Ivan took a sip of coffee, looked at us, seemed to judge whether we were trustworthy, and then said: "Victor mentioned earlier that he bought a lot of arms from a senior military officer he knew before. The arms mentioned here did not mean $700 AK, but big guys such as helicopters and tanks. At that time, the situation was very chaotic due to the disintegration of the Soviet Union, and a large number of materials for the arms race during the cold war were sold at low prices.

In addition, the senior military officer immediately stepped down and sold a large number of arms to victor at almost the price of scrap iron.

Later, we sold a lot, but a small part didn't sell. Victor hid the goods on a sold Indian Ocean island. The coordinates should be the location of the island, and the key and password should open the door of the underground arms warehouse.

Victor said that if there were no such two, the Arsenal would start the self destruction device and blow up the island. "

After listening to his words, I really want to smoke my mouth. Why did I help Victor do things without asking in advance, and I don't think about what kind of business the bearded Russian does.

I don't know how many people will die if such a large number of arms flow out. Looking at my slightly regretful eyes, the considerate Sanmei seemed to understand my idea, so she asked Ivan the brown bear: "how much are those arms worth?"

Ivan didn't seem to be very good at math. I broke my fingers and counted something. I quickly called out the calculator in my mobile phone and handed it to him. He took it and began to add it. I heard him muttering in a low voice as he added: "2 million for transport aircraft, 2 million for T72 improved model, 5 million for female deer, 200000 for tornado wind fire arrow gun system, 8 million for micro submarine..."

I thought to myself, "the light weapons that are easy to sell are sold first, and there are some big guys left in hand. No wonder."

At this time, Ivan finally added the result. Finally, it was almost $70 million. Sanmei suddenly asked, "what if you buy it all at once?"

Ivan smiled and said, "are you kidding? So many weapons can lay a small country in Africa. No one will buy so many things unless someone wants to be an emperor."

"You haven't answered my question yet." Sanmei raised her willow eyebrows and then asked.

I vaguely thought of what she was going to do. At the same time, I wanted to call shopkeeper Qian to discuss it, so as to save him the pain.

"Thirty million dollars, paid in a lump sum. This money is enough for the people in the guild. Three million people at the top and one million people at the bottom are enough for these people to provide for the elderly," he said.

"OK, I'll give you 30 million, but the island also belongs to me." Sanmei is bargaining with the clothing store owner like a little woman who buys clothes and asks for a wardrobe.

Ivan looked embarrassed. It was hard to find a seller who could pay so much cash at one time, and the island was worth some silver. Taking advantage of his hesitation, Sanmei immediately added: "32 million"

This time, the brown bear didn't hesitate: "it's a deal." the two slapped back to show that they can't repent.

"This? Shall we discuss it with shopkeeper Qian?" I whispered.

"Che, why do you want to discuss with him? Just tell him to pay. Besides, even if he refuses to pay, my sister, my French family still has a lot of jewelry. Who hasn't saved some money for so many years, don't you? In fact, I'm not very interested in arms. However, if these things fall into the hands of murderous people, many people will die, and we can do something with them Yes. The weapon itself is right. It's the person who controls him. Also, I've always wanted to have an island on which I can watch the sunrise, fish, swim and blow the sea breeze with you. "Isn't it very good?" she said excitedly.

I've been completely dizzy. I found that women like to buy houses and land. Women with less money ask for smaller houses. Women with richer money think about villas. If they have more money, they start thinking about buying islands. I'm really speechless. Speechless is speechless. I have to call shopkeeper Qian to ask him to transfer money. After all, he has the funds for the four person team.

When he heard about 30 million dollars, he howled directly on the phone and said, "dead monkey, do you care about your woman? It's too cruel. Last time, in order to catch Ma Dewei, Lao Hei bought 5 million arms, which made me very sad. You suddenly doubled it six times, and you want me to die. If you want me to die, you just say it. It's just in the hospital. I'll find a scalpel and I'll feel my pulse."

"Brother, brother, listen to me. Don't get excited. You haven't recovered from your injury. Pay attention to your health. Don't you know that others don't know me? Monkey, am I a loser? Besides, you know Sanmei. Our IQ has exceeded 240 together. Believe me, it's definitely worth selling and buying." I vowed to say whether it was worth it or not, but my intuition told me that Sanmei should not be wrong.

"That's right. Sanmei's IQ should be more than 160, and I think it's 80 for you. Well, the doctor said I don't have a big deal. When I can move, I'll go to you right away. Trust me, I should be good at talking about these business details." then he hung up the phone.

When I put down the phone, I remembered another question and asked Sanmei, "these things need maintenance, or they will be scrap iron in a long time."

She said, "I understand the maintenance knowledge. What are you afraid of when you work hard." after listening to her, I immediately saw a scene in my mind. The three of us were carrying shells to be loaded into the tank. Then, next to her, Sanmei drank and shouted, "take the wrong, take the wrong, these are all fragment grenades, and then decorate the shelling armor piercing and armor breaking bullets into the magazine." Alas, starting with these things, you have to spend a lot of effort to manage them, and you don't know whether you can use them or not.

