133. Faith, Expectation, and… (3)

I thought the castle walls were shaking because of the monsters rushing in, but the whole land was shaking. As soon as the commander’s shot was heard, the soldiers let go of the strings of their weapons. Sorcerers fired magic, and cannons spewed fire. Bombardment poured down on the front line of the monsters. The soldiers started moving to prepare for the next bombardment, and the knights watched the progress of the bombardment with nervous expressions.

“It doesn’t work.”

One of the knights let out a silent voice. The speed of their advance was slowed, but the numbers did not diminish at all. It took less than a minute before the second bombardment poured in. The blood was gradually disappearing from the faces of the soldiers, but the movements driven by him were becoming more rapid.

“Pour everything you can shoot. Pour the oil under the walls beforehand!”

It caught fire. The monster didn’t stop. Before the monster crashed into the castle wall, Laura’s second magic was activated. A blue flame rose from the ground. The sparks turned into flames and began to encircle the perimeter of the walls, riding on the oil. The soldiers’ faces turned red again. Demonic spirits could not stand the heat of the fire and collapsed, or ignored the heat and approached and burned to death.

“more! Resist more fiercely! They must not let even the king set foot on the ground!”

The commander-in-chief’s voice resounded earnestly. Natalie’s black eyes contained all of the fierce resistance of humans. They were burning life. I was lighting the path ahead of others with the fire I burned with my flesh and bones as firewood. I turned my head. Eugene is ready to implement the third magic. Soldiers and knights were busy walking around.

“let’s go?”

Yujin turned her head and asked. Instead of answering, Natalie conveyed her intention to focus with a gesture of her chin.

“do not die.”

who cares about who Natalie shook her head and looked for Cora’s figure. In the gap between knights and soldiers, the still immature knight was eager to find his place. It’s stupid. Natalie stopped to say hello. If I were to die, I would rather die with an arrow that left the protest until the end.

“Sort out.”

One of the soldiers looked at Natalie and said something possessed. Natalie calmly looked down at the bottom of the castle wall. The monsters trying to cling to each other couldn’t jump over the fire lit by the archmage, and then threw themselves into it, turning to ashes one by one. As the body covering the fire began to grow one by one, there was a monster whose corpse was left without being reduced to ashes.

“Fire… .”

The unburned corpses of monsters became bridges for other monsters. One stepped over the embers. As soon as it touched the embers that burned with magic power, they were attached to the fur of the monster, but the monster went on without hesitation.

“The eastern wall is about to be breached! Reinforce!”

A shout like the commander’s scream echoed across the battlefield. As if there was a hole in the embankment, monsters poured into the place where the fire had gone out. It was less than 30 minutes after the start of the battle. The walls of the royal capital were on the verge of allowing monsters to enter for the first time. Natalie looked back and met Cora and Eugene’s eyes.

“Stay alive until I return.”

Then, it fell with its back forward. Unknowingly, Eugene ran in front of the screen on the castle wall and followed Natalie. Cora grabbed Eugene by the back of the back, and the two stared blankly at Natalie as she fell.

The gaze of the monster that was advancing while looking only at the castle wall was directed to a different place for the first time. Thousands of pairs of eyes twinkling innumerably between the flames created a completely different landscape from the stars that adorned the sky. What Natalie felt was comfort in the midst of the life that seemed to tear her whole body apart.

“Are you guys arrows too?”

Would an arrow that does not know that it is an arrow be happy? What about an arrow that flies even though it knows it is an arrow? Natalie made a difference with the sound of the wind brushing her ears. Scales like iron armor sprouted all over the body. Tentacles sharper than spears grew from his waist. Eyes that detect enemies, their pupils narrowed like needles, and sharp claws sprouted from their fingertips.

“It’s no use trying to talk.”

Natalie’s murmur and crash were simultaneous. The takeoff was light, but the landing was not. Absorbing the gaze of the monster, Natalie appeared on the battlefield. The soldiers on the wall held their breath when they saw Natalie’s changed appearance.

