to the commander-in-chief himself and to me.

Eric, who is naturally neglecting me, stuck to the demand.

Sieghardt then declared in front of the public that he would review his friendship until he had an apology, and since then he has not even spoken to Eric.

Sieghardt, who seemed calm, is still a child... and so on.

Not good.... I am causing it and I am putting him in the company near Prince Wang's side. I'm still talking about the degree of childishness, but I think if I stubbornly talk further from here after Prince Wang returns,... I have a headache.

"Speaking of which, it's time for that...... would you call me by name, both of you? Count Cardia in particular would have a lot to do with the rest of the Laurenzorel family, wouldn't he?

"... yeah...?

"And may I also call you Cardia, like Mordon? Honestly, I believe it's gotten close enough to be forgiven."

"Oh... right...?

While I was experiencing a headache, the commander-in-chief's grandson was talking about something, but to be honest, I hadn't heard much about it and vaguely hammered him.

The moment I rush back to sanity, I have a slightly unpleasant feeling that the grandson of a somewhat upbeat commander-in-chief comes into view.

"Right, thanks. Please keep it up, Cardia. Mordon, call me by name, if you like."

"Really? It's an honor, I can't believe you forgive my parent name. I want you to call me by my first name."

... Wait a minute. You're talking about how to call it.

Aristocrats vary greatly in intimacy between themselves depending on how they call private. Initially, they call it a nickname or a title, and when they get close, they start calling it a nickname or a more intimate name.

I vehemently regretted responding appropriately.

I hope this doesn't cause this quarrel to intensify more and more... and when I see Eric staring at this one with an awesome look on his face, I immediately discard that sweet thought as if I can't.

You will have to move whether to do something about Eric before Prince Wang returns to school or to do something about the commander-in-chief's grandson.

... Oh, my head hurts. I want to go home and fall asleep now.

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