After landing, she smashed the cab glass of a car, pulled out the wire from under the steering wheel, found the two that lit the fire, started the car several times, and chased in the direction of the disappearance of the truck and the killer.

I whispered caution against her background and suspended all video surveillance so that the police wouldn't see my record on the third floor. Then I ran to the third floor and stepped over the two miserable bodyguards. I saw Victor dead in bed. Compared with the bodyguards outside, he should have no pain. It seems that he should have been poisoned.

The bitter taste of almond in air perfume and men's smell is further telling me that it might be cyanide. It is estimated to be potassium cyanide. 5g of that thing can poison an adult elephant, and 50mg can put down people. Along the body, I noticed a goblet of vodka on the bedside table and an empty one on the ground. The poison should have been drunk by Victor after being put in the wine.

I glanced around for a few times and found no valuable clues. I just wanted to go and felt a little unwilling. It occurred to me that the book said that people's dead souls would not go to the wheel circuit immediately. They had to spend a few days on earth and finally look at their places and families. This is also the reason why there is the saying of "top seven" in many places. So I took out the crow brand eye drops I took with me in a small plastic bottle and ordered some on my eyelids. When he opened his eyes, he saw "Victor" standing on the ground, staring at his body, and he still kept the same appearance as when he died, naked and naked.

"Hey" I shouted at him and scared him.

He was very excited and shouted a lot of Russian at me. I shook my head to show that I didn't understand. He changed to English again: "can you tell me what's going on?" he asked, pointing to his body.

"You're dead and killed by the woman in white cheongsam just now. I happen to know some life tips. I know how to communicate with the souls who have just died and haven't left the world. Oh, if you don't believe it, you can ask yourself. So are your two bodyguards." I pointed to two corpses at the door and said. Unexpectedly, his two bodyguards also entered the room. A half bottle mouth was inserted in one neck, and several pieces of broken glass were tied in the other face. His eyes were still bleeding and his brain. Victor, who looked at the same ghost as the two brothers, frowned.

"You two are dead, too? Why so miserable?" said Victor.

"Do you know what's worse? I'm dead and you still owe me my salary," said the bodyguard with a wine bottle around his neck.

"Well, there's me," the other echoed.

Seeing that they have the meaning of entanglement, I hurriedly advised them that people can continue to stay in the world for a short time after death. Don't tangle about a little salary. And tell them that Victor owes them in this life and must pay them back in the next life. Everything in the previous life is circulating because of future generations. Maybe Victor works for them in the next life. Hurry back to see your wife and children. The last look was serious. After listening to me, the souls of the two bodyguards nodded and left half floating and half walking.

Because it is estimated that the police will come soon, and I don't want to talk nonsense with him. After the bodyguard left, I directly asked, "has anyone bought a large number of high-grade Russian made light weapons with you recently and delivered them in this city?"

He thought for a while and seemed a little unwilling to answer, so I had to further convince him: "think about where this killer came from today? Maybe it's that guy who wants to kill you."

Unexpectedly, this sentence seemed to remind victor. He scolded: "these pickled pigs must want to take back the diamonds after the transaction."

Seeing some confusion on my face, he further said angrily: "Half a month ago, someone contacted me and said they wanted to buy arms, but if they didn't have cash, they would trade with raw diamonds. You know, the United States and Europe are very strict in checking this kind of bloody diamonds, and they have to provide proof of the source of goods. They think it's not easy to sell raw diamonds, and they have to find someone to work on the black market. I asked twice the price, and they agreed without thinking about it. I thought they accounted for it at that time They must have made up their mind to take back the diamonds when they got the arms. "

Seeing that my words worked, he immediately struck while the iron was hot and said, "I also have a grudge against them. You told me you traded there. I was going to find them unlucky. I might kill the cheongsam woman to avenge you."

"It doesn't matter if you can find them to take revenge. There are many enemies in my business. It doesn't make a big difference whether they die in one hand or another. But there's one thing I want you to help me. If you help me, I'll tell you where we trade." after saying that, he looked at me expectantly.

I didn't expect that the old and treacherous guy was dead and knew how to play psychology. I had to say to him, "if you have something to say, I'll see if I can do it. And I remind you to hurry up. Unlike you, normal people can't see it. I have to run when the police come."

He nodded and said, "you write down two groups of accounts and the password of one of them, and call all the money to my mother and my son in Russia. They are my last relatives. If you swallow the money, I won't let you go."

Seeing that he started threatening me again, I couldn't help laughing and said to him: "Don't worry, I won't be greedy for dead people's money. I'm not the guy who steals dead people's organs and sells them in the crematorium. I'm afraid of retribution after I die. Besides, although I look a little rustic, I'm also a man worth more than one billion. Although I share the property with three other people, I'm not greedy for your money." Then I took out my mobile phone, opened my notepad and wrote down the account and one of the passwords.

