God's Dynasty

Chapter 14 - Return to Training!

Fairy's Inn.

The reason why the building was named as such is because the entire place was designed with the most lascivious art and structures.

The look of the inn truly was a fairy like experience.

The main customers of this inn were that of nobility and wealthy merchants from other cities that have visited Beret.

Of course, commoners were not allowed to be entered due to how they dressed and act.

The reason why Ryan was able to enter such an inn was due to the fact that someone within the Fairy Inn that was related to the temples within Beret recognized Ryan and so the guards let him through on account of that.

"Thank you."

"Thank you, and as a servant of the God of Earth, it really is a pŀėȧsurė to help those that are righteous."

After bowing politely to the priest, Ryan glanced around the inn before approaching the innkeeper.

As it was a high end place, Ryan truly felt out of place. But in the end, it was just him paying money for a room and getting it and so he knew who to go to at least.

"Single room, until tomorrow morning."

"Three imperial silver coins."


Ryan cursed inwardly, for one night it was filthy expensive. Ryan then took out three imperial silver coins.

The dėsɨrė to negotiate price weighed heavy on Ryan's mind, but he knew that it wouldn't work with how many high end client that arrive here. After he took the key, he went straight into his room and locked the door.

As an expensive inn, the defense was thorough. The door was made of metal and had a loick that could only be opened from the inside. The windows, that looked like glass was actually transparent metal which could not be easily broken.

'Very safe, it's time I guess.'

In an instant of praying to the sculpture, his consciousness began to fade away and into the Castle.


"You have finally awakened your soul."

A low, yet elegant voice. It was not difficult to realize it was the angel Isbeil who greeted Ryan.

Ryan quickly stood up from the ground.

"You talking about Aurora?"

"Yes, even the Lord is pleased with your progress. He made a pleasant remark on how proud he is of his apostle."

"…Thank you."

Even though it was a compliment, he felt it wasn't really a compliment due to the unemotional voice.

Following her lead, they arrive at a place that had a thick, deathly feel to it. Faces began to appear out of the fog, a chill came over Ryan.

The sound of a cry could be heard, from the silence that Ryan was used to when traversing the world.

"Where… where are we?"

"This is the place for the damned."

He had expected further information, but Isbeil continued being silent. He did not wish to test asking question and so he changed topics.

"Is there any way to prove I am an apostle on my world?"


"It would be easier to gain support and training over there with such an identity."

If you can prove that you are an apostle, then you'd be able to get the training and power he needed for the future much faster.

"It is very dangerous for an apostle to reveal himself, especially an apostle of war."

According to her explanation, beings of high soul power such as Aurora users and protectors were easy sacrifices for the devil, and as such keeping a low profile would be good for his development.

Seeing Ryan shake his head, Isbeil smiled.

"It seems you are not stubborn nor an idiot."

Ryan looked at her with bewilderment, but she returned to her cold expressionless face as if she never had smiled just a few seconds before.

A few minutes later, after arriving at the castle once again, Isbeil opened her mouth.

"I might not be able to greet you next time. If that happens, I shall take measures in order to allow you to arrive her by yourself."


After nodding his head, Isbeil vanished like she did last time.

"Thank you Ethan."

As Ryan nodded his head, Ethan frowned.

"You shouldn't be proud, reaching such a level at your age is a disadvantage."

"Well, I know I got a long way to go."

Ryan's top priority was to become a Sword Master, a super Aurora user who comes only once in a generation.

"Now that's a good attitude. Most kids die because they get arrogant with their skills. Now, shall I teach you how to use Aurora properly?"

Ethan threw a sword at Ryan.

"Your task is to draw out your Aurora contained within your body and cover your weapon with it."

Ryan knew from experience that such a skill was paramount to fight properly as a Aurora user.


As Ryan followed Ethan's instructions, there was no Aurora coming out of the side.



"Perhaps this is because your soul thinks the sword and body are different. Of course, we know the sword isn't actually part of your body but Aurora users have to lie to themselves that the sword is also a body part. Remember, Aurora users are driven by three elements, Body, Mind and Soul. And now, you must trick your mind to believing that the weapon is part of your Body."

Speaking elegantly, Ethan grabbed a sword similar to what Ryan was holding.

"That's a shortcut for beginners, us veterans through swordsmanship are accustomed to thinking the sword is one with our body meaning it comes naturally."

Ethan with sword in hand went into a defensive stance.

"Attack me with it once."


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