I Favor the Villainess

199. Negotiations

Rana, who welcomed us, seemed no different than the one she always sees.

He smiles brightly and looks at this one as Nico.

Behind her was also the figure of tied up May and Alea.

The interior had some sorry lights on, but it was dim and dusty.

The ceilings had collapsed everywhere, some of them with cloudy soda in sight.

Lana is in the back of the room, standing right in front of May and Allea.

"May, Alea!

"Ray, hey, granny!

"You've come for me."

Neither of us seems to be particularly injured or anything.

At least, at the moment.

I subtly checked on the two of them.

The two of them, dressed in outdoor clothes, also wear proper shoes.

May has his usual pochette.

All right.

"Wait. I'll help you up in a minute."


"Yes, sir."

Master Claire also looks slightly hoarse.

Just to make sure you two are safe, I'm sure it's your word.

"Aha, touching reunion, I guess I just said, the senses?


Lana was pointing a knife in one hand at May and Allea.

When I try to get out one step ahead,

"Whoa, if we get any closer, I'm gonna cut this kid's ear off first."


I stopped walking on purpose.

This crushed the arithmetic to come close and slap the knife off.

"No magic, either. Because if I use it, I'll ruin the eyes of one child relentlessly."

"Okay, so don't do any harm to them."

Lady Claire also agreed.

The safety of both of us is paramount.

"Heh? You're worried a lot, aren't you? Is it that important about these kids?

"Isn't that obvious? It's our child, isn't it?

"Blood isn't connected, is it?


"... heh"

A nagging laugh disappeared from Lana's face for a moment.

The gaze travels between the Mays and Master Claire.

"I don't understand. Isn't a child like a parent's handkerchief? Aren't the senses stupid enough to know you're in danger like this?

"Whatever you say."

"... that"

Lady Claire and I didn't seem to understand how Lana felt.

All this, you may not know unless you try being a parent.

"Well, I don't care. Just get the job done. Senses, you want to help these kids, don't you?



When we nodded, Lana laughed brutally there,

"Then... kill Laisense, Clairensense."

I said.


"Didn't you hear me? I said I killed Claire Sense. If Sense can kill Claire Sense, these kids will help and raise them. So, see, kill me?

"Lana, don't be silly, let them go"

"I hope you won't let me say the same thing over and over again... Can't you tell if I don't scratch my nose off?

Lana said horrible things with the same smile.

A knife is pointed in front of May.

May's face was a little stronger.

"Look, what do you do?

Lana, who tells her to blame, rocked to show off her knife.

You have to kill Master Claire to help them both.

If you can't kill Master Claire, you two won't be helped.

That's the ultimate choice.

The worst situation that ever crossed my mind during the attempted assassination of the Pope has become a reality.

My answer is...

"I refuse."

"... Huh?

"I can't accept that, Lana"


My answer was no.

"Heh, heh! After all, do you spare your lover's life! That's right! Children are such things to parents!

"No, Lana. We help both of us no matter what. But you can't sacrifice either of us for both of us."

"We will not accept any negotiations until we are fully assured of their safety."


With Master Claire, I said perseverance.

Proceed with the conversation as taught by the Dollar.

We have to take back the lead in the conversation.

I always wondered how the ultimate choice could only be one.

You should have been greedy.

What can't you do to keep rising until you find a way to solve both?

Was our answer unsatisfactory, Lana had a vicious look,

"Heh, yeah? Then don't let this kid hurt you."

"If you scratch either of them at all, think at that moment you're going to be a charcoal extinguisher"

"... Gu"

Claire interrupted Lana with a cold voice.

Hostages make sense because they're safe.

As soon as the harm is done, the hostages no longer mean anything.

Of course, if they really hurt the Maes, that would be our defeat, but Lana is on the contrary threatened with no life if she executes it.

I can't say for sure, but Lana doesn't know that our guard (...) Ri (...) knife (...) is already here in the first place.

Originally, this negotiation was against Lana.

"Nothing, Atashi, because I don't spare my life! If it's for your dad, you can always..."

"You mean Suras, Dad?

"Yes! My dad said, if I finish you guys off, he'll just love you Atashi!

"... Lana..."

Lana was smiling, but it was empty somewhere.

The gaze stained with joy is looking at this one, staring into the void somewhere.

"Grandma Ray, give her Lana."

"I'm sure Lana's in trouble."

I got caught up in this, and May and Allea still care about Lana.

I guess you two believe it.

That Lana is insane right now, that the real Lana played with us, that she's a fun sister.

"Of course, Mae, Alea."

"Leave it to me."

"Shut up!

Lana blocked our interaction with a screaming voice.

Something's wrong with her.

I can't wait to be upset and hurt the Mays, so a little prudence will be required here.

"... Atashi is fine... as long as Daddy is there... as long as you follow Daddy's voice..."

Lana whining about bumps and solitude.

After all, she, too, seems to be under the influence of Suras' implication.

"Dad... tell me... what do I do...?

The next moment, Lana's expression disappeared from her face.

Shortly afterwards, a flat voice color leaked out of her mouth.

"First, kill one of the twins. That way, those two will know where they stand."

That's Lana's voice, not Lana's.

"Yeah, Dad -!"

Lana looked overflowing with joy, then when she re-gripped the knife, she shook it down toward Mae's neck.

Take action so Master Claire and I can be played.

Still, I was wondering if I could make it - then.

"What's this!?

The blade that tried to stand against May's neck had been taken by something translucent and soft.

It is a rare lurking in her pochette.

Lerare was always with the two blood curse neutralizers and batons.

"Absolute Zero!"

"-Come on!?

I activated magic toward Lana's knife.

Of all the magic in hand, this magic, which is the quickest to activate, froze the knife in every hand of hers.

that moment when the knife became useless and Lana was upset,



Master Claire destroyed the ceiling that was originally about to break, and it blew out. That's where I pushed the Mays up.

This magic is the original I made a modification to the original magic, allowing it to be activated at a much faster rate than the original magic.

"Ah... eh...?

Lana hasn't been able to cope with any of the sudden.

Lady Claire instantly packs an intermission with her that exposes her confusion.

"Grow up."


For each frozen hand, Lady Claire extremely assembled her joints.

"Let go...! Let go -!"

"Ray, tears of the moon"

"Yes, O light of the moon, pay for the evil that spreads to him -!"

A soft light pours out of the ring and wraps Lana.


"Get off me -! Daddy, Daddy...!

Lana's condition remained the same.

She is still bulging under Master Claire.

"Ray, I think you're almost there."

"Lana gave it to me from her old man."

…… Stop! "

Lana burst out even harder when May and Allea pointed me out watching this one from overhead.

Is this a magic prop?

"Stop...! This is important! My dad gave me the only..."

"Lana, I sympathize with your predicament. But you should be released from the curse of Suras by now. Ray."


On behalf of Lady Claire, who cannot use both hands because she is assembling Lana, I removed Lana's Katyusha.

"Stop! Stop -"

The moment she removed Katyusha, Lana peeled off her white eyes and passed out.

Is it a recoil that has solved the implication by the magic prop?

The violent movement also stopped perfectly.

"... ugh. Are you sure you want to settle for one thing?

"What do you think?"

For one thing, I suppressed Lana's condition, and I was able to keep May and Alea safe.

But what is it?

There is chest noise.

Would that insidious man make such an easy way to break it?

"? Ray, Mother, something's flying."

"There's something black and scary coming this way."

To the twin voices I felt my spine get cold.

"May, Allea, come right over here -"

Jumping down, before I finished, a dark light struck the abandoned house directly.

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