God's Dynasty

Chapter 2 - Life as a Mercenary

On a dark night, a bonfire were lit all over the camp. While the mercenaries were setting up their camp with preparing food and making fire, Ryan laid down with his sleeping bag next to the warm bonfire.

None of the mercenaries had taken an issue with the kid's attitude.

"You prick, my shoulder is still tender from the arrow that was shot at it last time!"

"That was months ago, get some more scars if you want to complain."

"I just hit 45 years old, you think I want to get hit even more?"

"At your age, shouldn't you be retired with grandkids or something?"

Throughout the camp, everyone was chatting and enjoying dinner. Ryan however still laid on his sleeping bag, being alone on this cold night.

At first, many mercenaries tried to be his friends and comrades, but Ryan knew that they were pretending to be nice to him, and after awhile they left Ryan alone due to his cold attitude towards them.

Ryan who at first saw this felt that it was ridiculous, who would like the people that had tortured him when he was just a kid?

He wasn't attached to these mercenaries because he found them great company, but rather just a means to live as he doesn't know what to do with his life.

Atleast he gets food, money and a place to sleep.

After he grabbed his food and ate it, someone called him.


As Ryan looked up, he saw a mercenary whom he doesn't remember the name of.


"Hm? Whats going on?"

"He said you'll find out when you get there, also something about giving you a reward for the last skirmish."

Ryan who heard this slowly got up and stretched his body.

Even if he did not like everyone, he had to answer the captain's call.


"You here kid?"

"Yes sir."

In the middle of the camp, where the mercenary officers were located, there was Allen, the leader of the mercenaries.

Ryan had never liked this middle-aged captain in front of him.

"Did you know why I called you?"

"Something about a reward for the last skirmish."


Ryan caught the necklace that Allen had thrown at him.

At the end of the necklace was a star sign hanging on it. At first, it looked like a decoration, however after looking closely, strange light began to flow out before disappearing.

This was obtained last battle where Ryan had cut off the leader of the enemy. At that time, Allen who looted the corpse discovered the item and took it to a local wizard within the area to check what sort of magic was on it.

"So, what sort of magic is on it?"

"I don't know. At least he said it wasn't a curse."

"Huh, so you'll just give it to me because you don't know what if its good or bad?"

Ryan had wished that the reward was something more practical like a weapon, atleast it is more reliable than mysterious magic.

"You dissatisfied with the reward kid?"


After sighing off the brief regret in his heart, Ryan then put the necklace in his pocket.

"Anything else?"

"… I promised you last time that if you killed the leader I'll tell you about Aurora."

Aurora. A power that all warriors long for in this world.

It was a power that must be mastered in order to become a sword master, the dream of all knights.

Those who could use the power of Aurora show tremendous strength compared to those who don't have it.

Of course, it would be insignificant compared to knights from the capital, but being an Aurora user is enough to be a big shot among mercenaries.

That was also one of the reasons why Ryan had not run away after all these years.

Few mercenaries knew Aurora, and those who knew them like Allen treated it as a special skill that no one should know about.

It is impossible for a commoner to learn how to use this power, and any information about it was guarded by knights who only listen to the nobility.

In other words, there was no other way for Ryan to learn Aurora other than going through Allen.

Ryan remembered his father who was proud of his 'noble' ancestry, and believed that to fulfill his father's dying wish is to become a sword master himself.

"Catch the enemy in the next battle, then I'll show you a taste of Aurora."

"… Then its a promise."

In the end however, Ryan left with another empty promise by Allen who had done this over and over. However he could not say anything in fear that either Allen would kill him or never teach him how to use Aurora.

"Are you going to have a drink?"

"No, I'll sleep."

"Alright, a little kid like yourself need to sleep early to grow up more hahaha!"

Walking back to his spot, the roaring laughter within the camp continued on throughout the night.


As the mercenary band continue on forward, they were now located in the eastern part of the empire, on a small peninsula teeming with city states.

Although it was controlled by a city state federation, control was very lose and within this little peninsula had constant struggle for power.

Allen's mercenary group were involved in a local skirmish and was hired by the city state Beret as their customer.

"Listen up, Victory shall be ours like all the victories we have had throughout our time together!"

Under a bright sun shining on him, Allen roared. In response to his call, all the mercenaries raised their weapons and shouted in response.

After demonstrating his cry, he then began giving out his orders.

"The mission is to flank the enemy through the forest and land an attack at the rear of the enemy unit. Any questions lads?!"



"It's nice to hear such a loud response, now go you ċȯċksuckers! Let's kill those bastards and get our coin!"


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