It has been a long time since I met Count Teresia face to face.

"I'm sorry I didn't get to say hello"

"No, good. I should have seen my face at the entrance ceremony."

The Count, loosely justified by his bench, felt that his expression had become only slightly more relaxed since his return to the king's capital. Since his arrival on duty, the situation on the Cardians has been very harsh, so to my knowledge he may not have been able to afford it more than it should have been.

"At that time, I heard it was a little bad..."

"I just had a light cough. The people in the house make so much noise that when I took care of it and went to bed for only two days, I lost everything. No problem."

"Was I? I'm glad it didn't matter."

"No one and he treats the matter of Nong like an old man dying. My brother still climbs the castle so well every day. I'm not convinced that he's going to be treated as dying."

From the time I celebrated my ten birthdays, I spent more time returning to the King's Capital of the Count. At the same time as I duke, I also returned my lord's representation on the territory of Cardia, and now I live back in my mansion.

Without children, he is still in the county because he cannot inherit the title, but he has hardly attended the House of Lords any more recently. I guess he's going to be enjoying the rest of his life at the Mansion, feeling completely retired, even as he cleans up the work of the Royal Palace Treasurer, which is the basis for the title.

"... reasonably good. Looks like you're in more trouble than that."

For that matter, he still holds so much information that he has no teeth in his fellow aristocrats that the ranked aristocrats throughout the King's capital frequently rely on him to bring in consultations.

As always, he is an overly influential guardian to the Count.

Well... isn't that exactly what I was able to say when I brought in information and frequent consultations? There seems to be more and more reliance on other nobles because of my lord.

"Yes. Actually, I was having a little trouble with Lord Eric, the Grand Duke..."

"Is the jewelry exactly what you sent me in your letter? I've already disposed of it through my eyes."

I nodded to the concise confirmation.

I have submitted to the Count in advance a report or something that sums up my relationship and interaction with Prince Wang and his three surroundings since enrollment.

Since my thoughts at the time of the response are also written down, it would be troublesome if it were in the hands of someone other than the Count, but since the Count and I are a Lotus student who cannot cut off the edge until death, there is no way he would betray me and give that letter to anyone. If you're saying you disposed of it, I guess so.

"Yes. As far as I'm concerned, I'm not sure why Lord Eric has such hostility in that level of interaction. I was hoping to distance myself from His Royal Highness Prince Wang by damaging his mind."

"You seem to have had little interaction with Grace or Laurenzorel's grandson. Grace and I, among other things, have only exchanged words since our first day of service."

"I can feel a little relieved that Lord Grace and I seem to maintain the most appropriate sense of distance. Is it the gift of the Grand Duke's education?"

I don't know much about what Grand Duke Dovadyne is like who hardly ever shows his face to the House of Lords. Being my brother Wang, he is a key figure in the High House of Lords and in my position he is something I would not otherwise be able to relate to.

………… The Grand Duke... "

At one time, however, it seems not to be the case for the Earl of Teresia, who had participated in the Superior House of Lords.

From time to time, I admired the harsher look and seemed to be lost in the rare words to be spoken.

I had a cup of tea at hand and waited for the conversation to continue.

The Count says, with his own thoughts on some circumstance of the Grand Duke.

─ No matter how many children, the aristocrat with the origins of the Grand Duke ─ there is too much strangeness in Eric's words and deeds, which should also be the son of Brother Wang, even though he is a bastard.

I'm sorry that I frowned once or twice about what kind of education he had been given at the Grand Duke every time he lost his word.

He is a common son born of his concubine, but being able to behave like Grace and his twin brothers like that has probably been treated almost equally to Grace so far.

Then there should be no difference in the education received.

Grace is the only one of those who hasn't dealt with me. He has persisted in his attitude that he already has a vision as the next Grand Duke, and that he can't even get into his eyes, such as a junior uncle who has grown up.

And I feel it's right, too.

Apart from Sieghardt, a nobleman of the same martial arts, it is strange in itself that Prince Wang and the Grand Duke have frequent conversations with me.

… In the divided society called the Academy of Learning, the current situation in which Prince Wang is treated as the next status, and as a royal position different from that of nobility, it is in a sense impossible for Prince Wang to speak up to me.

But that's just a story in the Academy, and if you get out of there, you're just one of a number of junior nobles, such as me. There are already grand aristocracies with origins such as the Laurenzorel and Einschvark families if you are the face of the Takemen aristocracy.

Prince Wang's attitude is too intimate for that... I'll leave that now.

The question lies in the difference between Eric and Grace.

It would be weird if Eric weren't more than Grace taking the right distance to me as a Grand Duke person.

If there is a difference in education or treatment in the house, Eric's relationship with Grace becomes strange on the contrary.

Why can the two behave like twin brothers while they are in a relationship between an offspring and a common son? How can you two have a contrasting attitude towards me when you are allowed to behave like that?

... Don't wonder why I have to stick my neck into other family issues, but I can't even stink more than I'm in danger if I don't do something about Eric.

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