After entering this three-story entertainment place integrating bar, casino and strip show, my first feeling is that I really should bring Lao Hei. Here, the first floor is a bar and watching dance, the second floor is a casino and office area, and the third floor is an hour room for tired guests to rest or guests with excess physical strength and heterosexual sports.

Entering the first floor, looking around, it was discovered that there were more than a dozen steel pipe stages performing at the same time. Smoke, wine and inferior perfume filled the whole space. Some of them were women in high heeled shoes doing revolving movements around the steel pipes, some of them were twisting on a round stage like an iron cage. Between the different small stages are the audience watching the dance while drinking. From time to time, they plug some small denomination dollars into the dancers' shoes. I was a little curious to see this scene for the first time, but after all, I came to check clues, not for leisure. After a few glances, we walked to the second floor.

The whole second floor is gambling. Occasionally, a few women dressed a little more than the dancers downstairs are taking jobs. In addition to the office area, it is divided into several areas according to the way and size of gambling. There are blackjack, baccarat, American, European and French roulette, etc. a group of Asians are playing card nine in the corner near the window. If you don't gamble here and sweep around like a searchlight, you will attract the attention of others in a few minutes. After all, half of the gamblers here are gangsters, and the other half do gangster related businesses.

After changing $5000 chips, I found an empty seat at the table of French roulette. I don't know which one to take with the chips. Sanmei stared at the spinning ball for a while and whispered in my ear, "try 30"

I threw a $100 chip at random. Unexpectedly, when the roulette stopped, it was really 30 and suddenly became 3500. No wonder so many people like gambling. I was a little excited immediately. Adrenaline and saliva secreted together. I almost forgot that I was looking for someone and almost wanted to concentrate on gambling.

But Sanmei didn't forget what we were here for. She leaned in my ear and whispered, "Victor must not be on this floor."

After listening to her words, I was a little confused. I didn't see her look around. How can I be so sure?

Seeing my eyes, she continued, "no one on this floor speaks Russian, not even one with a Russian accent." then she pointed to her ear and said, "Lao Hei is not the only one with good hearing." I realized that she used to listen. But her naughty way of pointing to her ear is very tempting. I want to bite her ear.

And casually bet a few, all according to the number said by Sanmei, and all won. But a lot of people bet with us in the next few. They will bet on which number we bet. As the audience grew, I had to put away my chips and prepare to leave. After converting the chips into money, I found that in just 15 minutes, 5000 has become 45000. It seems that I'm short of money in the future. Just take this woman to Las Vegas.

"How can you be so accurate? We often come to such places in the future, and we will make a lot of money?" I put several times the thickness of dollars in my pocket and said to Sanmei.

"Fool, vampire's eyes are better than human's. I'm looking at the declining trend of that little ball. Also, don't think I don't know. You want to see those women downstairs, right? Hum, you and Lao Hei are the same thing. You should learn more from shopkeeper Qian and see that others are good men." Sanmei said to me, I knew that she judged that the ball would stop at that number according to the attenuation of force.

In fact, the grasp of force is what anyone who has learned martial arts or fighting needs to master, because you need to know when the opponent's fist is the strongest, or judge whether to take the Throwing Knife with your hand or dodge in a very short time. I just didn't expect that she had mastered the attenuation of strength to such an amazing degree, and she knew everything, not only for fighting, but also for gambling. It seems that Yongchun is really an endless knowledge, or martial arts is an endless knowledge.

As soon as we got to the stairs, we were stopped by two tall black security guards in suits, motioned me to go with them, lifted the pistol grip stuck in the waist, and warned us not to start or escape.

He didn't do that. Fortunately, as soon as the pistol inserted in his belt came out, I almost laughed. I thought this guy could scare people too much. Not only is the safety closed, but also the bullet indicator in the chamber shows that the bullet is not loaded. This may be the difference between a wolf and a guard dog. For example, our four pistols are loaded at any time, and they can be pulled out and fired when needed. Any superfluous action on the battlefield will kill you, not to mention that many of the things we need to deal with are still non-human.

I don't think these two grass bag security guards who are strong outside and strong in the middle will pose any threat. Even if Sanmei doesn't do it, I can clean up alone. I came to the monitoring room on the same floor with Sanmei. When I came in, I found that in addition to these two, two guys in the same dress were watching the surveillance. Another white man in his 40s, like the head of the security guard, came up with a gloomy face and said to me in a threatening tone, "I don't care what kind of shit you do in math or cheat with instruments. In the future, I hope you don't show up here. Do you understand what I mean?"

Sanmei and I basically didn't listen to what he said, but we both thought of one thing at the same time, that is, to watch the surveillance video. After exchanging eyes, I motioned her to deal with the two sitting on the computer chair, and I'll deal with the three behind me. After all, men should bear more of the strength of fighting. This is a man's face problem, which has nothing to do with Kung Fu.

