In the boundless darkness, I heard a voice calling me to wake up quickly. The tone was so urgent that it was like going to the room on fire. I tried to open my eyes, but it was dark in front of me.

"Who are you?" I asked vaguely

"I'm Po. I'm talking to you with my spiritual power." it sounds like the last time that the buried bone of the ghost tomb hinted to our lollipop fan, Holy Spirit Po.

"Po? You're talking to me with your spiritual strength? How? Where are you?" I continued in the boundless darkness.

"Of course you haven't seen the psycho amplifier, a high-grade product. You will have a chance to open your eyes in the future. However, this thing can only be used to communicate during sleep. It's difficult to lock the brain waves when you are awake. I'm busy in Africa. First of all, congratulations on your success in preventing the ghost tomb from opening the seal. Second, congratulations on your escape from death again. Then I have two news, one good and one bad , which one do you want to listen to first? "

"First of all, there are enough bad news about dead people and serious injuries during this period of time," I said a little dejected.

"Oh, OK. Megan's boss is very angry. He sent many creatures from hell to kill you. Because you attacked Megan first, I can't help you directly," Po said to me with concern.

"Dizzy, if this is good news, what is the bad news?" I thought to myself that this guy's sense of humor is really unacceptable to ordinary people.

"Well, the bad news is that when the hospital entered your information into the medical database on the national network just now, it was discovered by hackers in the vampire group, so something chasing you has come to you, and you are still sleeping."

After listening to his words, I shivered all over and woke up with fright. When I opened my eyes, I was lying in a single ward, full of sunshine, and a black haired female nurse in pink was pushing the door in. With big eyes, round face and professional smile, two long legs in white silk stockings are exposed under the nurse's short skirt. Looking at the figure, appearance and circumference, they are definitely the kind that can go to an island country to make a film.

"Where is something chasing me? This PO is really scary. What a beautiful picture of sunshine and beauty." I asked the nurse where the woman with me was.

"She was called away by me to take medicine for you." I heard "Oh", but she still had the second half: "otherwise, how could I have a chance to kill you?"

After listening to her words, I struggled to sit up from the bed. The female nurse rushed at me with her mouth open and her hands spread. The speed only made me feel that the pink figure flashed and rushed to the bedside with a slightly greasy smell.

Maybe the anesthetic has not completely disappeared. My whole body is as soft as noodles. A lot of wires for measuring body temperature and heartbeat data are wrapped around my hands and arms, which are connected to the instrument at the head of the ward. All I can do is like a small octopus in the water, use all my strength to arch in the opposite direction of her, and the whole person falls to the ground.

The nurse threw herself into the air, lay on the bed and grabbed at me with both hands. Her eyes and face were full of fierce light. When I rolled out of bed, the wire attached to my arm pulled the instrument on the bedside table, and a CRT monitor the size of a cash register hit me in the chest. Although he almost broke my bone on the spot, he also saved my life.

The woman's beautiful fingers now seem to have become ten nails and directly scratched the plastic shell of the monitor blocking my chest. But the nurse's hand also poked the flesh and blood, the nails turned over, and there were even deep wounds in several places. But she didn't seem to know the pain at all. She roared and hit the monitor with her left hand. She could see the white bone broken hands coming straight to my throat.

The line monitoring heartbeat and blood pressure attached to her wrist was pulled randomly and stood forward, just entangled her hands. At the same time, I rolled under the bed and twisted one of her legs, so that we were separated by the iron bed for a distance, so we were deadlocked there.

She was condescending, with her mouth open and made a whining sound. The blood drops from her scratched hands covered my chest and mixed with the saliva from her mouth. I was disgusted, but I didn't dare to let go. With my current physical strength and physical state, if I let go, it must be me. But my waist and legs are much weaker than usual, and the nurse is getting harder and harder. Her strength seems to be endless. She is about to break away my legs.

At the critical moment, the door of the ward was opened. From under the bed, I could see Sanmei's thin and slender legs and her favorite round headed flat bottomed black boots. As soon as she saw the situation in the ward, she immediately threw down the medicine in her hand and pulled out two MC1 military knives from her boots as soon as she touched them with both hands. A lunge came forward with two knives, nailed the nurse on the hospital bed, stabbed her kidney and stabbed her heart. The woman's hands and feet twitched a few times and didn't move.

