104 – Liem’s paradise (4)

It was a momentary worry.

When Liem rushed at her, Song Soo-yeon was thinking of using her abilities.

No matter how much Jeong-gyeom asked for it…he would understand.

He could use the people around him to block Liem, or he could use his abilities directly against Liem.

But the momentary thought made her hesitate.

…….If he gets caught here, will Jung-gyeom worry about him?

It is Jeong-gyeom who said that he has now completely removed his affection from her.

It is Jeong-gyeom who said that the relationship is over and that he should live alone from now on.

Is it really over? Doesn’t he have some heart left?

Do you not care whether you suffer or not?

Also, if Jeong-gyeom doesn’t care about a life anyway… it’s already a worthless life.

Even if Liem gets caught, nothing will change.

If Jeong-gyeom really didn’t come to visit him, it wouldn’t be bad to bite his tongue and die.

In that moment of agony, Liem’s hand touched his arm.


And with Liem’s hilarious tone, she arrives at another place in an instant.

It was a dark, stone-walled room. Moist air enveloped my skin, and I could see iron bars in the distance.

It was not difficult to see that Liem was a place where slaves were kept.

It’s a moment when fear blooms or when you worry about yourself.

Song Soo-yeon took a gamble.

I push Liem away and take out my phone.

And before anyone could stop, she texted Stella.


Han Yu-jeong stammered.

Knowing that I care about Song Soo-yeon, she seemed cautious as well.

“No, there was no other explanation. Just like this…”

I felt it while reading the text.

Somehow, I realized it too late.

That I can no longer abandon Song Soo-yeon.

I couldn’t help but understand the embarrassingly deep anger and the feeling of my blood running cold.

She still meant so much to me.

Song Soo-yeon, like Solas, must have entered my heart too deeply.

The thought of hesitation disappears with just one word of help.

Rather calmly, the nerves of the whole body wake up.

I asked.

“Tell me what you know about Liem.”

“…Li…Liem? The one Liem took-”

“-Don’t ask me back, just answer me.”

He reached out and grabbed Han Yu-jeong’s back.

That’s how close our faces are.

Han Yu-jung’s pupils swayed violently from side to side.

But then he gulped down his saliva and began to explain.

“…Te…He’s a teleporter. I can only use it once a day. E…if Luna was captured by Liem, she wouldn’t be able to use her powers anymore today.”

I memorized all her words so as not to forget a single tot seed. I don’t think I’ve been more focused on it lately.

“…That’s… I’m worried, Liem has a peculiar temperament…”

The face is furrowed in its own way. My heart sinks like it’s falling. I had to do my best not to strain the hand holding Han Yoo-jung’s back.

“…I like women. The reason I joined the alliance was because of the goal of having female slaves. Considering Luna’s appearance…maybe…”

“…Do you know where I live?”

“I can figure it out roughly. I’ve already heard that Liem has two slaves… There’s a location I inferred from hearing that story… Oh, and I used to want to buy an island. I probably would have bought it if you hadn’t shown up. Maybe he bought it.”

“Where is the location?”

“Where are you now? Oh, or an island?”

“all. tell me everything.”

I don’t think I’ve ever been more urgent in my life.

Especially since the story about the castle wall came out.

She did not forget why she developed a hatred for men.

How many molestations and sexual harassment he had to endure.

It had to be found quickly before anything happened.

Han Yoo-jung said with her mouth open for a while.

“I…I’ll mark it on the map. Come inside for a moment.”


A voice is heard through the passage.

‘yes! Liam! Well sir!’

A woman’s voice, not Liem’s, was also heard.

A clear and polite tone of voice.

I could infer that Liem was talking to his slave.

I don’t know what kind of process it was, but… it was really inferior to being called a slave.

He is completely obedient to Liem.

Brainwashing beyond manipulation.

Liem, who was reluctant to recognize it properly, seemed more shady than expected.

Soon, I heard the sound of Liam approaching.

Song Soo-yeon buried her face in her lap.

I didn’t want to face Liem right now.

I was waiting for Jeong-gyeom, who didn’t know if he would come or not.

“…Luna, look up.”

The sound of a hand being placed on the iron grate echoes. Liem said to Song Soo-yeon in a sticky voice.

Song Soo-yeon, of course, did not listen to her.

However, Liem also seemed not to dwell on him.

“….under. How good was this time.”


“I treasure the moment when you reject me like this. For being the seasoning for when you like me later.”

“…get off.”

“ah! don’t provoke me Even if it looks like this, I’m holding back a lot.”

Song Soo-yeon’s fingernails dug into my arm.

I thought I would be able to endure it… but it’s more disgusting than I expected… and more frightening.

The frustration given by the situation of confinement was quite severe.

Maybe I did something stupid

What should I do if Jeong-gyeom doesn’t come to the end?

Did you see the text in the first place?

