106 – True Hero (1)

how much time has passed

I came to my senses.

Heads tucked down, foreheads touching each other, lips moving away from each other.

When I announce the end of the kiss, Song Soo-yeon suddenly opens her eyes.

Then, as if possessed by something, the distance that had been widened was narrowed.

Her lips brush my upper lip.

I turned my head once again.

However, Song Soo-yeon still blindly aimed at my lips.

He rubbed his face and pressed his lips together.

When she turns her head one last time, the strangeness returns to her eyes.

It seemed like I was coming back to my senses.


But her reaction was the exact opposite.

His face is also frowning. It seems that you will not be satisfied with this.

Then he spoke to himself under the sound of his breath.


I could read the emotions in Song Soo-yeon’s expression.

desperate. craving. greed. lust. heaviness.

Then he bit his lower lip, pretending not to know anything, grabbed my cheek again and tried to kiss me.

“…Soo Yeon-ah.”

But at my words, she stiffened.

I couldn’t meet her eyes.

Any more skinship is irresponsible. I can’t be responsible for her.

Things have changed a lot from before.

Song Soo-yeon, who had no way of knowing that, said.

“…can’t you just… do it…?”


“…f*ck…just one more…yes?…man…”

Did he ever think that this beautiful face would make such an excited and earnest expression?

The longing to be loved is filled.

I felt undeniable joy without her knowledge…but I couldn’t show it.

i eat my heart

Prepare harsh words to push her away.


When I first opened my mouth, nothing came out.

It was so hard to spit out these words.

Because I had to break the love of others that I had hoped so much for one day with my own hands.

“…I’ll tell you clearly, Soo-yeon.”

A momentary fear blooms on Song Soo-yeon’s face.

Two large eyeballs stare at my eyes alternately.

“…I have no intention of accepting your heart.”


Song Soo-yeon’s lips parted slightly. The eyes that look up at me are filled with pain.

“…I told you that I have someone I like. Just…forget this.”

“……That was a lie.”



I didn’t respond to her words.

Then, her expression darkened moment by moment.

Taking a deep breath, she slowly turned her head and looked into the distance.

It was as if he was holding back tears.

she finally asked.




As if going mad with regret, she squeezed out a voice.

Then he took a deep breath and spoke to me in a higher voice.

“…..You have all of those sisters. yes? Reputation…! Popularity…! You receive all love. A lot of money…! You also have power. You’re a person who grew up without wrinkles…! You don’t even have a difficult past like mine!!”


“-He said he would only have one, but why can’t he do that too!! Why does Solas have to have it all!! Why can’t I have anything, why!!”

she screamed in devotion to evil.

It was a grumbling and outburst full of sadness.

Without realizing it, my chin and hands are straining.

Even I, who knew her past, felt her pain.

“me…! It’s the year I hit…! Everyone, smoke cigarettes…! You’re not as nice as you think…!”


When she didn’t answer back, she lowered her head in a fit of fuss.

Her skinny body was already tired.

Her shoulders trembled and she began to sob.

It’s a cry I’ve heard so many times these days.

Soon she says with difficulty.

“…I knew you first…Huh…I loved you first…”

“…I knew Solas before you.”

Song Soo-yeon’s voice hardened.

He tells her the truth that he has not revealed to anyone.

“…I’m not saying I knew Solas on TV.”


“Solas doesn’t know me…I ran into her often. In the past… I did a lot of bad things.”

Song Soo-yeon leaned weakly against my chest. She listened quietly to what I was saying.

And that look, for some reason, felt like seeing someone who had lost everything, and it hurt.

It hurt even more that it was Song Soo-yeon.

Tears began to flow from my eyes involuntarily.

I was just glad she wasn’t looking at me.

But he couldn’t hide the trembling in his voice.

It shook so much that she could hear it clearly.

In that state I said

“…remember…? I told you before.”

– Tuduk.

My tears fall at her bobbed hair.

“There are true heroes in the world. I will know when I meet you.”

It was something I had told her many times. I don’t know how many times I said this to her who distrusted heroes.

And every time I said that, I was thinking of only one person.

“Solas was my hero.”

– Dududuk.

More tears fell on Song Soo-yeon’s head.

“…Solas…was my hero.”


Half lies are also mixed in.

I would be lying if I said I wasn’t disappointed with Solas.

The shock I received must have been twice as great as the shock Song Soo-yeon received.

Since he is in a position to push Song Soo-yeon away, he is just hiding these facts.

…but whatever, it doesn’t change the fact that Solas saved me.

She was the one who pointed me to a different direction in life.

I’m just disappointed, but I can’t hate it.

Having to fight her is just too hard.

Song Soo-yeon’s hand, which was holding my chest, slowly gains strength.

But soon, that hand also slowly loosened.

Song Su-yeon was speechless.

I also had nothing more to say.


I started flying again.




I dropped off Song Soo-yeon at her studio.

We didn’t speak a word while we got here.

Maybe this won’t be the last time I see her face.

But this will be the last time she sees my face.

