
When I returned to me, things had changed around me.

The abandoned house, which was originally about to break, has completely collapsed, and the ground around it is creeping like a crater.

"May!? Allea!? Dear Claire!?

As soon as my brain understood that I had been attacked, I looked around looking for the three of them.

"I'm here."

"Dear Claire! I'm glad you're okay."

"What about May and Alea more than that?

It was an unintentional attack, so I didn't have time for defensive magic.

How can you be safe?

"The Mays are busy too!

"Mae and Lerare are here for me."

From the top of the pillar I made in the uplift, I heard a cheerful voice.

If you look closely, there was a magic barrier over your head, and Rare supported Mae who was putting it up.

Later I heard and found out that the magic prop that had sealed Mae's magic was broken during an earlier uplift when it fell but part of the spring hit it.

I bowed my chest down.

Good, we were both safe.

"I'm gonna disarm it now."

I shrunk the pillars and put them back on the ground.

The two of them rushed over.

"Are you both safe!? that there are no injuries!?

"Yeah, a tattoo. More than that..."

"Oh Grandma, I'll be back! Fucking Hikari!"

When Allea looked in the direction of pointing her finger, she saw the dark light approaching this way.

I hurriedly put up a dirt magic fence.

That's when the shade crawled out of the shade of the fence into my eyes.

"Lana, what are you doing! Come on, get in the shade!

"No...... Atashi... I betrayed the Senses..."

Lana shrugged with a faded face of color.

"It's not Lana's fault! Lana was just being manipulated!

"Even so... there's no existential value in the Atashi my dad abandoned me..."

Right, you know what?

This attack by dark light involves us as well as Lana.

From the beginning, Sarace was willing to finish us off with every Lana.

I guess Lana realizes that, too.

She's desperate to lose the only thing she's ever had.

"Already... let me die"


I drew Lana with my other hand as I maintained the barrier with one hand.

Her fleshy body is heavy because of her weakness.

When her body hid in the critical barrier, an attack believed to be the magic of the demonic tribe landed.

This blow is a long one -!

"Let me die... Sense"

"No... absolutely not -!"

I desperately stopped Lana from trying to get out of the shadow of the barrier.

"Why...? How can you get that far...?

"I don't... I've decided...!

Because you are - Lana-Lana is -.

"You're my godchild!


"As long as you call me a teacher, I will never abandon you!

I squeezed my strength and drew Lana's body.

As Lana fell to this side, she also stopped attacking the enemy.

"... Laissense is stupid... really stupid..."

"They often say that."

"You can't just leave me alone with my balls. I've done terrible things to your precious children."

"That'll be a treat later."

Lana's face collapses slightly from the look of a crying laugh.

There were two little shades rushing over to Lana like that.

"Lana. Lana did something terrible."

"You have to be able to do this right, right?

With that said, the twins pushed Lana's back,

"" Mei's, sorry ""

That's what I said and we bowed our heads together.

"... Ugh... Egg... Wow...!! Sorry......... sorry......!!

At last Lana, deciding, lowered her head and cried out again and again.

May and Allea are comforting her like that.

It's a strange sight.

Lana is supposed to be the oldest, but Mae and Alea look more like sisters.

I wonder if Lana had stopped growing.

There is no certainty yet, but I'm guessing Lana is also a subject of the same human experiment as Master Lily.

Lana, whose heart had been distracted by Sarace's hand, had always been under his control.

I can't even hope for a decent growth on his side like that.

A little bit, without exaggeration, Lana may be mentally younger than May or Alea.

"Lana, don't..."

"Not so much, even us..."

May and Allea also got stuck and started rubbing their noses.

The tremendous fear of kidnapping may still be rising.

"Oh, my God!

"I got it!

They jumped into Lady Claire's chest.

I cried like Claire.

He was acting like a temperament, but I guess he was still scared.

"It's okay... it's okay now. I'm glad you're safe... I'm so glad..."

