132 – I liked it first…

[The holy sword <Thorn>, which lost its hero, looks at you with ferocious eyes.]

“Where are your eyes?”

what kind of eye is the sword

The text displayed by the system expresses the personification of the sword, but all that is sent from the other side is a consistent backlash.

“You’re not going to just quietly surrender, are you?”


Even if I didn’t look at the system window, I couldn’t help but decide to cut the sword to my own will.

Honestly, the odds are slim, but this is the only thing that can be used to subdue.

[The holy sword <Thorn> that lost its hero screams at your magic power.]

Even though it is impossible to instantly turn it into my side like the magical power of Skaya’s rule, this magical power is also useful. especially physically.

Even if it looks like this, the characteristic of the holy sword is indestructible. Since it does not break, there is no need to worry about it breaking even if you put so much destructive magic into it.

[The holy sword <Thorn> screams as it lost its hero.]

However, if there is something like a pseudo nerve in this holy sword, the pain will be felt as distinctly as possible.

To compare it to a human being, this holy sword is feeling exactly this. It feels like magma is moving around in the blood vessels instead of blood, but the body is fine even though magma is flowing in the blood vessels.

As if the body would react as if it were normal.

Because it is an unbreakable, unbreakable holy sword.

At this point, when the mana was withdrawn, the reaction to the backlash disappeared, albeit slightly.

[The holy sword <Thorn>, who lost the hero, catches his breath and looks at you with eyes that will kill him.]

“Looking at you, where should I write it?”

[The holy sword <Thorn>, who lost the hero, closes his eyes tightly in the pain that will come again.]

The thorns, feeling that something was flowing through their hands, intensified the repulsive reaction and gave them strength, but it was not my mana that flowed this time.

[The holy sword <Thorn>, which lost its hero, unwittingly releases its power.]

The warrior’s divine power.

It lets out that warm divine power that perhaps even the warriors of the previous generation had.

It was a reaction beyond my imagination. In an instant, the backlash diminished, only a slight tingling sensation, and I felt nothing I’d call a problem moving.

[‘I didn’t want to remain as a virgin’ said that the whip and carrot strategy worked well for generations, and I applaud you for adjusting your pace.]

I was also surprised at how simple it was.

It’s so lame that it collapses so easily?

Fortunately, the Holy Sword, which seemed to live up to its name, hurriedly pushed me back with blue electricity, but it seemed that it was not normal.

[I feel dizzy from the familiar holy power of the holy sword <Thorn> that lost its hero.]

it will be cozy

For this holy sword, this divine power is felt as the hero’s divine power after 100 years.

“Don’t you want to feel more?”

So tell me.

I’m thinking of becoming the hero’s holy sword and enjoying this divine power.

[The holy sword <Thorn> that lost its hero is stubbornly stubborn towards you.]

“Yeah, I expected this much.”

Even so, it was corrupted by my holy sword in just a few hours… No, if it became my holy sword, I would have gotten a little fed up with it too.

“Then, how long will we be able to hold out?”

[‘I want to sleep with all women’ picks up popcorn, excited about the full-scale training.]


[Your hero is having a hot time with another holy sword.]


Lian is having a hot time with <Thorn>.

The sparkling golden holy sword was despairing in real time.

<Hero!! My own warrior yeee!>

Every time news spread that his master was having a hot time with another holy sword, he could feel his mental strength drop to negative.

<Why! Warrior’s! The holy sword is me!!!!>

[Your hero injects holy power into another holy sword, and I promise not to sleep today.]

<What?! I don’t sleep!! The brave warrior who was so nervous during his return spits out such words to a holy sword other than me!!?>

And the most difficult part for such a holy sword is that he can’t move right now.

<Why did I have to make such a choice!!>

Lian’s holy sword <Affection> was now stuck in a certain stone like the first hero’s holy sword.

Of course, it was purely the will of this holy sword that entered this place.

[I miss you in the sword your warrior lacks.]

Even just a few months ago, it was a system window that appeared in front of affection.

The hero was guaranteed to miss him right in front of him, and even the hero’s feelings slipped in and he was happy.

Looking at the warrior who misses him, he had an interesting thought.

I always visited first, but at least once I chose exile because of my desire to play a role that was saved like a princess in a fairy tale.

However, it was not possible to enter a place where the hero could not be found, so he entrusted himself to a nearby dungeon so that he could find himself after about half a year.

It’s a challenge I tried because there’s no way the warrior would abandon me. But you don’t have to worry.

<Because the hero has become a body that can’t be satisfied without me.>

When only <Lian Primal> grabs his handle, he puts a rock on so that the seal will be released, and the joyous wait begins… It would have been.

[Your hero is satisfied with the new holy sword.]


The phrase that came to mind as soon as it was sealed did not take much time to drop the feeling of affection that had soared into the sky.

<Dragon… sir?>

The holy sword always by his side was himself.

He knew that he was a holy sword made for a hero named Lian Primal, so he thought that Lian was the only one.

No, through his six lives, he knew that Lian had only himself.

That’s why I decided to seal it, albeit a bit reckless.

[Your warrior is satisfied with the ability of the new holy sword and walks a new path.]

<Hero? Warrior?!>

By the way, warrior. Lian was given a new holy sword.

[Your hero directly gives the name <Nemesis> to the new holy sword.]

<Give me a name????>

And that holy sword did a few things that Ae-jung couldn’t accept.

Ryan gave it a name himself.

I was subjected to management that was only given to me.

And how… Ryan was satisfied.

Originally, Lian, who was not satisfied with a sword other than his own, completely forgot his existence because he was satisfied with the ability of a holy sword that had no basis called Nemesis.

But the love was denied.

No. He’ll come back to me soon.

I thought so, but for half a year, Lian never once complained or complained to Nemesis. Rather, he only smiled at the holy sword’s ability to accept curses, a new power.

<Oh, isn’t it? probably not… .>

And the more time like that, the more the time when affection felt anxious.

The perception of affection, which I thought was a child’s solemn existence, has changed slightly.

To be honest, my perception has changed, but to be honest, I became anxious thinking that I might be abandoned.

As time passed, the anxiety increased.

Lian’s side is no longer overflowing with garbage.

The women, the summons, and the sword were much better than in the previous life.

<… no! There’s no way a freshman can compare to me!!>

However, he denied the affection and thought that Lian would never forget him, and fortunately the answer came back.

[Your warrior misses you.]


That one word was enough.

In the meantime, the pride that went to hell is revived. After all, the thought that you should be by his side will not disappear from your head, and you will find yourself soon.

[Your hero holds a new holy sword.]

That is, until you hear these words.


[Your hero smiles and is interested in the new holy sword.]

[Your hero sees the new holy sword and feels that he can become stronger.]

[Your hero likes the personality of the new holy sword <Thorn> and burns with a sense of pride.]

<Huh? uh????>

The system that came to mind in an instant pointed to the news that Lian had a new sword other than Nemesis, and that he liked that holy sword as well.

and… Also, he was forgotten.

<Hero… ?>

He must have been the hero’s only holy sword.

[I wonder how many days your hero will invest for <Thorn>.]

i don’t need that

If you just pull yourself out of this dungeon, I’ll be your faithful holy sword.

[Your hero is satisfied with the <Thorn>’s backlash and uses his magic again… .]

Affection could no longer look at the system window.

Even just a year ago, my own hero who only looked at himself and loved only himself… Because I couldn’t see him playing with other holy swords.

[Your hero subdues the <Thorn>.]

Ae-jeong closed her eyes while praying that this was a dream.

While praying that the warrior who would pick him up would come soon.

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