130 – The Holy Sword of the Former Hero

People say don’t solve everything with money.

Are you trying to solve a person’s life with money, and they say revenge is more important than money, but think about it carefully once more.

Is the amount not small?

If you can’t get 10 million gold, try offering 100 million gold.

If that doesn’t work, offer 1 billion gold, and try offering 100 gold as well. And not with words, but with the kind and go.

There are very few people who can refuse such a thing right in front of their eyes unless they are a saint of some kind.

“welcome! Prince Primal!!”

look at this Even the clergy are helpless in front of the number of 100 million.

The sight of him fawning in front of me with a smile on his eyes reminded me of the pope I remembered, but fortunately, what I saw in the eyes of the pope in front of me was not unconditional greed.

[Looks like you’re grateful.]

I laughed at Neros’ words and stepped into the church.

Certainly, compared to the Neiros Church, it is a shabby church. It seems that he is in dire need of money.

The more I walked, the more I began to notice the traces of people instead of feeling sacred.

The small graffiti painted on the wall, the sparsely visible colorful eyes and the small shadow reminded me of an orphanage rather than the headquarters of the church.

“Wasn’t this the headquarters of the Church?”

“Yes, it is a place to accept Rachel.”

If so, what is the number of these children?

There is nothing wrong with having children in the church. It was for raising them as priests, and there were many cases in which the Church of Neiros also took care of orphans for a while.

But still too many for a child living in this small church.

“Then what the hell is the number of those children?”

“… Unfortunately, they are the children left behind by those who went for revenge despite Rachel’s request, or the children who got involved in that revenge.”

“Did you accept all those children?”

“Yes, because children are innocent.”

There are degrees to charity work.

At least the number of visible children exceeds 100. Considering that it is morning time, there are probably more other children.

Even for food alone, more than 10 gold was broken per day. No, 30 gold is easy if you feed the three o’clock child a proper meal.

It’s not the same number compared to the gold I gave out, but it’s a different story to use this every day.

“… How the hell did this place work?”

“I was lucky. Thanks to donations from people who received grace once a month, the church was barely maintained… .”

It seems that Rirke has spent the church’s money like that.

At this point, I feel a little guilty. If I had just bought it with my own money, these kids wouldn’t have to suffer.

“I’m relieved now, though. With so much money coming in, the smiles on the children’s faces won’t leave for a while.”

There seemed to be a halo coming from behind the pope’s back.

How long has it been since I’ve seen a real priest… .

The Pope’s love of money is not self-interest. I really like the fact that it is an altruistic reason for the sake of the children.

You can’t destroy everything and change the pope if you don’t like it, but a good pope is still the best.

“I’m just glad I can use it for a good place.”

“Yes, and… I heard that Ryan Primal-nim is a hero.”

To the pope’s words, I replied with a smile.

“Yes, it is a heavy position, but I was chosen by God as a hero.”

It cannot be denied that he will always be a hero. Besides, I already said that Rirke will take care of the ‘Hero’s Armor’, but there’s no way I can say that I’m not a Hero here.

“… Fortunately, the. Because the hero looks happy.”


I tilted my head at the answer that came back.

Are you glad you’re happy?

“Honestly, among those who were called warriors, most of them sacrificed themselves for the greater good, but that’s because they aren’t the only ones chosen as heroes.”

“Then, were there any other warriors?”

“Yes, of course.”

It’s the first time I’m hearing about this. I know some of the heroes, but that doesn’t mean I know all of them.

“maybe… Was it about 100 years ago? There was a warrior driven by vengeance.”

He was a warrior from a generation closer than expected. Calculating that the average lifespan of heroes is 100 to 150 years old, it is no exaggeration to say that they were former heroes.

“The previous hero was a woman and was called <Rose Princess>.”

As if recalling a vague past, the pope’s footsteps slow down little by little.

Slowing down accordingly, the Pope continued his story slowly.

“She was an orphan. My father was addicted to gambling and chose to commit suicide because of his debt, and while my wife was working at a window to pay off her debts, she was bought as a toy by a nobleman and then thrown away like garbage.”

The strangely lively words changed the faces of everyone who was listening from behind.

The pope, who said no, only slowed down his steps, opened the door with a nonchalant expression, and walked out through the long hallway.

“The young child saw his mother’s death and came to our church thinking of revenge. And she was chosen to be a champion as she learned to master her vengeance.”

There is no other criterion for being chosen as a hero.

It’s just God’s choice. Is that why things like this happen?

“At first, she too was a sweet child who was not swayed by vengeance. She took the lead in catching the demon king with the thought that she would never make someone like herself, and she acted only out of a sense of duty.”

A sense of duty as a warrior. I know very well what it is.

Because I had been involved in the subjugation of the demon lord with only that sense of duty.

“She didn’t laugh until she caught the demon king like that.”

“Aren’t you laughing?”

At the words of Lane behind him, the Pope nodded.

“Yes, she was kind, but she never smiled at anyone until the end.”

Didn’t show a smile… Come to think of it, I also lost my smile just once in my life.

After finally catching the demon king and pouring everything out… I was thinking of giving up if it didn’t work.

“She didn’t even smile when she caught the Demon King. And something happened when I entered the imperial family to subdue the demon king and receive a reward.”

What happened?

You won’t even have to think about that.

“She came for revenge and eventually got it.”

When the pope opened the door to the small storage room, a musty smell stung his nose and made a frown, but the pope did not stop walking.

“I found the aristocrat who killed my mother and decapitated him there with a holy sword. It’s a dizzying moment when you really think about it.”

“… Did your revenge end there?”

“Do you think it is over?”

No, it couldn’t have been over.

Revenge is like a drug. If I hadn’t tasted it, I wouldn’t know, but if I had already tasted it, it was clear that the vengeance I had endured would explode like a bomb.

“Then she went to the nobleman’s mansion. The people of the manor said they were innocent, but the aristocrat’s wife couldn’t forgive it.”


“There were rumors that the lady had her mother as a pet.”

Do you treat people as pets?

What kind of aristocrats are there… I’d like to say that, but if you look, there are probably too many nobles with such a bad taste that you can’t count on at least two hands.

“I took her for a walk naked at night, and for meals, I competed with other pets for the remaining meals. It seems that they even made them sleep outside.”

“So did she get her revenge?”

“Yes, after hearing what she had done to her mother, she did the same. Not to you, but to your daughter.”

… If you look at it from the point of view of the revenge party, it would have been an act filled with anger.

But listening objectively like this, it’s probably not my fault that it doesn’t sound like normal trash.

“Like that, the noble lady watched her daughter get destroyed and eventually chose to commit suicide, and only her daughter is alive and barely surviving as an aristocratic family, but the traces of it are probably still left as flaws in the family itself.”

After that, the pope handed me a box in the warehouse.

“… And after revenge, she asked me for a favor and met her death.”

The box the Pope handed over was an ordinary wooden box.

At first glance, I had no idea what was in it, but if I were to say it was something the hero would have left behind, I could only think of one thing.

“The stupid bitch is a gift for a future junior… Please, please do not walk the same path as yourself.”

Awesome… .

The object inside the box was a sword he had seen before.

Contrary to the black rose in the center, a dazzling golden sword.

“This is <The Rose Princess>… No, it is the holy sword of Frain.”

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