Master Claire is holding them in tears.

The relief would be all that.

I also had the real feeling that I finally got them both back.

Nor has there been an attack by the dark light since, and we have returned to the imperial capital.

This is how the twin kidnapping ended.

◆ ◇ ◆ ◇ ◆

After the incident, Lana was interviewed inside by a Bauer human.

Kidnapping is a crime in itself, but because Master Claire or I failed to notify the Imperial police of the damage.

According to Lana, she was still a subject who underwent Suras' human experiments, just like Lily.

They said the subjects were competing with each other, were compared and were geared to rely on Suras.

After obtaining a success story called Dear Lily, Lana and the rest of the subjects were "discarded," but about a year ago, someone named Suras' surrogate contacted them.

"Atashi, it was a pleasure. 'Cause I thought they dumped me, but they told me I needed it."

Suras climbed into Lana's loneliness and manipulated her.

White Katyusha was given to her long ago by Suras, and for Lana, she said it was the only gift she had received from Suras.

Of course, it was just a magic trick to manipulate Lana, but for her it was hard to believe Suras.

Like Joel, Lana and Eve were to return to Bauer.

They are to be investigated more closely in their home countries and will be asked to cooperate in the arrest of Sarus.

At the breakup, I talked to Lana and the others about this.

"Sense. Atashi, Sense is good with Sense"

"What, that line I'm not sure about"

"Hehe, you're right. You said you liked Sense because your dad ordered you to, but now you really like Sense."

"I can't live with that, though."

Heh, I know, Lana laughed.

"Leicensee, Clairensee, I'm so sorry. I'm not allowed to do what Atashi did, but Atashi, I'll spend the rest of my life making amends. If there's anything Atashi can do, you can always say anything."

"That's enough."

"That's right. Anyway, now focus on getting Suras."

"Yeah. Atashi has to leave her parents, too."

Lana said so with a neat look, although she was frustrated by the consciousness and remorse of sin.

"Look, Eve. Say something about Eve."

"... I don't know how to apologize"

Eve said so at first sight.

She also goes back to Bauer once, but then she's supposed to go to Suse.

He said it was just a wish of Master Manaria.

"Eve's not bad either, it's Saras who's bad"

"But if my will were stronger..."

"That's not true, Eve."

Master Claire blocked the words of Eve, who told him to repent.

"The power of magic is powerful. It's not something you can do with your will. Eve's not bad."

"... but"

"If Eve had anything to reflect on, she would have left her sister in silence. If you go to Suse, please discuss it carefully."

"... I'll think about it"

Eve smiled bitterly.

I think I'm still obsessed.

It's hard to pinch your mouth because it's about Master Manaria and Eve, but I hope I can do something too.

"It's time for the carriage to leave."

The man of your Lord called out.

Sounds like it's time to leave.

"Well, then, the Senses. See you later."

"... thanks for your help"

"Be well."

"Please, breathe."

We shook hands.

Just before I got in the carriage, as Lana reminded me,

"Hey, Sense. May, will you tell Alea and I?


"Atashi... Atashi, I'm glad you scolded me"

"I'll tell him."


Nodding, Lana broke her face.

Dear Claire and I dropped off that hindsight until we lost sight of the two carriages.

"Dear Claire,"

"What is it?"

"Suras is not a bastard."

"Yeah, you're right."

"I hated him, but this time it's decisive"

"I totally agree."

Master Claire nodded deeply.

"He did something he shouldn't have done. You can say you touched our scales."

"That's right."

"Absolutely, let's get him."

"Yeah, definitely"

Quiet - but with absolute determination, we nodded each other.

We will never forgive that man for spreading malice.

"Shall we go home?"

"Yes, my dear, to my children"

Using this reflection on the matter, the security of the Bauer dormitory was strengthened.

May and Allea have always had someone with them, too.

The dollar is watching me today.

I won't let anything like this happen again.

That was an absolute vow.

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