After listening to me, he seemed relieved and said to me, "the way I deal with those Koreans is very simple. I sent three cars, one truck with arms and two escorts to drive their requirements to the gate of a waste factory in the suburbs. Then someone here sent me diamonds. After receiving the original diamonds, I asked the escorts to leave the truck there.

According to what he said, I wrote down the time, place and license plate of the transaction on my mobile phone so that I could continue to trace it. Unexpectedly, he stopped again and stopped in wonder. I just heard him continue to say, "what karma did you just say, is it true?"

"Cut, monkey, I may cheat the living people occasionally, but the dead have never cheated. I tell you it's true responsibly," I said to him.

He thought for a while, as if he had made a great determination and said, "in that case, you have to help me again. I don't want to owe my brothers after death."

"Oh, you're so wordy." I'd better wait for him to continue. Good people have to do it in the end.

This time, it's more complicated, that is, give a set of GPS coordinates, a key and a long password to a guy named Ivan the brown bear. According to victor, this is his deputy and the only one who can faithfully execute his orders after his death. Then let me tell Ivan the brown bear that the contents will be divided equally among the rest.

Open the notepad in the mobile phone again, write down the information in the audible siren sound, carefully find the key from his clothes, wipe off the fingerprints and footprints, and before leaving, I said to him, "it's wicked to do some serious business in the afterlife and toss these murder weapons in the afterlife. Otherwise, why do you have to hang up every year and maybe live to 80."

He nodded. His body became lighter and lighter. I didn't know where to go. I said to his figure: "well, how to say... On the huangquan road... Have a nice trip..."

At the meeting place, I saw Sanmei with a depressed face. Unexpectedly, she didn't follow the female killer. It's not that she had poor tracking skills, but those people were very professional. When the killer saw that there was a car tracking behind, he took out a big bag from under the canvas at one end of the carriage and sprinkled the four corner nails on the road behind. When the four corner nails stood on the ground, there would always be a sharp point On the, she let go of Sanmei's tire, and then walked away.

But after hearing about my harvest, her face finally improved. We called Ah Wei and told him the time and place when Taiji tigers bought arms. He was very excited and repeatedly said that they must catch those bastards this time. He also said that the surveillance cameras of the nearby highway can find a lot of clues, or you can go to the trading place to ask if there are witnesses.

Wait here for a Wei's progress. Sanmei and I are going to deal with Victor's last wish. The first thing is very simple. Just find a computer transfer. The second thing is a little troublesome. Call the guy named Ivan brown bear and make an appointment to give him the GPS coordinates, keys and codes.

I met Ivan the brown bear in the coffee shop. I think he is in the drug circle, the mercenary circle and the killer circle. His nickname and I are very appropriate. I don't need to introduce a person in here. I knew it must be Ivan the brown bear.

This guy's body hair is really too heavy. His brown hair on his forearm seems to be longer than the average person's beard. His shirt without buttons also shows thick chest hair on his chest, and even his hair and eyebrows are brown. Moreover, he is tall and strong. He looks like a Siberian brown bear. In addition, he looks a little like a bear. He's stupid It's said that loyal people usually pay more attention to death. It's the kind of people who go black in one way. I think he is a typical person.

After scanning the whole coffee shop, I found that we were only waiting for someone. When I came to confirm my identity, he sat opposite me. I looked at him. He was under the age of 30, and I could see that he was very sad about Victor's death. Moreover, it was the real sadness, not the sadness that the boss died and was about to lose his job.

After receiving the password composed of GPS coordinates and a long string of numbers, letters and special symbols, as well as the key, he nodded his thanks and offered me thousands of dollars. I didn't even say no.

"Was Victor tortured when he died?" he asked.

I thought about it and found some suitable words to avoid stimulating the sad big man. In case he goes crazy, I don't worry about hurting me, but at least a lot of tables and chairs in this coffee shop have to be changed.

"Well, he went very happily. A few seconds passed, and he basically didn't feel anything. In fact, many famous figures in history used the poison to kill themselves, such as Mr. and Mrs. Xi." I said in a relaxed tone as much as possible.

He nodded and Sanmei said, "Victor told you to divide those things and said you were the only one who was really loyal to him."

Ivan said with a long sigh, "Alas, these things are very hot. It's hard to find a buyer to change them into dollars for a while. The following people know that the boss has been killed and must chase me for cash. Victor really trusts me. Death still leaves me a big problem."

"Yes, there is a saying in China that the tree falls and the monkeys scatter. Once the people scatter, it is difficult to take the team," I said.

"What exactly did Victor leave you?" the woman's curiosity drove Sanmei to ask this question.

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