134. War of Kairos (1)

“It’s a saint… The saintess has arrived!!”

The news of Isis’ arrival on the battlefield spread quickly through the wind. A soldier who had been waiting for death with his stomach pierced by a crawler before, looked at Isis and at his own body with a puzzled expression saying he didn’t know what had happened.

“The wound… It’s better.”

Did your healing magic get stronger? It wouldn’t have been like this before. Nella looked at Isis with a dazed expression. The golden magic spread gently and widely, raising the wounded one by one. The soldiers got up from their seats as if possessed and took up their weapons again.

“Fight. I am behind you.”

Seongguk’s guards lined up left and right to escort Isis. It wasn’t just healing magic that made you stronger. Seeing the saintess encouraging the soldiers with a firm and kind voice, Nella thought that in her heart. The monsters that climbed up the wall were quickly thrown back down the wall by the soldiers treated by Isis. The shouts of the soldiers covered the screams of the monsters.

“… For the time being, there will be no holes in the defenses of the castle walls.”

Nella sighed in relief. The barrier was half destroyed, but the soldiers’ momentum was strong enough to fill it up.

“Long time no see, Nella. Are you not hurt anywhere?”

Nella heard Isis’ voice in her ears. Nella shook her head, resisting the urge to sigh again. It seemed like they left each other’s party, but they didn’t get along well even when they were at the party. To be precise, you could say it was very nasty. It’s because they’ve been confronting each other like a hero and a mercenary.

“Don’t worry about me, heal the fallen knights over there. I am not hurt.”

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Nella waved her hand and said that, but Isis strode towards her. Isis’s hand gently touched Nella’s cheek as she shrugged her shoulders, wondering if they were going to fight again. Eventually, as the healing magic penetrated his body, the tingling sensation he felt in his cheeks disappeared.

“take care. If you get injured and are evacuated, the entire defense line will collapse.”

“No one cares about me.”

Nella grunted, but didn’t seem too upset. It seemed that if I heard the saintess worry about her personal life, she would burst out in anger. Nella knocked off the head of one of the monsters that climbed up the wall, then turned back to Isis.

“So, why are you doing this all alone? Where do you leave Illroy?”

“I am still in meditation. Since the war has broken out, I want to come first.”

Nella frowned slightly.

“Any signs that he’s waking up, or anything like that? Did you leave anything behind?”

“That’s all I said before going into meditation.”

As she shook her head, Isis’ expression was full of worry. The relationship between the saintess and Illroy couldn’t have been very good either. No, wasn’t Isis one-sidedly hating Illroy? What else could have happened between the two? Even in the urgency of the battle, Nella had such irrelevant thoughts in her mind.

“Shouldn’t I wake you up?”

“You don’t have to be impatient. Eventually, all of this will be resolved only when he wakes up from meditation.”

Isis looked at Nella, who was anxious, and then opened her mouth.

“We must trust the hero, but we must not rely on the hero. Looking for him just because you’re cornered for a moment is like stepping into a trap with your own feet.”

“… I am now able to speak quite like a saint.”

said Nella, half-sarcastically. Isis’ expression hardened for a moment, but soon returned to normal. There was no sharp response like before. Nella was the only one who hadn’t grown up.

“The injured will be treated, but the priority is to prevent them from happening. You know?”

“it’s okay. Go somewhere else soon.”

He was still haunted by the past. The present and reality came before my eyes in such a worst form. Nella opened and closed her fists.

“… What a mess.”

Magical power formed and unfolded. The spear of ice formed a carpet and floated in the air. Nella’s heart was ripped out of mana. Her head asked if she would be able to handle it when she opened the barrier later if she consumed her mana like this now, but Nella didn’t answer the words echoing in her head.

have to bear

Nella squeezed the grip she had spread all the way, and the spear of ice fell like a rain shower over the monster’s head. The sound of pieces of meat being torn and crushed, and the screams and screams of monsters could be heard. With the sound of hundreds of thousands of pieces of glass breaking at once, the ice spear crashed into the ground.

“Because if you can’t handle this anyway, everyone will die.”

Agnes looked at Laura as she descended to the ground. The 7th Circle Archmage was sweating from his head. Her waiting assistant brings her a handkerchief, but Laura pushes him away and stands firm. Her great magic completely changed the situation that had to start unfavorably.

“I will recover in a little bit, Your Majesty. Please preserve the prison body.”

Agnes snorted at Laura as she breathed out.

“Laura, this is a battlefield. It also changed the fate of this country. Don’t tell me to preserve the jade body again. This land and people are all being crushed, but my body is in a big deal.”

optimal body condition. Agnes’s body was perfectly tuned. The battle on the walls was intensifying. The monster was trying to climb more viciously than the hungry ghost, and the soldiers threw their bodies to stop him desperately. Agnes drew her sword.

“You can rest for as long as you want. I will hold out until you are ready again.”

“Your Majesty, please… .”

“done. Focus on recovery in time to worry about me. Don’t you know that’s the way to protect me? More than anything… .”

Agnes slightly raised her lips and looked at Laura with a provocative smile. Laura tilted her head as if she didn’t know why the queen was making that face.

“I am stronger than you.”

“That’s a swordsman you don’t know yet.”

Laura’s angry words returned to those of a lisp.

