135. War of Cairo (2)

Agnes Blanche Lumiere.

In many ways, she was a complete human being. Originally, the bloodline of the royal family was an extension of the knot made by tying the best bloodlines on the continent. If you dress up, flowers and jewels dwindle, if you hold a sword, you can break a great knight, if you debate, you can tie the tongue of a politician, and wisdom is comparable to that of a wanderer who saw the end of the world.

But among them, Agnes was special.

Born as the second daughter of the previous king, Bolaire Gliese Lumière, Agnes had seven siblings. Four above her, three below her. Centered around the first prince, Edvard Blanche Lumiere, the eight siblings of the royal family were quite peaceful. It was because the quality of the first was never inferior to the previous king, and the character was also close to that of the sage. Edvard treated his younger brothers with compassion, and they respected and respected him, even outwardly.

Even if the brothers were born on different ships, the younger siblings had no doubt that the eldest son of the royal family would become the king. Therefore, the remaining seven gave up their desire to become kings early on. If the position of the next throne was firm, it was best to preserve the current position by showing well rather than rebelling against it and showing dislike. The succession of Bolaire Lumiere seemed to be going smoothly, and the people in the royal family believed that no one would shed blood.

Then, in the autumn, Edvard, who was destined to become the crown prince, died of illness. Agnes was about fifteen.

There was tension in the royal court. When the prince who had a strong succession died, the fight of notice began. The concubine secretly started fighting for a position by mobilizing her parents, and the king left him half-given. There was no one who kicked the last name. The kingship is strong. If it doesn’t cross the line, it’s okay to succeed to the throne to the one who survives that fight.

A bloody wind blew through the palace.

The aristocratic powers that the royal family had to keep in check collapsed as they competed for succession among themselves. Or, crossed the line and received the king’s sword. It was as the king wished.

The first to be eliminated were the 4th and 3rd princes. His mother’s family fell together and was expelled from the capital. Next was the second, Princess 1, then the sixth, seventh, and youngest eliminated in order. 3 The prince was poisoned, and the 1 princess hanged herself. The sixth was stabbed in the stomach and died, and the seventh and youngest lost their status and withdrew to the frontier.

“… can’t be… . you, you… .”

Third, these were the words of the second prince before he died. Fifth, Agnes Blanche Lumiere watched her brother close his eyes to the end. Agnes was the last one left. It was when she was eighteen, just becoming an adult. The second child and the youngest of the royal family easily overpowered all the brothers and became the successor. Agnes placed the deaths of her brothers on Edvard’s grave. The day after the succession war ended, the king passed away. Bloodlines above bloodlines. Agnes became an object of awe and fear.

Agnes became queen like that. It wasn’t because she wanted to be a queen. It was just something I did with the thought that I couldn’t give the place of my dead brother to someone else. It is heavy, lonely, and difficult. That’s what Agnes thought, carrying the weight of the throne, which she didn’t really want.

“I didn’t think it would end with just one knife.”

Agnes muttered as she looked at the colony of monsters split in half. The hive struggled as they tumbled across the ground, dripping a long, mucous-like stream of blood. The red traces left by Agnes’ aura shimmered like haze. Agnes’ aura was red. It was red, like blood and roses and rubies.

“Contain the monsters that pop out from time to time.”

Agnes said that to the knights and raised her sword again. The blade let out a sharp cry and fired an aura, and the two-part Hive collapsed under Agnes’ sword. There was no fear or hesitation. Agnes fought, burning and throwing herself. The queen was brilliant, so brilliant that she knew my sins and my duty.

wield a sword Agnes tried to ignore the death of her side. If you are a monarch, you should not be held back by the death of the person you are with.

“Your Majesty, please… .”

One knight fell. The armor had been ripped off by the monster’s claws. Human blood gushed out. The knight turned to avoid getting blood on the queen’s armor. stepped forward. The sword path became a net. The aura entangled like a spider’s web and cut the monster.

It wasn’t difficult to slash the monsters. If there are tens of thousands of them, you just have to draw tens of thousands of swords. The monster’s teeth and claws wouldn’t be able to reach Agnes.


The cries of the angry monsters resounded as one. Beneath the Queen’s sword, the Hive collapsed and crumbled into smaller chunks. The masses fell helplessly to the floor, crushed, then rose and charged again. Agnes turned her head left and right. The remaining two were struggling. It shook off the attacking monsters, slashed them, and emitted life-saving auras.

Did you still want to follow me?

Agnes took her eyes off the knights. The knights fought to the death, unaware that the queen had given them her gaze. They were the leading knights of the kingdom. The remaining two won’t fall so easily. Agnes believed that and swung her sword.


Agnes then remembered the day she first met the hero.