Let go of my hand. I lay on the ground and couldn't move. My back hurt. San Mei hurriedly dragged me out of bed and said, "what's the matter? She's going to kill you? I tried her with silverware and spells before. She's not a vampire. She hasn't been attached or easy to look. She's been working in this hospital for 8 or 9 years. How could she suddenly kill you?"

Before she finished, the nurse nailed to the hospital bed propped herself up like doing push ups. Then he pulled himself out of the bed, jumped up before we made further moves, smashed a large glass between the ward and the corridor and ran out. There was a scream from a distance in the corridor. Anyone who saw a beautiful woman with fingernails turned off and white bones exposed, and two knives stabbed in her body would be startled.


, the nurse sent by the hospital to take care of me? She can run even if she is injured like this, "I joked. The two sheets punctured by the knife on the hospital bed and the large blood stains centered on the punctured point tell me that these two knives are genuine hits. If ordinary people were to be ordinary, neither of these two knives must break through the glass and escape. Both the heart and kidney are vital parts to hit. Needless to say, the heart can't shout when the kidney is stabbed. That's why we like to cover our mouth and stab our back when we kill the watchman. Besides, even if you miss, such a large amount of blood on the bed is enough to make people lose too much blood and die.

"She just ran away?" I said, and then told Sanmei that it was Po who woke me up.

"Why didn't he wake you up? Let's change a hospital. Why make a false alarm? She also took away my two military knives." Sanmei seems to be very distressed about the two European military obstacle removal knives that have been with her for many years. Women like nostalgia.

"Then let's catch up." I wanted to catch up, but I was stopped. Sanmei said: "Your spine is a little misplaced, and your internal organs are shocked and bleeding. Now I want to change a place for you to rest. Thanks to our tolerance before, those killers thought we were agents and hurried to escape and get on the helicopter. If they shot back at that time, they might have got 200 million." I know that with Sanmei's skill, it was no problem to run away alone at that time. What she said showed that if those people really didn't get on the plane but killed them back. She either ran away with me or died together. She couldn't help being moved.

Although we were moved, this is not the time to stir up emotion. We cleaned up immediately. We didn't even dare to take the elevator. After looking for a bathroom to dress up differently, we walked around the circular hospital building for a long time before we got down to the parking lot. But just wanted to drive, we saw several figures shaking around, but we had to find a dead corner to pry open the door of a car. Then because of the parking permit and The license plates didn't match, so I had to break through the railing at the exit of the parking lot, which was considered as escaping from the hospital.

He hid in Sanmei's house in New York for more than ten days. During this period, shopkeeper Qian and Lao Hei also rushed back. When they saw that Sanmei and I were all right, they were relieved, but Lao Hei said some nonsense about surviving a disaster.

After lying down for a few days, he finally recovered. That day, shopkeeper Qian received a call from Ah Wei, saying that the nurse who wanted to kill me like crazy in the hospital was found dead at home. Let's go and identify the body.

Due to Po's reminder, the four of us took the spell, silver bullet and three artifact with us, and put on the nano clothes before we dared to go out. And we were still at combat

In the trunk of the t-98 bulletproof SUV, there are some heavy weapons such as sniper guns, light machine guns and rocket launchers, and some shorter guys in the carriage. If he is not afraid of making too much publicity and exposing his targets, Lao Hei wants to get an armored Hummer to drive.

This car was also bought at Lao Hei's insistence. I found that he was interested in good cars except women. As soon as the car with more than 200000 US dollars was bought, he spent 50000 US dollars to refit the chassis, engine, tires and on-board computer system. Lao Hei changed the body to his favorite black. He drove the car to pick up girls from time to time. When he came back, he said that the space in the car was just enough What he did was that shopkeeper Qian kept saying that the car was too fuel consuming, but it seems that we don't have to worry about a few fuel money at present.

Driving to the morgue, we saw the nurse's body. When we pulled it out of the freezer, I didn't have to look at my face to know that it was not the woman who attacked me. The reason is very simple. The hands in the freezer seem to have just been nursed. They are intact except that there is no blood color and a layer of white frost floating on them, and the hands that attacked me are scratched and rotten. In addition to the hands, they are still alive Besides being complete, the corpse has been dissected and stitched. The hair has also been handed out, and the skull seems to have been cut by a hand saw. Moreover, something has made a small hole in the skull on the head, which looks a little thicker than the straw we usually drink coke.

"What is the cause of her death?" asked Sanmei.

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