131 – Holy Sword: Küu, Kill!

Originally, I can’t use dual swords.

In the first place, there was always only one holy sword for me, and there was no reason to learn dual swords before that. Besides, there was no sword similar to the Holy Sword.

They were made similar in length and weight, but compared to the Holy Sword, they were inferior swords.

Even the fake Holy Sword I made based on my memories when I was in the Church of Neiros looked nothing but a normal black sword in front of the real Holy Sword.

“… That’s awesome.”

But the sword in front of me is different.

The golden sword studded with black roses radiated divine power like the holy sword I used in the past, and even looking at the box containing the sword, it seemed to be quite old, but it was emitting spirit like a sword I had just taken care of yesterday.

“Yes, it’s the first time I’ve opened it like this since I was entrusted with her sword, but I can still vividly see her running around the battlefield with this sword in my head.”

“But can I hold this?”

The function of the holy sword is outstanding, but that is the biggest problem.

“I am not the owner of this sword.”

The system of the Holy Sword that recognizes only its hero.

She has always used the holy sword because of her pure love-like personality, saying that the only person who deserves to touch her is her hero. And that was the case with every holy sword.

“I heard that. And she said she’d been working on it… I was told that the details would be known when the ‘hero’ grabbed the sword.”

“is that so?”

[If ‘I didn’t want to remain as a virgin’ is pure love, I really ask where your holy sword went.]


And then, where is he?

I forgot because I use Nemesis well, but I also have my own holy sword.

A golden sword, the same as the sword in front of me right now, must have appeared somewhere around the time the warrior’s pattern appeared on the back of my hand. The problem is, I really don’t know where it is.

[‘I want to sleep with all women’ asks why I don’t know.]

He always found me first.

To be precise, it came to me in any way. There were times when a thief kept it as an ornamental sword, and there were times when I accidentally found it in a dungeon where I got caught up in it. Even the most absurd ones have fallen from the sky.

And each time, I didn’t intend to find the holy sword, but as if it was destiny, I found myself there.

“… I have to find it.”

If it was embedded in a rock like the holy sword of the first hero, or received from the spirit of the lake like the second hero, I would have gone looking for it, but this guy has no idea.

[‘Firemeung’s fun’ asks you if that’s enough to make your soul stick to the sword.]

Why is the soul clinging to the holy sword rather than the demonic sword?

In the first place, the Ego Sword is the exclusive property of the demonic sword. In the process of making a sword, if the maker puts his/her soul or the soul of another person into it, or if one sword kills countless people, the curse accumulates and the demonic sword is completed.

And when a soul dwells in such a demonic sword, or when a curse becomes self-conscious like a spirit, the ego sword is complete.

There’s no way the holy sword that’s on the opposite side has self-consciousness, right?

“For now, warrior. Let’s take a look at the sword.”


For now, I should think about whether or not to find my holy sword later, and focus on the holy sword in front of me.

When I reached out and grabbed the handle of the sword, I involuntarily tried to remove my hand from the feeling of repulsion that I felt along with the tingling sensation.

[The holy sword <Thorn> that lost its hero denies you.]


It’s kind of like this.

The feeling of repulsion is so strong that, frankly, it is mind boggling. It feels like the whole body is being supported by electric magic, but it’s not to the extent that you can’t catch it at all like other people because it has the characteristics of a hero.

And there is a post saying that it denies me.

The holy sword denies the hero… It’s a really funny situation.

“It’s not that people choose the sword, it’s a situation where the sword chooses the people.”

People who don’t know anything say that a hero is chosen by a holy sword, but I think the opposite.

woo woo woo… !!

“If it’s a holy sword, you should come to the hero.”

The Holy Sword is the best sword for a warrior to hold.

But in the end, since the sword is a weapon, it’s up to the hero himself whether to use it or not.

In fact, in the past, there was a time when a warrior with the alias of Changseong killed the demon king without using a holy sword, using a spear rather than a sword.

So, that side does not absolutely exist above.