“….how are you.”

i told her

Then he approached the window.

At that time, Song Soo-yeon speaks.

“…my hero was a man.”

At those words, my steps also stood firm.

“…in this trashy… world that I only wished would perish… only you saved me.”


She came over and grabbed me by the hem of my dress.



“I’m sorry I attacked your hero… and kept trying to get in between the two of you…”

Song Soo-yeon’s hand holding the hem of the dress was trembling.

“…But, Mister…Can’t you love me too…? Even if not as much as Solas…Huh…Tenth, no…At least one hundredth…Can you look at me…?”


“Because I won’t be greedy anymore… Ugh… I’ll live a good life…”

It was hard to hold out any longer.

I just drifted into the shadows.

If I didn’t leave like this, I felt like I wouldn’t be able to escape for the rest of my life.



He took the women on the island to the inland and brought Liem to the hideout.

Han Yu-jeong appears at the end of the hallway.

“I’m here…?”

Her expression, which was about to say hello brightly, faded when she saw me.


It wouldn’t have been because of Liem. Han Yu must have already known that he was bringing her.

Han Yu-jung’s face hardened because of me.

Traces of tears were still left.

Without saying a word, I passed Hanyujeong and headed for the basement.

Liem, like Liquid, is also confined to a secluded place.

In the meantime, Han Yu-jeong followed me from a few steps behind.

As if my feelings were moving, she was also making a bad expression before I knew it.


I didn’t say anything to Han Yoo-jeong, who was following me.

I don’t have the strength to do that.

I just passed her and headed for my usual room.


Realizing that I was going to rest, Han Yu-jeong grabbed my wrist.

I looked at her helplessly.

As if contemplating what to say, Han Yoo-jung hesitated for a long time before finally speaking.

“…ba…I made rice.”


“…Eat and rest.”

As always, she suggested eating.

I didn’t ask what happened. He didn’t even offer consolation. In a way, it may be a natural choice for her, but… I can feel her consideration.

It’s been hard to get angry with her lately.

Maybe it’s because he realizes he’s acting for me.

I had no appetite, but I headed to the table.

Perhaps food could help fill this void.




White rice is served with various side dishes.

I don’t know when she, who was just as busy looking for Song Soo-yeon all day, made these things.

Suddenly, looking at the side dishes, a question came to mind.

Although there was a lot of food stored in the hideout… it wasn’t enough to make something like this consistently.

“…Did you go outside?”

Unless you bought the ingredients somewhere. These side dishes are not explained.


Han Yu-jeong looked at me and nodded cautiously.

Numerous questions run through my head.

From how he went to the mart selling something to why he came back.

…Of course, if he had escaped, he would have managed to catch him again, but his return was the biggest surprise.


Han Yu-jeong apologized. Perhaps he was apologizing for the fact that he had left.

I didn’t answer.

I just put the steaming rice in my mouth and started eating the food she prepared.

Maybe because of the warm rice, I felt a little comforted.

It’s funny. Is this what it means to get sick and give medicine?

If it wasn’t for Han Yoo-jung, in the first place…


I shook my head.

Even if it wasn’t for Han Yoo-jung… Song Soo-yeon might have made an inexperienced choice.

After all, she was a villain.

Maybe really, everything in the world is going according to the order.

…then will the end be the same?


I erase useless thoughts.

I scooped up another spoonful of rice.

It would be nice if Song Soo-yeon was eating something too.

– Tok.

At that moment, a pair of chopsticks appeared and placed a side dish on top of my rice.

Looking ahead, Han Yu-jeong lowered her eyes and said.

“…well…a good side dish…”


I didn’t bother to reject it again.

He just put the food in his mouth and continued eating.

Since I did not resist, Han Yu-jeong continued to put side dishes on my spoon.

My own rice was not decreasing at all.

I was busy helping with my meals, so I wasn’t eating my food.

As the act continued, I said.

“…Eat your rice.”

“…Ah, yes.”

She crouches again, clumsily picking up the spoon.

But the snow did not fall off my spoon.

When I scooped up another spoonful, she dared to put the side dish on top of my spoon.


I didn’t express it… but it really felt like receiving silent comfort and apology.




After the meal, I got up from my seat.

Han Yu-jung also jumps up from her seat.

“…Eat your rice.”

I said while looking at her rice bowl that still had rice left, but Han Yu-jung came to me with a determined face.

I still notice, I still feel afraid of me.

But withstanding the pressure, she stood in front of me.



“Sah… actually… there’s something I want to say.”



She hesitated for a while after that.

I could see the conflict going on inside her.

“…Oh…I was worried because you didn’t seem to be in a good mood today…I don’t think it would work again if it wasn’t today.”


“…I…I really worked hard today…? So that you can find Luna…”

It’s not a lie. She worked hard enough that I could feel it.

Without her, Song Soo-yeon would not have been found.

“…so… that…”


She bows her head. I gently covered my mouth with the back of my hand. Then he mumbled something.

“……Give me…”


When I asked back, she raised her voice a little more.

“Would you give me… a thought…?”

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