105 – Liem’s paradise (5)

I haven’t killed anyone yet, but I think I can now.

Seeing Song Soo-yeon resisting this woman with a frown on her face and her top ripped… I lost my temper.

Appearing from behind a villain called Reem, grabbed her by the neck and lifted her up.

I wanted to break it like this, but then Liem wouldn’t even know how he died.

I wanted a little more fear, a little more pain to die.

I pinned her to the floor.

I could see Liem’s bewildered eyes.

As he did not release his hand from his neck, fear gradually began to fill his eyes.

This will be your first murder. But there is no hesitation.

He suppressed Liem, who struggled with his teeth clenched.

She scratched my arm around my neck and tried to tear it off.

I used my opposite hand to freeze both of her hands touching my forearms.

She looked at my hand with an even more bewildered look, then looked at me.

Eyes that gradually begin to blur.

Soon, those eyes rolled upwards.


I watched her end. I don’t know how I’ll regret it after this murder.

However, I decided to leave that part to the future me.

I couldn’t forgive her now.


And then, someone hugged me by the side.

The mind is clear and the field of vision is widened.

The power is released from the grip.

Liem was stunned and did not move.

“Stop it…Stop it…”

Trembling, something in my arms speaks.

Her familiar scent wafts in.

Her bobbed hair and the strength of her arms are transmitted.

how much is it

As she hugged me, I felt my frozen heart melt.

Song Soo-yeon says while holding me tightly.

“I…I don’t want you to become a murderer because of me…please…”

That feeling came to me in an instant, and I lost my strength.

When I let Liem go and sat down next to me, Song Soo-yeon corrected her posture and hugged me again.

Hugging him tightly, she wept.


At the sound of her tears, I quickly separate her from my body.

Then he looked at her body.

“Suyeon-ah…! Where did you get hurt…”

And speaking, I shut up.

It was so natural that I almost treated her like I used to.

Song Soo-yeon left her body to me and nodded.

Her top was torn, revealing her bra, but she didn’t care and wiped away the tears with the back of her hand.

“I’m fine… nothing happened…”


She cautiously reached out for my mask.

I unknowingly patted her hand lightly.


She cried with a frown on her face like a child, then stretched out her arms to me.

It meant hugging.

It’s like confirming my affection.

Swept away by this fearful situation, he was asking me to show affection without hesitation.


Seeing her cry like that, I felt like I was going to cry too.

It feels like my mind is syncing up.

Seeing that salty and pitiful look…I almost let go of my arms.

Her pushing body almost leaned back towards me.

But as much as I already knew our end, I pushed her away with difficulty.


Then, wordlessly, he took the handcuffs out of his back pocket and put them on Liem’s frozen wrists.

Song Soo-yeon, in her pathetic state, stretched out her arms to me.

Kneel down, turn around and look at me.

she said so sadly.

“Hug me… I mean hug…”


I grit my teeth.

Anyway, I decided to surrender.

Parting with her has been decided.

That’s why I told her to live alone.

So even after a certain level of anger was released, it did not return to her.

With Liem tied up, I took off my coat and silently covered Song Soo-yeon.

He persistently pushed her away, who kept trying to hold her, and slowly put her clothes on.


He lifts the jacket of his coat and hides her undergarments.

Song Soo-yeon’s eyes never left mine.

Maybe it’s because my eyes are the only visible part of my face.

“… take off the mask… please… take it off… I want to see your face…”

she whimpered. Also, I pretended not to hear.

Since we already know each other, what’s the big deal about showing her face… I was thinking of continuing to treat her coldly.

That way, she would be able to get her affection out of me more easily.

– Profit… Profit…

I hear a sound from the walkie-talkie I have hung on my upper body.

Soon, Han Yu-jeong spoke up.

“…Gyeom-ah, did you find it?”

At those words, Song Soo-yeon stood tall.

I took out my walkie-talkie.

After lowering the mask for voice modulation, he said.

“…I found it.”

long silence.

She seemed to be relaxed like me, so she said in a soft tone.

“……It’s good… I’m really glad.”

Her words didn’t sound like lies.

Throughout the process of looking for Song Soo-yeon, she pointed me to her location and shared her opinions.

To be honest, it helped a lot.

Without her, Song Soo-yeon would not have been found.

At that time, Song Soo-yeon laughs quietly from the side.


When I looked at Song Soo-yeon, wondering why she had suddenly started to laugh after she was crying, she muttered while putting down her outstretched arm at some point.

“……Why can’t I be the only one…”


“…f*ck…I know I did something wrong…Stella is also a villain…Why does she work and I don’t…”


I turned my head and sighed.

And pretended not to hear her.

Looking at Liem, who fainted, gestured to Song Soo-yeon.

“………..Come on.”


I give her my back

“… get up. Because I have to go back.”

Song Soo-yeon looked at me, nodded, and staggered from her seat.


But whether it’s the tension, the lack of strength, or the numbness in the legs.

She stumbled again and fell.

Even so, she tried to get up with an urgent gesture, whether she wanted to be carried on her back or not, but she continued to experience the experience of sinking to the floor.

Seeing that pitiful look, I started to justify myself.

In any case, we must take her across the sea.

It seemed better to hold him in his arms.

You shouldn’t even fall while hanging on to me.