“I will try to prove it now, Laura. As you recover, keep your eyes open and check it out.”

Agnes climbed the stairs with dignity. The knights followed behind the queen. However, the momentum displayed by the queen with her sword drawn was much stronger than the sum of all the knights following her for escort. The queen had to be alone. The moment you share the weight, the fantasy of being a queen disappears.

“Don’t pass in front of me. It is acceptable to protect my side and my back, but I will not forgive anyone who stands in my way. I believe that you know very well what this means.”

Agnes raised her sword and aimed it. A monster stood in the way of the stairs.

“There is no need for His Majesty to deal with it.”

A knight tried to step forward, but was stopped by Agnes’ cold eyes. Agnes’s sword stopped in front of the knight’s throat.

“How did you hear what I just said?”

Do not allow it. When he had to die greedily for achievement, he was already dead, so he did not tolerate not being able to die. Agnes put her sword away and stretched her foot forward. The queen’s lofty ego, mingled with magical power, began to oppress the space secretly and heavily like fragrance.

“Keep my back and die. Don’t die standing in my way. I won’t say it a third time.”

“I will keep that in mind.”

Agnes’ new model faded into obscurity. It had been a long time since the actual battle, but there was no sign of tension in Agnes. The queen’s movements looked like steps, but she was moving faster than anyone else in the space. There was no waste or waste in one sword. Every time the blade flashed, the head of the monster fell, and the defensive formation on the verge of collapsing stabilized.

“Stand up. Do not forget that your family, lovers and comrades are behind your back.”

The queen’s appearance and words awakened the soldiers as much as the saintess’ healing magic and encouragement. They gained hope from Agnes’ ability to easily slaughter monsters with overwhelming skills, and felt proud of the fact that she was their king.

“And don’t forget that I am in front of you.”

The warrior did not arrive. It was news from the saintess who had come to lead the Holy Kingdom’s reinforcements. So, I will relieve him of his responsibility. Agnes thought so and swung her sword.

“Hold the line, do not allow even the slightest gap. The comrade next to you dies.”

At the command of the queen, the speed at which the soldiers fired their spears increased even more. Agnes then glanced down at the bottom of the castle wall. The number of monsters clinging to the wall was decreasing. Maybe it’s because the homunculus ran amok near the wall and cleaned up the monsters. Agnes’ eyes narrowed.

“… No, the number has not actually decreased.”

Agnes shook her head in silence. It’s not that the number has decreased, it’s just that the attack strength has been lowered. There were no monsters rushing in like a tidal wave, only sporadic attacks and deaths.

Then, what about the remaining monsters?

Agnes’ body stiffened. Her head jerked. If you can’t break through by dispersing, it’s right to focus on one point. A monster with intelligence should know that much.

The most vulnerable place in this castle. The topography is the flattest and the structure of the fortress wall is the weakest. thud. I heard the sound of rocks rolling down the mountain. The noise slowly faded from Agnes’ ears.

“Let’s go to the castle gate.”

Agnes said and walked away. thud. thud. thud. The knocking on the walls was like a giant knocking on the door of his own house. Like a slingshot or catapult, the body of the monster crashed into the wall. As the receding noise neared the gate, Agnes’s steps quickened.

“your majesty! You must not come here!”

“Get out of the way.”

Agnes reached the gates, cutting off the soldiers who tried to block her. And, she had to face the worst form of her expectations.

“How did this happen?”

A black mass was crashing into the castle gate. The lumps crumbled and bleed every time they hit. It cried as its paws, tail, and head squeezed out of the mass. The human clamor was drowned out by the animal’s agony and the roar of evil. The walls of the castle rattled and swayed like huge bars.

“I do not know… . Suddenly, thousands and tens of thousands of monsters appeared and started crashing into the walls and gates. First, the bumps were crushed, and then they stuck together with other monsters, acting like glue… . And then, one by one, they stuck together and merged… . It has become ‘that’.”

The commander seemed to have already passed out. Agnes clicked her tongue and walked past the commander to the edge of the wall. The monster jumped up like a spring, aimed at the queen and flew away. Before the knights panicked and tried to run, the monsters had already split into several pieces and fell.

“Several commander-level knights went down the wall to stop that, but… .”

I have already become one with them. The commander said so and finished the report.

“I will go.”

thud. The gates shuddered again. A tense silence fell.

“It’s okay to wait for the great magic. Rather, they are clustered together, so it will be easier to clean them up.”

“If the walls can hold out until then.”

The commander kept his mouth shut. The escort knights, knowing full well that they had neither the cause nor the strength to stop the queen, quietly drew their swords. it was time to die The knights thought so while drawing mana and aura from their hearts.

“Only three people follow me. The rest defend the wall, each one.”

There was no need to ask which set it was. The knights retreated, leaving only the three strongest. Agnes gently closed her eyes and began forming her aura. The queen’s aura, red like a rose, gracefully descended down her arm and wrapped around her sword.

“I will go.”

Saying so, the queen jumped down the wall without hesitation. The aura stretched behind the queen’s shoulders like a cloak. The queen’s sword was aiming at the center of the monster colony. Between the piles of monster flesh, there was a body presumed to be human. Armor, head with glazed eyes. arm holding a sword. broken flag.

“I’m sorry.”

The queen briefly apologized to those who could not return even with a corpse, then struck down her sword.

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