[The holy sword <Thorn>, which lost its hero, refuses as it feels familiar with the divine power you put into it.]

look at this Even if it was a holy sword, in the end it was just a tool used by the hero.

It’s a little strange to express that you feel emotions, but what can you do?

“Just a sword.”


After the divine power, when mana was put in, the sword trembled, the electricity flowing through the body subsided, and the system appeared in front of my eyes again.

[The holy sword <Thorn>, which lost its hero, tastes your magic and feels dizzy.]

It is shown in writing that he is gradually surrendering.

The state of the descriptions is a bit strange, but it’s weird that they’re normal since they’re gods writing this anyway.

Red magic power burned the holy sword, and the resistance of the holy sword gradually weakened.

[The holy sword <Thorn>, which lost its hero, protests even more, saying that it will never surrender to you.]


“Ugh… .”

In the blink of an eye, even my mana was pulverized, and I let go of my hand without realizing it. Looking at the palm of my hand, I can see how much I resisted it, so it was cooked to the point where black smoke came out.

“young master! Are you okay!?”

“Yeah, that’s enough to hold on to.”

The holy sword fell to the floor while restoring the palm with the remaining holy power… No, look at the thorns.

It’s a sword that really lives up to its name.

[Thorn, the holy sword that lost its hero, urges you that it will never surrender.]

Laughter jumps out at the sentence that popped up in the system window that popped up once again.

Is she the heroine of a tragic story in a novel where she was taken prisoner?

It was enough to make my head dizzy at the state of the ambassadors coming out of the holy sword, but I knew that there was a possibility of handling the holy sword apart from that.

“Pope, would it be all right if I stay here for a few days?”

“Yes, of course. But wouldn’t you feel uncomfortable because of the children… .”

When the Pope looked toward the door behind him, not at me, there were dozens of pupils staring at us from there.

At that age, anything is interesting.

“I am okay.”

Seeing the children, Lianne cautiously raised her hand.

“I brought the Bocchan since I was young so I can avoid harming my children as much as possible. And if I can help, I will help.”

“No no. It is enough that I have already received this amount.”

Seeing the pope waving his hand, Lianne pulled herself out of her body at the stubborn refusal, but the general reaction was almost the same.

“No problem.”

“Me too.”

“I’m fine too.”

Most of them didn’t hate children, and basically nothing big would happen as long as good people gathered.

“Then accepting the favor… .”

I need to handle this sword properly.

When he picked up the holy sword from the floor, it emitted lightning again, showing a counter reaction, but compared to the output he had sent out for a moment, the output had dropped considerably.

[‘I want to sleep with all women’ says it’s the first time he’s seen a teaching assistant play, so he’s looking forward to your skills.]

Sounds like a teaching assistant game.

No, in a way, the teaching assistant is right.

[The holy sword <Thorn>, which lost its hero, rebels against you.]

Because I have to make this cute holy sword my own.

[‘I hate NTR!!!!’ He said he felt bad because he seemed to be NTRing something.]

… sh*t, saying that made me feel bad too.

To be honest, the hero was already dead, and this holy sword was also brought back from something that had been buried somewhere for 100 years. No problems at all.

Even warriors are future warriors. In other words, since it is a holy sword prepared for me, it is a legitimate successor in a way.

[‘I hate NTR!!!!’ Nim still tells you that the state of the words that come to mind in the system is a little different.]

sure it is

The sword trembles a little, or does nothing other than a rebound reaction, but the problem is the system window that has popped up in front of my eyes.

[The holy sword <Thorn>, which lost its hero, groans at your magical power and sheds tears in pain.]

It’s not a phrase from some tragic novel… Each sentence is like a gem.

[‘I want to sleep with all women’ asks you if you should train and use dual swords.]

That’s right.

“… Besides, it’s a sword, so there’s no need to feel guilty.”

So I tightly gripped the handle of my sword and quietly entered my room.

[The holy sword <Thorn> who lost the hero closes his eyes and utters a word.]

[Kuu, kill it!!]

Aze says the holy sword is f*cking.

[‘I want to sleep with all women’ laughs.]

Why is this god f*cking with a holy sword?

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