“Your Majesty, the person who pulled out the ‘relic’.”

Daejeon. It was the time when the usual meeting was coming to an end. Lately, troublesome things have been happening all over the kingdom. The tension of the servants who were nervous while coming up with a solution was melting as they noticed, like ice in early spring. Now the queen had ordered the dispersal, and the servants would sigh in relief and return in pairs of threes, threes, and fives.

“okay. It happened.”

And, the atmosphere of Daejeon cooled down again with an agenda thrown by someone. ‘relics’. So, ‘Holy Sword’. It was a sword that no one had been able to pull out for a very long time. After the sword fulfilled its role, the place where it was inserted became a historic site rather than a ruin after the war, and the name of the sword was also changed from a holy sword to a relic. The person who pulled out such a ‘relic’.

“What happened after that? You must have contacted the person in charge of the Holy Kingdom, right?”

“yes… . Seongguk responded as if they were very surprised, and replied that they would immediately send an envoy to the palace. Of course, it’s surprising to draw a holy sword that hasn’t been drawn in hundreds of years… . I wonder if there is any reason to react this far.”

At the report from the servant, Agnes’ eyes narrowed.

“Have you secured a recruit? You must have figured out what kind of person he was.”

“yes. First of all, we are holding them at the guard checkpoint. Since he didn’t commit any crime, it’s a difficult situation to put him in prison… , Fortunately, he is responding faithfully to the investigation.”

If he had caught it, he would have hit the bell, but Agnes decided not to.

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“Is that so? Be sure to report on the information you have obtained so far.”

“They said her name was Illroy. It does not appear to have a family or surname. He makes a living as an adventurer in the capital, and has no criminal record. It’s not a widely known name, so it seems that his skills are only mediocre. There is really nothing special about it.”

“I don’t have a last name.”

Agnes mumbled, the servant who was reporting nodded.

“yes. It’s not common, but children who grew up with no ointment say it still happens.”

“… is it.”

“yes. If not, how would Your Majesty dispose of him? Historically, there is a legend that whoever draws out the holy sword will soon become a hero who will save the world… . Saving the world also means putting the world in danger.”

The servant said in a worried voice.

“Of course, legends and rumors… . It’s just a story that can be dismissed as rumors and passed on, but the current signs across the continent are not serious.”

“Let’s meet again.”

Agnes said so. The servants hesitated and each threw a word at a time.

“your majesty. After all, it’s just a commoner. Pulling out a sword does not change one’s birth. your majesty. Please reconsider.”

“Give me a better opinion. To say that you are only a mere one, because you were born at the bottom, and your status is low, is that what old people in the backroom who are rotting in such a small room say?”

The Queen’s words were cold. The elders, who opened their mouths to flatter them, pulled back their tails and retreated.

“Guide the way. I am going to see him now.”

The servants were bewildered and groaned. Only the servant who submitted the report calmly nodded and started to guide Agnes.

Be a hero to save the world.

It was an unfamiliar word. Heroes didn’t exist. It would be better if it was created by chance. There can be no one who is a hero from the start. If there were such a person, they would be crushed under the weight of the horse and their bones turned to powder. A king has a reward corresponding to his weight, but a hero only has a sense of sympathy. A hero’s exploits are never justly rewarded. A medal on his collar and a few pennies.

That’s why they are called heroes.

“This way, Your Majesty.”

The guardhouse, which arrived after a short ride in a wagon, was noisy. It was not an official visit to the last, but a secret visit. No one knew of the Queen’s visit except for the watchman at the guardhouse.

“I was holding on well. I’m sure you have a lot of questions.”

The commanding officer’s voice was trembling. The queen did not respond to his babble and moved on. A strange sign was felt. A very characteristic and unique presence. Agnes turned her head as if possessed.

“How did you know? I’ll be waiting for you in that room right now.”

The voice of the watch commander came from behind. Before his words could fully reach the queen, Agnes’s hand pushed on the doorknob. In a room with only a simple desk and chair, a man with gray hair sat holding a sword as if nailed to a chair.

“Are you Illo?”

A man named Illroy raised his head. And Agnes recalled the words of her servants as she looked at those empty blue-green eyes that fell endlessly into emptiness.

Is this a hero who will save the world?

In Agnes’ eyes, Illroy was not the one who was trying to save, but the one who needed salvation.

“How funny.”

Agnes muttered as she cut down another monster.

“I knew that the responsibility I had to bear was heavy.”

The corpses of monsters pile up. Agnes and the two knights were still standing. In front of them, monsters with different momentum approached. The monsters opened their mouths and spat out human words.

“You are disturbing. die.”

Agnes spoke to herself again while looking at the terrifying monsters.

