Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 3829: The madness of Pandao fairy king

At this time, Ye Chen ignored other things and directly refined the blood of the Immortal King and the supreme flesh and blood, and the Primal Fire of Chaos drowned all of this.

Qing Yuxian and other hostile Supremes want to take action too late, because the so-called refining is far from as long as imagined, because Ye Chen is already a quasi-giant, refining is only a small drop of the blood of the fairy king and the supreme The flesh and blood was completed in just a moment.


After the devouring, Ye Chen obviously felt that his spirit and spirit had become stronger. Not only did he restore his peak state, but also allowed him to be in the most predominant domain of the quasi-giant in a short time, which can be described as the invincible level of the giant. .

At this moment, he glanced at Qing Yuxian and other eleven hostile Supremes, such as Qing Yuxian and an alien emperor who were severely injured by him, and their strength was not as good as two or three tenths of the peak period, in other words, there were only nine. One and a half peak supreme combat power.

The light in the eyes was cold, and the whole star dome flashed in an instant.

I saw him shot, the Chaos Sacred Fist struck across, from top to bottom, wrapped in invincible power, bombarded an alien emperor.

The imperial soldiers exploded, unstoppable.

The second shot down, exploded the Supreme Emperor's body.

Ye Chen was like a peerless war god, grabbing the emperor soul of this alien emperor, condescending, overlooking the other supreme enemies, coldly said: "Today, I will slaughter the supreme and become the greatest supreme butcher!"

Butcher, slaughter supreme!

Shocked the world!

There are also many supreme sighs, the fighting sage king of the fighting sage line, after arriving in the prehistoric immortal world, is still so strong.

"Junior, how dare you!"

Other foreign emperors and Supreme Immortals came to kill, even if they felt the power of Qin Wudao in front of them, they were far better than the past, but they were not afraid and killed them madly.

Because they know that there is not much back.


Ye Chen directly ignited the emperor's soul, causing it to burn, and then threw it into the Supremes.


The emperor’s soul exploded, and if the ancient emperor blew up, it was an extremely extravagant act. The terrifying emperor-level self-detonation wave flooded the vast star sky, and all the supreme were affected, one by one suffered extremely terrible injuries, and the emperor burned. , Bleeding Star Dome.


The starry sky riots, Ye Chen rushed past, and came to the Qing Yuxian in an instant, slapped it, containing the pinnacle of the quasi-giant, Geshiweili, can barely challenge the eternal giant, and fell on the severely injured Qingyu fairy. .


Infinite vision emerges, Qing Yuxian, perished!

Speaking slowly, but in fact it is very fast. In just a few breathing times, the two supreme beings were killed and perished.

The vision of the supreme being lost was too late to appear, so Ye Chen slapped it and lost it.

All parties are awe-inspiring, and the fighting saint king is too strong!

How long has it been since Immortal King Zixiao's cart beast has been killed by the three supreme-level existences.

Ye Chen took a deep breath, gathering the fallen flesh and blood and soul of the supreme to a certain extent, so that the strongest state would not fall too fast.

"Junior, die!"

An indifferent voice resounded through the sky in an instant. It was the Immortal King Zixiao. I saw that he did not know when he left the ancient world of the Immortal King. As always, he was majestic and inviolable. The light of Zixiao was majestic and boundless, reaching the boundless sky of stars. Ground.

Then he slapped it over, and the vast expanse of stardom was shattered and annihilated, and the sun-like stars exploded and disappeared.

Immortal King Zixiao's angry blow was far more terrifying than the incarnation of essence and blood, and contained an absolute killing intent, which could not be resisted by ordinary people.

Ye Chen was awe-inspiring, feeling the great crisis, regardless of his ability to kill the blood incarnation of the Immortal King Zixiao, but for the real Immortal King's deity, it was a far cry, far from its opponent.

At this time, the Immortal King Pan Dao also appeared, snorted coldly, and slapped him with the same slap. The power of the Immortal King slammed into the sky, blocking the ultimate move of the Immortal King Zixiao.

The sentient beings in the immortal world were horrified, especially Pandao Immortal King City, and it was the place where the two great immortal kings were fighting. They were afraid that the immortal king would be shot down, and it would be enough to destroy the immortal king city.

After all, the Immortal King City is dead and cannot stop the real Immortal King.

The Supreme was also horrified, and they were also unbearable for fear that the aftermath of the fairy king duel accidentally fell.

"Wang Dao, you blocked this seat over and over again, but today, you can't stop it after all."

Immortal King Zixiao established his will and vowed to kill Ye Chen, almost endlessly.

Holding the purple gold fairy king mace in his hand, he slammed into the starry sky in a flash, which was far more terrifying than the impact of the fairy king seat, and there were countless fairy king level runes flying around.

This blow, not to mention the immortal domain, even if it was the immortal king domain, it was enough to hit half-sink.

"With this seat, you can't kill him."

The Immortal King Pandao coldly hummed, and at the same time, he held the chaos grinding pan in one hand, chaos hit the sky, collided with the immortal king mace, and resisted.

The other hand is toward Pandao Immortal King City.

I saw the immortal king's method, one move, the star shift, all the creatures in the immortal king city were directly transferred, including the supreme.

The Palace of the Immortal King was also transferred, and there were members of the Pandao Immortal King Clan. Pan Ultimate brought Qianxun and others in the Immortal King Hall. They had already appeared in other Immortal King Realms and were protected. At this moment, I can watch from afar. The scenes in the center of the Pandao Immortal King's Domain were extremely amazed: "Father was forced to sacrifice his cards."

"Hole cards?" Qianxun was surprised, what does Pandao Immortal King's hole cards have to do with Immortal King City?

They knew that Pandao Immortal King City was extraordinary, but they could only barely resist a few attacks from the Immortal King.

"Yes, this is my father's biggest killer. Chaos Moshipan is not as good as Panxi sighs very quietly, and can't tolerate other people's shock. At this time, the battle of Pandao Immortal King Domain also broke out. To the extreme.

At the same time, Pandao Immortal King City rose into the sky. The ancient and mysterious Immortal King City exudes infinite glory of the Immortal King at this moment, shining on nine heavens and ten places, like a sleeping ancient Immortal King awakening, a majestic immortal. Wang Wei's momentum rose up and moved the world without knowing how terrifying.

"this is--"

The sentient beings were shocked and had long heard of the extraordinary of Pandao Immortal King City, but when they saw it now, it was really more extraordinary than imagined.

The immortal king of Pan Dao held the chaotic earth-grinding plate in his hand, and the Immortal King City on his head instantly increased its power to the extreme, shaking the central twelve immortal king domains in the immortal realm, and even the entire prehistoric immortal realm felt it.

"Pandao Immortal King is crazy, and even Nirvana Immortal King City has been sacrificed."

Other fairy kings in the fairy world were also alarmed, and some of them spoke in shock.

Only the immortal kings and the supreme immortals who have gone through many epochs know that in the vast and desolate fairy world, the immortal king of Pan Dao is not only a warrior of the chaos, but also a warrior of the immortal king. .

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