“What is it, a monster? What is that?”

“Are we supposed to attack?”

Before the commanders could deliver an explanation to the surprised soldiers, Natalie’s tentacles fired at the monster. The blast of the tentacles was like the sound of a cannon exploding. As the monster was pierced by its tentacles and cut into pieces, the soldiers’ expressions became dazed. Eugene looked at Natalie with trembling eyes. Her expression didn’t change to the extent that it hurt her heart.

“You don’t pay much attention to me.”

Dark shadows passed behind the back of the girl who plugged the hole alone. Natalie wasn’t a breakwater, so she couldn’t handle the rushing waves alone. The monsters clinging to the wall were blocked by the wall’s resistance and collapsed before long.

“You don’t seem to know how to surprise people with the right rank.”

The one who was keeping an eye on Natalie was different. Natalie saw a huge monster – a gray bear, breaking through a group of monsters. Gray Bear looked at Natalie and asked a question in a puzzled voice.

“Why are you doing that there?”

“I don’t have the right to decide.”

Natalie replied casually. While her nerves were focused on the bear, her tentacles were slaughtering monsters on their own. Whether his men were dying or not, the bear hung his head and focused his attention on Natalie. The bear’s mouth opened wide as if it were pretending to laugh.

“Do you think there is now?”

asked the bear, raising its front paws high.

“Interesting, you. They are not human, but rather smell very close to us. Why are you fighting on the side of humans? If you attack that wall just once, our victory is certain. You wouldn’t know which side would be better to fight on, right?”

“It doesn’t matter if it’s good or bad.”

Natalie blinked. Victory, defeat, death, and life had no meaning to her. The only meaning given to her had long since disappeared. Natalie glanced back. There were holes in the wall one by one. Desperate, screaming and yelling rampant defense battles began. Natalie listened quietly and faced the bear.

“You could enjoy eternal glory with us, but you chose the path of death yourself. stupid and stupid again If it were you, he would have acknowledged it. You smell of them. It must be because your body is made up of their bodies.”

“It’s foolish to cling to things that have died and disappeared.”

“That death also has meaning. Humans know better than anyone else that death is not an end in itself.”

No, death is the end. People give meaning to death not because they really think that death is not an end in itself. It’s, it’s just… .


Just as I was about to complicate my thoughts, an attack flew in. Natalie lightly fended off the bear’s attack with a single tentacle. It was pretty strong. Just like that. Natalie slowly pushed the bear’s paw away.

“Can you say that even if you face death?”

“this… mongrel… !”

Natalie pulled out more tentacles. The tentacles wriggled and slowly began to wrap around the bear’s body. I had no intention of killing him easily and quickly. The tentacles began to choke the bear. The bear, which was as heavy as a huge boulder, was lifted too easily. The tentacles began to wrap around the bear and tighten it.

“Pretending to know something and making noise.”

Wood Deuk!!

The sound of bones being crushed rang out. The monster that had lived for decades ended its life by being crushed in the air like that. The bear’s flesh, trapped in its hide, slid between its tentacles. Natalie looked down at him with cold eyes. I heard the sound of a castle fighting.

“Why am I here?”

It wasn’t even that I didn’t have any doubts. Natalie looked at the castle and the monster alternately, then spread her tentacles to the fullest. don’t think too hard Anyway, because it doesn’t make any sense.

Replaying that in her mind, Natalie stretched out her tentacles. Dozens of monsters must have already been slaughtered at the tips of their tentacles. Furthermore, in order to get rid of the complicated mess in my head, I had no choice but to throw myself into battle.

Natalie could feel the eyes staring at her. It wasn’t human. The gaze of the monster that recognized her as a threat and approached to kill her. A monster with intelligence, probably the same as the gray bear from before.

Natalie felt the stare tearing at her skin and began to step into the depths of the battlefield little by little.

“What is this, f*ck!”