“But it’s nothing compared to the responsibility you took on yourself.”

No more knights should die. Agnes rushed at the escort knights before they could attack them. The monster let out an angry roar and tried to strike back Agnes’s sword. Agnes’s sword did not allow them to counterattack. The bright red aura split the monster with its defensive arm.

Agnes’ movement became much faster in line with the monster.

“Right! You were the hero they said so!”

It was a monster that misunderstood something, but Agnes did not correct the misunderstanding. He just swung his sword faster and stronger. The shoulder of the monster that mistook Agnes for a hero was cut off. The next sword cut the monster’s head. Even after cutting off her head, Agnes’ sword aimed for the next monster. The monster’s blood was scattered and wet the ground again.

“I’m glad to accept it. what was your responsibility.”

Was it pity and sympathy that I felt when I saw the hero at that time, or was it a sense of sympathy? It was a huge contradiction that someone who didn’t even know what salvation was was destined to save the world.


I dodged the arm that slammed down from above. It was a waste not to avoid avoidable attacks. Attacks that could not be avoided were blocked, and attacks that could not be blocked were shed. If that didn’t work, death was one step closer. The principle of combat was like that.


crush it head on Without hesitation, Agnes split the head of a gray bear in two. The mole’s neck was next. There was nothing left around Agnes, like a whirlpool that suddenly appeared in the cornfield. As Agnes wielded her sword, the number of monsters approaching her increased. Even so, Agnes’s sword did not waver.

“this… Damn b*tch!”

Agnes laughed at the cry that one of the monsters uttered before being decapitated. Her smile, drenched in the blood of the monster, harbored a terrifying murderous spirit.

“It’s just fine. Bring everything this way. I will gladly meet you guys.”

Agnes said happily, raising her voice. The monsters fulfilled Agnes’ request faithfully. more, more. The number of monsters flocking to Agnes continued to grow. Agnes swung her sword and swung it again. The monster that escaped through the Aura net attacked the knights next to Agnes.

“Even if you kill or kill, there is no end.”

One blur. Agnes’ body was thrown out. One of the two remaining knights lost his life while trying to protect Agnes from rolling on the ground. The last remaining knight desperately reached out to raise the queen and return to the castle. Agnes looked at the road to hell that stretched beyond her blurred vision.

“I will stay. you go back.”

“It can’t be like that, Your Majesty.”

Agnes tried to remain on the battlefield, shuffling her feet, but she also realized that further exertion would be reckless and useless. I can hear the soldiers on the wall busy shouting something.

“You have to keep the castle. The door will collapse when I return.”

“It won’t break, Your Majesty. Soldiers still stand firm. Even if we retreat now, the gate will not collapse.”

“It is a lie. To do so, thousands of soldiers must bleed and die.”

Agnes struggled and stood still.

“Even so, it is the responsibility of the ruler to preserve the body. Even at the cost of sacrifice, it is the duty of the ruler to win this war by gathering his troops to the end.”

“What is duty and what is responsibility? Do you think that defending this castle with the blood of thousands or tens of thousands of your people is a true victory?”

“yes. It should be blocked in some way. You have to make ugly decisions.”

“Don’t you see that’s an excuse for those who want to save their damn lives yet?”

Agnes screamed and tried to shake off the escort knight’s hand. The escort knight struggled to catch Agnes, who was trying to get out of her grasp.

“Let go.”

“Even if you cut me to death, it won’t be like that.”

While the scuffle broke out, another wave of monsters approached. Agnes stared blankly at the waves. The monster was indeed like the sea. Even if you bite a wave once, the sea endlessly rushes in with new waves. It was when the queen’s hand eagerly grabbed the sword and the knight’s hand relaxed.

“… No, they are not new monsters.”

The monsters seemed to be being chased by something. The waves of monsters gathered together formed a colony and then rolled towards somewhere again.

“That… .”

And then the waves parted.

Beyond the splitting ocean of monsters, a bright blue light piercing the sky flashed.

“How did they get here… .”

And right behind that blue light,

Evernode’s military flag was flying high.

“Who are we!”

That voice pierced the monster’s roar and resonated throughout the battlefield.

“I am a warrior of the north!”

And, tens of thousands of elite soldiers from the north answered the question like one body.

“What is our mission!”

“From the enemies of the north! It is to defend this country!”

thud. thud. thud. thud.

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The sound of the army gathering rang in my heart. Agnes looked blankly at the troops appearing on the hill. Agnes read the mouth of the Grand Duke of the North.

“Hero, I’m here to repay the favor I owed to Illroy.”

No more words were needed.

Quenore Strop stretched out his sword,

The northern blizzard began to swallow the black tidal wave of monsters.

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