God's Dynasty

Chapter 3 - To the Back-Line!

As with most wars, there are no complicated tactics.

The main force collide with the enemy main force, and mercenaries and other irregular groups that do not train to engage like that fight in sporadic battles throughout the skirmish.

In order to identify the enemy, each mercenary within Allen's group wore an armband engraved with a tiger.

After ten minutes of marching around the forest, the skirmish began with men up the hill shouting loudly giving away their position.

"The enemy are at the hill, number is around forty strong!"

"They appear to be defending an area, perhaps blocking our way to the back line?"

".. Alright let's hit them hard and continue on with our mission."

Allen's mercenaries were the dominant force within the mercenary world as most of the members were veterans from the Empire's army and were armed already with their own weapons. Even Allen himself was an Aurora user himself, already making himself the strongest within the mercenary world alone.

For such people, the forty men defending the hill were not dangerous opponents at all.

Realizing that Allen's men are coming after them, the enemies on the hill began forming their formation. Thanks to being on the forefront of the mercenary group, Ryan was able to see what was happening clearly.

"The enemy are here! Shoot your arrows, archers!"

Ryan who looked on saw that the archers were aiming at their general direction.

Concentrating on defending himself, Ryan quickly dropped to the ground and rolled his body in time before the archer released their shot.

A few arrows then passed where he was just stood a moment ago.

Ryan who rolled down the hill a few ŀȧps heard screaming and shouting from his mercenary crew. He quickly bounced back on his feet, inhaling the air around him. His heart beating like crazy, realizing that once again he was in a life and death situation.


Ryan unsheathed his sword before cutting the enemy's guts and stabbing his ribcage piercing his heart.

From behind the dead juggernaut in front of Ryan, another enemy rushed in towards him.

Ryan clicked his tongue.

The enemy who was coming at him was much more annoying, as he saw that he was wearing leather armor that seemed hard to pierce.

Ryan who saw that it was impossible to quickly deal with his opponent quickly retreated and hid among his own comrades.


Ignoring the cries of the enemy, Ryan made use of his agile nature and he began moving in and out of his comrade's shadow.

After continuously killing, hiding then killing again, he was able to kill eight men before the enemy admitted defeat and backed off.

Seeing this, the mercenaries clapped each other's weapons and cheered.

However at that moment, someone had stopped their cheers with one shout.


After confirming that everyone was much more quiet and calmer, Allen then waved his hands before giving out his instructions.

"This is not the time to scream victory, we gotta run and hit the enemy main unit's back-line! Let's go!"


After a long march across the forest, they were able to reach a fierce battlefield where they saw thousands of soldiers clashing with each other. Seeing that the enemies back line was ripe for the taking, Allen began setting up the charge.

Ryan quickly climbed onto a shoulder of a large mercenary next to him and observed how the battle was going.

'Do I feel bad watching this?'

Judging from his ability to read the war situation that he had cultivated through his life as a mercenary, the current situation was very bad for his allies.

There was no possibility that the situation of the war would be overturned if fifty mercenaries intervened in the midst of such a battle.

"Captain, the allies are gonna lose. You sure you want us to engage?"


The other mercenaries had also checked out the situation of the situation all had solemn faces on them.

After a while of pondering, Allen gave his order in a deep and low voice.

"Don't be noticeable, slowly step back. We shall take go back into the forest."

With a few exceptions, it was not easy to find loyalty from mercenaries. Just as employees wouldn't hesitate to leave their job if they find higher pay, mercenaries would not hesitate to leave if they weren't confident in victory.

The Allen Mercenaries did not have bad reputation for that, but they'll probably have a dent in their reputation after today.

But at least it was better than annihilation.

It took awhile to retreat while maintaining the ranks within the group, but as someone began to cry cavalry, they all turned and formed a formation.

Each of the cavalry were well armed, they wore chain armor with iron plates.

However as the calvary numbers were only in single digits, the mercenaries weren't too scared.

"They wanted to kill us with 5 people? Are they crazy?"

"Shoot arrows at them and chase them away!"

As there was a difference in mobility between the horseback cavalry and the mercenaries who were on foot, it would be difficulty to stop the cavalry in their tracks. However no matter how strong the cavalry is, having 5 men take on 50 was impossible.

"Archers, shoot fast!"

The archers fired their bows, but as the arrows were about to land on the cavalry, each of the men swung their swords in a haze and cut down the arrows with ease.



The collapse of the ranks was instantaneous.

The cavalry carried the momentum of their fast charge and each killed three mercenaries with a single swing of the sword. The swords were swung so fast that they could not be seen.

As if water was poured down an anthill, the mercenaries dispersed from their positions and began to flee.


Allen's shout was ignored however, and even with his control over the group he could not control the already disintegrated mercenaries.

Rather, he was targeted more now because of his cry.

One of the aurora users exclaimed.

"I'll take the commander!"

Watching as the Aurora user was charging towards Allen, Ryan looked on with an uneasy look. He did not know what to do, as he had never experienced such a slaughter.

As he was on the outermost side of the formation, he was far away from the Aurora user and could run away easily if he wanted.

'But what if? Should I fight? What are the odds? If I run away, I will never be able to get a change to learn Aurora from Allen!'

It did not take long however before the aurora user blew Allen's head off with two clashes.

Considering that Allen's skill was much higher than Ryan, seeing that the opponent was clearly capable of killing Allen with ease lead Ryan to the only conclusion.

Fighting them was suicidal.

A veteran mercenary who had usually played the role of a small unit leader turned hjis back and ran away before shouting.


Mixed among the scattered mercenaries, Ryan ran as fast as he could towards the forest.

Fortunately, thanks to his agile feet he was able to run away quite far in a short time.

It wouldn't be difficult to escape without the opponent trying to catch and kill every mercenary who to them was nothing more than insects.

Thinking like that, Ryan felt relieved. Suddenly, a light from Ryan's pocket shone.

At the same time, a young man's voice was heard from behind.


When Ryan turned his head, he saw a Aurora user running towards him at frightening speed.

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