God's Dynasty

Chapter 13 - The Awakening

For Ryan, there was no way to resist.

He tried to struggle, flinging his arms and legs around to try stun Damion but it was of no use. There was no weapon in his body, nor the strength to continue fighting.

In a moment of crisis like this, Ryan closed his eyes and concentrating his soul.

'Find my Aurora…'

However, every time he would find a glimmer of light in his soul, it was a false alarm.

'Please, Please let me muster the strength to keep on living!'

After awhile, the strength of the body that was struggling began to drain, the suffocation of Damion's grip was now at a stage of killing Ryan.

However, right when he was about to blacken out he saw something.

A light.

He tried to reach it, grab this light with all his might. His life depended on it after all!


The strength to move his body was now possible, and his mind now able to concentrate on anything. All that is left is for the soul to awaken.

The soul's energy began to flow through his entire body.

Unparalleled power began springing from his body.

Aurora now resided with his body, and the moment it circulated throughout his body the lack of oxygen and the weakened muscles cease to exist and strength began to pour through it.

He gripped Damion's arms and pushed it away.

The moment Damion let out an exclamation, Ryan rushed in and grabbed Damion's face before thrusting two thumbs into his eyes.


Damion's desperate cry echoed the building. Ryan then rolled away from the body, expecting Damion to retaliate and he did, as Damion grabbed his want and summoned the green whip once more.

The surrounding walls around him began to melt and a smoke began to rise.


However, it was pointless. Damion could not see anything, and began swinging his green whip at random places. His vision, blinded and he did not realize Ryan had left the room.

"Oh please, oh I can not see…"

Damion who had lost his eyes shed tears of blood and began praying to the demon that gave him his power. But no one answered.

Damion screamed.


A small sound of something hitting the ground.


Damion turned his body around and the acid whip cut through the air once again, he could not see anything.


However as soon as he began screaming, Damion's throat began to ache, it was an unfamiliar feeling to him.


He did not realize that the throat aching was that of his own neck being sliced, and his consciousness began to fade.

Damion was dead.


Exhaling the breath around him, Ryan wiped the blood off his dagger.

An unregistered mage was now dead, his blood squirting from his neck like a butchered animal.

'…I feel it.'

Aurora's feeling was strange.

He felt as if his muscles were layered on top of each other and the energy that was currently support Ryan was at its limit.

The amount of Aurora in his body was still small, and he did not know how to cover his weapon with such energy.

'Still… I killed that bastard huh.'

However he knew the job wasn't done. He quickly moved towards Damion's office once more.

He began searching through the drawer where Damion had took out his wand, and found a wallet with money and a large bag.

There were several items on the bag, a few bright jewels and accessories, a notebook, instruments and also a handkerchief.

'Found it.'

A Handkerchief with blue flowers on it, Ryan knew this was the item that was requested.

"…All this for a handkerchief."

He could not have ever imagined a mage being involved in this,

Still, where there is money to be made, and he also became an Aurora user in the process. That was a feat that no money could ever be compared to.

He looked around the room to see if there was any more things to loot before he ran out towards the hallway.

The wax like object that was blocking the stairs had been melted, perhaps it was because the caster was dead that the magic had faded away.



Before Ryan could even explain, several guards with spears and swords pointed their spears towards him.

Ryan dropped his dagger and fell to the ground.


"That was an experience."

The next day, Ryan was freed due to evidence of Damion being a unregistered mage came to light.

Dozens of children were apparently sacrificed by Damion and were found in a basement within the building.

There were many people on the scene too who had witnessed the event and the temple of the seven gods which were nearby also paid attention to the situation.

Thanks to Ryan, an existence of an unregistered mage was found and he had defeated it, and he was soon to be heralded as a hero.

"Here, everything you had that night including the reward for killing that bastard"


It wasn't just a reward for killing Damion, but also an apology for arresting Ryan.

Ryan did not care however, and waved his pocketed the money before leaving the prison.

'I have quite a sum of money, I feel much more relaxed now.'

Ryan returned back to the Flaming Horse's inn.

The innkeeper, who was dozing off with nothing to do opened his eyes with surprise.

"Ah, here you are kid. Heard you killed a unregistered mage? Did not realize that we had a hero in our humble abode."

"Rumors made it here too? That's way too fast. Anyway, tell the client I got his handkerchief."

"Alright, gonna get someone to tell him later. Want to rest?"

"No, I'll go to another inn nearby, tell the client to meet me tomorrow here."

"Sorry for a bad experience haha!"

Ryan had no intention to stay in such a shabby inn any longer, he could only enter the Castle if he is in a safe location and the most expensive inn nearby was one such place. An inn only used by nobles and the wealthy.

Ryan now had the money to go to such an inn.

'To the Fairy's Inn, I guess.'

He left the flaming horse with a hunched back and yawned before heading towards the place.

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