I approached her who had fallen.

As I approached, Song Soo-yeon froze in place like an animal facing a bright light.

I put my arms behind her frozen back and hamstrings.

Song Soo-yeon closed her eyes tightly and grabbed her chest with both hands. I closed my eyes as strongly as I held my chest.

I said to her

“…Hold me tight.”

She puts her hand around my neck…and shakes her head slowly.

Behind the mask, I frowned and said.

“It might fall, bestow…”


“Hold on tight, so.

But her persistence did not break.

Handing out a lie that even a fool could understand, she said.

“…I have no strength in my arms.”

“Don’t lie to me-”

“-Uncle, hug me tight.”


“……Please… it is.”

I couldn’t understand my feelings either.

I want to treat her coldly…but I wonder if this much is possible.

At this point, I wonder if I can fulfill her request.

What to reject and what to accept.

Since standards are not fixed like knives, things flow ambiguously.

Song Soo-yeon was still holding her eyes closed as she was held in my arms.

Like a small animal, he waited nervously for the stimulus to come.

It’s hard to say harsh words.

I sighed and hugged her tightly.

I can feel the slender arms and healthy legs.

I also satisfy my personal greed without her knowledge.

The pain of parting isn’t just one side going through.

I too, undeniably loved being around her.

I slowly took off and started flying to leave the island.

As an island, I wasn’t worried about Liem disappearing.





We crossed the sea without speaking.

The atmosphere is also a mood… but there was something I forgot to say about the beauty of the night sea.

The high moon crashed into the jet-black waves and boasted its own light, and countless stars twinkled in their own way.

above and below. Only bright light was visible.

Song Soo-yeon also looked at the scene blankly.

It seemed as if he was trying to record another memory quietly, shrinking his body.


A cool sea breeze passed us by.

Song Soo-yeon dug a little deeper into my arms.

In the process, she said.

“…Hug me more.”

I didn’t react.

Then she says

“…I think it will fall. Hug me more.”

“Then wrap your arms around me.”

Song Soo-yeon shook her head slightly.


Against her insistence, I finally hugged her tighter.

Sensing that power, Song Soo-yeon wept more sorrowfully.

The moment she didn’t react and was paying attention to her expression… she said.

“…will you stay by my side now?”


“…Mister, I’m sorry. Twice… I won’t do that twice…”

“…That’s normal.”


She is speechless and is silent for a moment. His eyes began to roll anxiously.

It seemed like he was trying to find something to convince me.

I didn’t have the confidence to endure her pleading to the end.

So I said first.

“No matter what you say…we’re done.”


“…just give up. Because this is our last.”

I also said goodbye to her, feeling a sharp pain in my chest.

In an instant, all the times I had with her come back.

I felt like crying for no reason, so I shook my head and buried my thoughts deep in my heart.

“…..no, I do not want..”

She said. Then he looked up at me.

Her eyes, like the sea, reflect countless lights hanging from the sky.


Like a child smoking a herd, she grabbed my chest and shook me.

Song Soo-yeon continued to swallow saliva and endured the tears.

“…I’ll give you my all…please…I’ll give it all…yes…? I love you… I love you… You’re the first person I’ve ever loved like this…”

I bit my lip, said it with difficulty.

As hard as it was, my words came out as whispers.

“……There is someone I like.”

It wasn’t what she said to believe. Even when I looked at it, it sounded nothing but a lie to cover up the situation.

She would have known too.

But even empty words are painful… She held me tight as she raised her nails.


she whispered.

Looking at Song Soo-yeon like that, I said.

“…you said it. we promised each other Wasn’t it you who told me not to fall for you?”

“You listened to that word like stone… Why didn’t you listen to me to come back…?”


“…mister. I wish you could look into my heart.”


“…Me…I’m always afraid of someone revealing my feelings…I wish you could look into me as much as you do.”

She slowly put her hand on my cheek.

“It’s a little messy… a little disgusting, but it’s real… I love you. I love you this much… but it’s hard that you don’t know…”

The second hand caught the ball opposite me.

Slowly, with strength, she turned my head to look at my face.

Our two eyes connect exactly.

she called me


I slowly stopped in place.

The cool wind that brushed our ears died down.

Instead, only the gentle sound of waves could be heard.

In this space where only the two of us exist, each other’s voices resonated louder than ever.

“…..Do you really hate me?”


I opened my mouth, but nothing came out.

hate. I hated it.


…but her precious heart was greater than that.

I feel like crying when I look at her.

Likewise, because it is another person who saved me.

Her hand dug into my mask.

Then slowly peel it off.

My bare face is exposed.

Seeing my face, her eyes filled with water.

Song Soo-yeon turned her head and looked down at the sea below.

And then it says

“…From now on, if you really hate me…you can let me go.”


“…I said.”

She grabbed my cheeks and pulled me.

Slowly she came towards me.

Soon, our two lips meet.

A soft, slightly cold feel.

Song Soo-yeon closed her eyes.

As I closed my eyes, her tears streamed down my cheeks.

It was her clumsy kiss that she didn’t know how to do, but her heart was bigger than anyone else’s.

Her tongue slowly squeezed my lips.

I couldn’t resist her.

Another drop of hot tear wets my cheek.

And all the strength left in those tears was drained away.

……In the end, I also closed my eyes.

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