"So the Empire's Encroachment is back to square one."

"... I see."

This is a room for a mission from Bauer.

Me and Claire were visiting His Majesty Sein with May and Alert.

To report on our movements so far and the reaction of the Empire, starting with the case of the schoolchildren and the continuing kidnapping of the twins.

May and Alea are playing in separate rooms.

His Majesty's room was much smaller and more sophisticated than ours in the dorm.

A room unified by blue colours reminds me of the sea.

His Majesty Sain nodded at us in the studio.

"... I understand the report. Thank you. But Ray, Claire. First, I have to apologize to both of you."

"Apologize? About what?

"... about having to hand you two over to the Empire as international students."

His Majesty's face turned bitter.

"If that's the case, please don't worry about it anymore. Neither I nor Ray understand the difficult circumstances in which Bauer was placed."

"First of all, His Majesty is not at fault. Either way, Manaria, who started the weird thing, or the Empire, in the first place, is responsible."

"... will you say that?"

Lord Claire and I laughed bitterly at His Majesty's words.

"... though, I am still in charge of the government of the country. After all, the ultimate responsibility lies with me. I'm sorry."

That said, His Majesty King Sein deliberately stood up and bowed his head to us.

"Hey... please don't, Sire!

"Claire, please accept my apology. Your Majesty would like to bully you."

"... Ray's right. Take it, Claire."

"... I understand."

Claire accepted His Majesty's apology with reluctance.

And, after a while,

Well, let's get this over with and think about what's coming.

One of the people on the spot tried to change the subject.

"... dollar, what's happening on the Imperial side?

His Majesty the Queen sought his opinion from my stepfather, Dear Dord-François.

Dolores, who are being asked by the current regime to help with political diplomacy, has just joined us in reporting to His Majesty Sein.

Let me tell you a little bit about the current system in the Kingdom of Bauer.

His Majesty is the King.

It is a symbol of the country and performs various official functions, rituals, and functions as a representative of the country.

By contrast, the executive power rests with the government, and the current Prime Minister is Irvine-Raster.

The relationship around here is close to the Japanese and British political systems in the world I was in.

As some may have forgotten, Irvine is the younger brother of the former head of the Resistance and the man who was the safe of the Resistance.

Although Aara is also named after a member of the new government, she is hardly in public service and appears to be in an honorary advisory position.

Her role must have ended with the revolution.

Parliament has also been convened, and its members are elected in ordinary elections by the people.

In the end, Claire's opinion was adopted on the political participation of women who rubbed it.

As a result, although the number is still small, there are also some female councillors.

The Spirit Church, which has been in charge of judicial power for a long time, remains in charge.

However, in Bauer's country, mistrust could be resolved against the judge in question - that is, the human being of the Spirit Church - and certain restrictions could be placed on the Church's power.

And, well, this is Bauer's status quo.


"The Empire looks as strong as ever. Dorothea seems like a very stubborn woman."

The dollar looks faint.

It used to have a sharper impression, but now it's all a daylight.

People who look like this are actually good politicians, so I often say that people are not what they look like.

Well, that's not all Dollar's "power" is.

"It's also rumored that Princess Philline, who was banished by the Fusion, was assassinated."

I was a little nervous.

Philline... assassinated...?

"Father, is that true!?

"Unconfirmed, but I have information that her remains have arrived in the Empire Room. I tested it with magic tools and found that the blood on it matched that of Princess Philline."

"Oh no...."

Claire is stunned.

It's not impossible.

It was for a few months, but I was friendly with Philline.

I was told that such a person had passed away, and it wasn't Claire who could stay flat.

"Dear Claire, maybe Philline will be fine."


"It's okay."


Have you received my words to calm down?

Claire can't hide her upset.

"... now the forces of reconciliation in the Empire have lost a lot of momentum... So how likely is it that the summit will meet our demands?

"Thirty percent, I guess. The Manaria Queen is a pretty good fighter, but absolutely inexperienced. The same goes for Irvine. In old age, Dorothea would be better."

"... hmm"

"In that regard, Bill doesn't have to worry. It would be better to focus on him at the meeting."

"Father, who is Bill?

Claire asked.

"Ah, I feel a little too comfortable calling you that. It's about William. Claire must have met. King of Appalachia."

"Oh, it was about His Majesty William."

Dolores and Claires seem to know King Apalachia.

Especially because of the cheap atmosphere, Mr. Dollar seems to be quite welcoming.

"And before that. It's time you two left."

"Why?" Why? We can't help it if we don't listen. "

Claire's question remained my question.

Dollar's words to that were unexpected.

"You are absent from this summit."


"Bauer relies too much on you. As a parent, I can't close my eyes any more."

That's how Dollar explained why he took us off the summit-related work.

Even during the revolution, Claire and I were too involved in important matters of national importance.

It's not good for the country as it is, and above all, I can't stand the current situation where my daughters are being used severely as parents.

"... I agree with you about that. Ray and Claire have worked far enough. It's too much to rely on."

It seems that His Majesty agrees with that.

"But I have come to the Empire to make my way for May and Ariel! I can't believe you're staring at me with your fingers!"

"I don't know how you feel. But as a matter of fact, there's nothing more you can do for the summit. I want you to leave it up to the political and diplomatic experts."

"Oh no...."

"Claire, you've worked hard enough. I want them to live their lives from now on. I should have said it sooner."


Claire had a difficult face, but the dollar's voice was sincere.

This is my guess, but I wonder if Dollar is afraid Claire will be like him.

Dollar has lived in the political world since his birth, dedicated himself to the stage behind the revolution, and has not escaped the world even after the revolution.

I don't think Master Dol wants his daughter to walk such a path.

Claire, let's follow Dollar's words here.


"Nothing opens the way for us to participate in politics."

"That's true. They're both magically talented and smart. Complete your studies and raise your daughters - wouldn't that be a good way to live?

It seems like a feminine view of the past, but perhaps it is the way of life that Dol-sama wished but did not realize.

"... excuse me!

"Ah, hey, Claire! Excuse me, too."

After chasing Claire, who had left the scene as if she was in a bad mood, I left the scene in haste.

"... sorry. Even if the world needs you, I have to protect you."

I think that Dol-sama's solitary murmur is probably the truth that I wanted to say the most.

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