Nella’s screams echoed. On the walls of the royal capital, the people were struggling. In fact, for quite some time, the monsters couldn’t approach the castle wall. Laura’s great magic, scattered at the right time, and the desperate shooting and meticulous command of the soldiers. In fact, it seemed that the number of monsters was gradually decreasing, and at one point it seemed that they drove them almost to the ridge.

“… Isn’t this a foul?”

That is until the mountain ridge was filled with newly arrived monsters. The monsters that have arrived don’t even get tired. They ran faster and clung to the wall. Soon after, it became a corpse in an instant, but the monster’s corpse became a stairway for the next monster.

“It’s still too early to despair, Nella.”

Daphne shot her magic beside Nella. Why is this woman so ignorant of magic? Daphne was almost unleashing a powerful magic that would be burdensome once in a while. The expression on his magic-shooting expression was so cool that it was doubtful whether he was the same person who had previously been labeled a low-class wizard.

“The battle is not over. The walls are still strong.”

damn, i know I’ve been fighting catastrophes too. Even at that time, so many monsters came, and behind that monster, there was literally one more octopus bigger than a mountain. Nella gritted her teeth. I don’t know anything else, but I couldn’t stand that guy acting as a senior.

“you… You don’t have to force yourself to cheer.”

Nella raised her magic power. He knew that he could distribute his mana more efficiently than that ignorant woman who only had a lot of mana. If you pour your mana into Daphne’s pace, your mana will run out at the critical moment. Nella frowned as she pointed an arrow of flame she had sharpened into the monster’s forehead.

“So, save your mana. A comet will fall sooner or later.”

Nella knew. The fact that at night, a single ray of light will fall from the sky far away, cutting through the darkness. Not the light of salvation, but the light that will drive the world into the pit of destruction. Then, suddenly, Daphne put a hand on Nella’s shoulder.

“… I’ll go to the other wall. If our forces are concentrated in one place, it’s not good in a defensive battle. Can I leave this place to you, Nella?”

Nella looked Daphne in the eyes. Who cares about whom now. He was probably worried that the wizards would be killed in droves before the comet could be stopped. Those purple eyes were shaking uneasy even for Nella to see. Nella let out a chuckle and laughed, and gently took Daphne’s hand on her shoulder and pushed it away.

“I am now in the 6th circle. At least I won’t die until the comet falls. So, hurry up and go around to prevent casualties.”

Daphne nodded firmly and walked away.

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“Then, I’ll trust you.”

How long has it been since you heard that you believe? Nella waved briefly at Daphne with a slightly dazed expression. When I turned my back, the monsters that had been refilled were swarming before I knew it.

“Now, what should I do to keep you guys from coming up?”

Should I think about leisure? Nella refined her magical powers. I had to make a big sweep and buy time for the soldiers. Fire is the most effective attribute. The shape is –

coogu palace.

At that time, the wall shook greatly. When Nella turned her head around, a monster that looked like a mantis had arrived on top of the castle wall and was randomly knocking down soldiers.

“… no.”

Nella’s complexion turned pale. That monster was someone I knew well. Did you come down to the capital from the north? The crawler, which appeared on the battlefield out of nowhere, swung its forearms like a fish in water and dug through the wires without even thinking about hiding in the shadows.

Can not be done. defenses are broken The monsters will come up again through the gaps between the defense lines that the crawlers destroyed. Nella shot a lump of shapeless magic toward the crawler.



The crawler that had been hit by one hit stumbled out of the castle wall, but there was no doubt that there was a gap in the power. Demons come up. Replenishment of troops is delayed. Nella ran with all her protection magic, but monsters climbed up the castle wall, and the lives of the injured soldiers were blown away by the wind.

Until the warm golden mist that came from somewhere settled down.

“Please stand up and block me. The walls of the royal capital must not be breached.”

Nella’s eyes widened as she saw the reinforcements on the ramparts. The saintess, along with the heavily armed guards of the Holy Kingdom, was loftily climbing up the wall.

However, Isis’ expression hardened, and the hero who should be by her side was nowhere to be seen.

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