Do you know that you are caught like this?

“Luna, do you know that you are the most beautiful woman I have ever seen?”


“As long as it stays true, I think I’ll be satisfied. Should I say trophy…?”

Soon someone came along again.

Song Soo-yeon only slightly lifted her head.

A pretty woman in a pure white dress appeared.

A plate of food was held in one hand.

Liem smiled at her.

“Strawberry, thank you.”

The woman named ‘Strawberry’ as if it were a puppy nodded.

Of course, Strawberry would not have been her real name.

Soon after, Liem closed her eyes, and a woman named Strawberry approached and kissed her.

It became difficult to see any more, so Song Soo-yeon rolled her eyes.

A blatant tongue-mixing sound resounds.

Soon, an iron plate under Song Soo-yeon’s bars opens.

Through that place, food brought by slaves came in.

Liem said.

“Eat well.”


“…If you don’t eat, I’ll punish you today.”


Where is this place?

Song Soo-yeon continued to think.

It wasn’t underground.

Through the window with the iron bars, I could see the darkening sky.

Is this the island that Liem wanted so much?

…It wasn’t an improbable story.

Sometimes it seemed like I could smell the sea.

Song Soo-yeon was thinking about 5 days.

It seems to last for about 5 days.

…I don’t know. Maybe it’s hard to last that long.

I hate this prison that I was caught in the moment I stopped for a while, more and more.

A fear arose that I might become like the woman called ‘Strawberry’.

….If it was an island, how long would it take for Jung-gyeom to come?

I might not be able to find it

Maybe you didn’t even care in the first place.

The longer she stays in this dark place, the more negative things come to her mind.

Soon, the sound of footsteps echoed.

I had no choice but to know that it was Liem.

Suddenly, I begin to understand at first glance how to brainwash slaves.

With just the sound of footsteps, Liem was playing with her emotions.

Tension and fear rise.

Song Soo-yeon buried her face in her lap again.

Liem tells her.

“…Have you not eaten?”


The food had already cooled down and dried up.

Liem let out a long sigh.

Silence flows.


By the time I wondered if he left without a word.

There was the sound of keys rattling.

Song Su-yeon was startled and raised her head.

– Clap.

However, Liem had already entered and closed the bars again.

It is only now that I realize that the bars were serving as a psychological barrier.

As the barriers between the two disappear completely, I feel as if I have become vulnerable.

hair stood on end

My heart was pounding.

“… I should… be punished, right?”


Song Soo-yeon shrank even more.

For her, who had just become an adult, this was too much of a fear.



Song Soo-yeon lifted her head at the sound she heard in an instant.

Liem was throwing off his shirt.

I already knew what her intentions were and what the punishment was.

It was obviously sexual.

I could tell just by looking at Liem’s changed eyes.

very ugly eyes.

She approaches, licking her upper lip.

“…I said it was punishment, but in fact…I can’t stand it.”

Song Soo-yeon finally said.


“…Huh? You are mine now, you.”

“…stop it…”

Liam took it one step further.

She crosses the line that Song Su-yeon drew in her heart.

The hands and eyes began to glow purple.

Praying that she will be eaten by the talented woman, she tries to manipulate it.

“…That, stop it.”

Liem frowns and stops.

Song Soo-yeon did not miss the momentum and continued to give strength to her hands.


However, Liem, who stopped staggering, soon smiled.

“…seems to hold on.”

And then it kept coming.


Song Soo-yeon slipped backwards as she was sitting.

But Liem came faster.

“…I’ll have to punish you too.”

Liem stretched out his arm.

Her hand grabbed Song Soo-yeon’s arm.

Contrary to the words of punishment, Liem’s face was full of excited smiles.

Song Soo-yeon opened her mouth, but she said nothing out of fear.

Saying don’t do it, saying stop, doesn’t do anything.

Although she pushed Liem away, Song Soo-yeon, who hadn’t eaten properly recently, didn’t have much strength.

In an instant, Liem took off Song Soo-yeon’s top as if tearing it off.

It was the first time I had encountered violence and malice of this level.

My head goes blank.

And in that state… she found only one.


As if pleading, she called the name.

I already knew that Jeong-gyeom wouldn’t come soon.

But still, I called out his name.

Liem said.

“Forget about that man. Now I-”


At that moment, the whole building shakes like an earthquake.

Song Soo-yeon and Liem looked around at the commotion.

Liem asks as if talking to himself.


But her words did not carry on to the end.

It was because a man jumped out of the shadow created by the moonlight that penetrated the bars and grabbed Liem by the neck.

“Ha … ha … this dog is ….!”

The man who was breathing heavily grabbed Liem by the neck and lifted him up.

The dice drop in front of Song Soo-yeon.

The scale is 6.

In this unbelievable situation, Song Soo-yeon muttered.

“……Ah, mister…?”

Once again, her own hero appears.

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