After more than half an hour, shopkeeper Qian arrived. He claimed to be the final buyer of the payment and insisted on talking to Ivan in person. He said he wanted to inspect the goods in person, and then he was not afraid of whether the wound could take a plane, so he asked Ivan to take him to inspect the goods and called Lao Hei on.

After more than 20 hours, I received a message from him via satellite on his mobile phone: "it's worth it, it's worth it." then I received another email from him, with groups of photos on it. The first few are panoramic views of the island. They don't look big. More than a dozen square kilometers are crescent shaped. There are some strong houses on the island, solar and wind power generation equipment, and a fire point is set at the top. In addition, there are two helicopter landing platforms and a small aircraft landing runway running through most of the island. Others were taken in the underground Arsenal, with piles of shells, rockets, several tanks, armored vehicles and helicopters. There is another sentence at the end, which is written by shopkeeper Qian: "I asked them to send a small jet plane. It's a little old, but it can work completely. How about I'm powerful?"

In reply to the email, I wrote two words: "you're cruel" and put the mobile phone back in my pocket. I thought that if any business person meets Sanmei and shopkeeper Qian, it must be the result of not doing good things in his life.

Over the past 20 hours, Ah Wei also wrote back. Dozens of agents watched the surveillance video near the place where Taiji tiger people traded arms in detail. Soon found the big car with arms, and through the image recognition function of the computer, found the medium-sized truck in other sections after the transaction, so as to locate the position of the Taiji tiger Gang here. A Wei led a group of urban combat commandos armed to the teeth, ready to launch an attack in the early morning, with the goal of taking down the killers sent by these Tai Chi tigers to the United States in one fell swoop.

However, just a few hours before the action, I asked Ah Wei to be careful of these people, especially the women among them. The on-site surveillance agents suddenly reported that the sophisticated killers may have noticed someone watching. Now they are divided into more than a dozen double teams to leave the hiding place. The satellite is tracking them. It has been reported to the upper level and waiting for instructions.

Ah Wei immediately sent out all the teams, and everyone changed into civilian clothes to track them. However, we can't transfer so many people in a short time. You know, if you want to be undetected, you need to exchange four times the other party's manpower flow, let alone the other party is an experienced veteran. So Sanmei and I also changed clothes and played a guest role in Yirong. We immediately drove for more than 20 minutes and approached a group of killers according to satellite instructions.

At present, the agent in charge of following the two men has watched them go too far. When Sanmei and I took over, the two killers already felt that they had tails, so when we went up, they glanced back from time to time. When one of them looked back, I saw that the female killer who killed victor and two bodyguards was one of them. But this time she didn't wear a white cheongsam, but a black sportswear. The man in his group is a man, about one meter seven or eight, with a heavy wind and sand color on his face. It seems that he is active in the desert all year round. I don't know if he has just been sent from Africa.

Sanmei and I pretended to be lovers shopping and followed slowly. The two men answered and listened to the phone as they walked. I quickly asked Mike sandwiched in his collar if Ah Wei of the headquarters could monitor their conversation. But the answer is that the other party uses an encrypted phone and can't get the call content.

In this way, they followed each other for more than 20 minutes. They suddenly turned and got into a five story residential building on the roadside. Sanmei and I immediately followed up and told Ah Wei the situation by radio and asked for support.

Looking up, we could see the two men going up the stairs. We quickly followed them to the roof and found that a helicopter had been parked here long ago. Two guys wearing pilot helmets were carrying AN94 with gp-25 hanging on them. I was just a random gun. The male and female killers we followed also took out pp-93 to sweep the small attic on the roof. The rainy bullets made holes in the thin wall, and the sunshine penetrated like rays.

Just as we felt the pistol and bent down to the load-bearing column next to the door, we saw that both guys put their hands on the trigger of the grenade launcher filled with vog-25 from the crack of the door. The female killer also pulled two grenades from her companion and bit off the pull ring. She didn't throw it out immediately, and she was boldly reading the seconds. Because such a short-range grenade is likely to land and not explode. If you are as fast as professionals like me and Sanmei, you can catch it and throw it back, but she doesn't seem to be ready to give us this opportunity. Seeing the opponent's action and the attic that has been nearly collapsed by AK bullets, without any hesitation, I shouted to Sanmei behind me: "run."

At the same time, the other party's grenades and grenades also arrived. The iron door behind was blown up by the explosion. It was like a thick coffin board that was really angry by Wulin experts in the film. It hit me and Sanmei heavily, and bricks and boards flew around. There was no time to do more reactions. I could only block Sanmei in front of me. At the same time, I was hit hard on my back. My eyes were black and my mouth was sweet. I vomited blood and fainted.

I don't know how long it took. I only vaguely felt that I was carried to the car. My hands had been held by two warm hands. Although I didn't have the strength to open my eyes, I knew that Sanmei had been with me. Holding her hand, I don't think I can let go. In the movies, I just let go and died. The last line of consciousness in my memory is that I was carried to the ambulance

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