After getting my hint, Sanmei and I started at the same time. I punched the guy who was threatening us on the chin and beat him away. Then he quickly stepped back, put one hand on the right hand of the black security guard nearest me, and hammered his left elbow and crooked his nose. He pulled out the pistol from his waist, held the sleeve as a hammer, swung his arm round, hit the handle on his head and knocked him unconscious. In less than three seconds, the second black security guard took out his gun and pulled the sleeve to load the bullet.

Before he could open the insurance, a whip leg kicked his gun away, turned his body by the inertia of the whip leg, kicked him on the stomach with a left leg, and kicked the guy down. But this guy didn't know if he ate too much fast food and had thick fat on his stomach. He didn't hurt him much. Seeing that he still wanted to get up, he had to step forward and mend it with the handle of the pistol before knocking him unconscious. At this time, the white man who was hit by me for the first time was shaking his head to drive away the dizziness caused by being hit hard on his chin and wanted to stand up. Three Mei picked up the iron coffee pot over the security desk, knocked it on the back of her head and smashed him on the ground.

After finishing the security, Sanmei and I began to check the surveillance video, and soon found Victor on the video two hours ago. Kai Gang said before that other arms dealers called him Victor with a beard. After seeing him on the video, I felt that he really lived up to his name. This man is a typical Russian with a large forehead and deep eye socket. He has no bald hair on his head. He has turned into a beard and grew to his lips and chin. The beard is longer than the average man's hair, and it is reddish brown. It looks very characteristic.

He continued to stare at the monitoring and found that he seemed to be unlucky. He swore while gambling. From time to time, he hugged a long haired Asian woman in a white cheongsam with peony embroidery.

After fast forward, we found that Sanmei and I missed him. Just 10 minutes before we came in, he seemed to have lost all his chips and walked upstairs with the woman around him and two bodyguards. Then we found the video on the third floor and went back to the time when he went upstairs. We saw Victor, who was eager to vent his anger of losing money to other ways, picked up the thin woman and entered a guest room. Before we fully entered the room, we could see that he was picking down the prostitute's white underpants. One of the two bodyguards helped him close the door and stood outside like a door god.

Switch to the real-time monitoring screen and find that the bodyguard is still there, indicating that this guy is still in the guest room. The fighting power of the bodyguards of this arms dealer should be stronger than those I just knocked out, but one-on-one me and Sanmei are also fully confident. Just don't make too loud noise and scare away the male of the wild mandarin ducks in the house.

Who knows, when I wiped the fingerprints on the things we touched in the house, the situation on the monitoring screen suddenly changed. The door of the room where victor and the cheongsam woman entered was opened from the inside. As soon as the bodyguard on the left of the door turned back, a woman knocked heavily on the temple with an empty vodka bottle in her hand. With great strength, the thick wine bottle was smashed to pieces.

Judging from the strength and position, the bodyguard is basically dead.

Just as another bodyguard wanted to step back and draw his gun, he saw the woman who had just been carried into the house, jumping out of the door with her clothes in disorder.

Half of the wine bottle in her hand flashed into the side of the bodyguard's neck just pulled out of the gun. After inserting it, the woman turned her wrist and gave play to the "rotary cutting" effect of half of the broken wine bottle.

The sharp glass edge immediately cut off a large number of blood vessels, including the carotid artery, and a large amount of blood immediately sprayed out along the wound. Splashed the woman's whole body and face, and the white peonies on the cheongsam were dyed red peonies. In that scene, even if I was a man with a lot of sins, I felt bloody, but I was sprayed with blood. She was on my face and half of my body. It was like nothing. Then I went to the first bodyguard who was knocked down to the ground. Perhaps afraid that he was not dead, the woman sent the bodyguard another way in a very cruel way.

She raised her right foot in thin high heels and stepped the sharp heel down the eyes of the unconscious bodyguard. After nearly 8 cm of heels were poked in, she shook her ankle and twisted a few times. After making sure that the man under her feet was dead, she pulled out the heel stained with blood and brains. Even I couldn't compare the ruthlessness and decisiveness of this cheongsam woman when she killed people. After all, I'm a soldier or a pervert. I don't know if Lao Hei can compare with her now.

After brutally killing two bodyguards, she quickly ran to one side of the corridor with a small cloth bag. While running, she grabbed an oversized Chinese vase for decoration on the wall, threw it out, smashed the window and jumped down.

Because the side where she jumped down is also the side of our monitoring room on the second floor, Sanmei and I can see her body falling through the window and two beautiful long legs under her cheongsam blown by the wind.

When I ran out of the window, there was a light truck carrying goods, and the car behind the car was covered with rainproof canvas. She fell directly on the canvas and bounced several times. There should be no cargo under the canvas, but a sponge or inflatable pad. The car is here to meet her. Sure enough, as soon as she jumped on, the car immediately put on the gas and jumped out. From the killer pretending to be a prostitute to the pick-up vehicle, this is clearly a planned perfect murder.

"You go upstairs and I'll go after her." Sanmei shouted to me when she saw several cars parked downstairs. Before I could hold her, the black figure jumped out of the window

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