Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 3830: Liwei

There is even a rumor in the world that the Immortal King Pandao itself was cultivated by the awakening true spirit will in a city of immortal kings. Later, Immortal King Pandao came out of the world and, like the Emperor of Time and Space, faded the former Japanese body and refined it into one piece. Immortal king soldiers.

   To some extent, as the Immortal King said, it does belong to a Nirvana Immortal City, which has a special significance.

   As for the Chaos Moshipan, it was the innate chaos treasure that the Immortal King Pandao later obtained from the Origin of the Universe, and was refined step by step to become the Immortal King Taoist soldier.

   In fact, Pandao Immortal King City is the most powerful immortal king soldier.

   Pan Dao Immortal King surrounded his body with heavy beams of the Immortal King, as if he was about to rip the whole piece of Cang Yu apart, the whole person revealed an unprecedented power, which made the Immortal Kings of all parties feel a great sense of oppression.

   "Zi Xiao, in the realm of the Immortal King of this seat, I ignore this seat again and again, really think this seat is good for cheating?"

The Immortal King City shook and was heavy and boundless. It was much heavier than an Immortal King Realm. When it was overwhelmed, the solid void in the center of the Immortal Realm could not be withstood. It collapsed and annihilated, forming a dark absolute vacuum. Ground.

   The expression of the Immortal King Zixiao changed. This Immortal King Pan Dao was definitely a lunatic. For an outsider to fight the Holy King, he even sacrificed the hidden weapon of the Immortal King City.

   Facing this fairy king city, even as the fairy king, he still felt a strong sense of oppression.

  Especially in the center of the Immortal King City, there is a vaguely presented battlefield, mottled and old, full of age.

   According to reports, endless years ago, the empire opened up the world. In the initial period of the fairy world, there was no current peace. The various fairy kings competed for the dominance of the fairy world.

   There was once a fairy king who discovered that this congenital battle platform bred out of the world is the chaos congenital treasure, branded with the congenital universe, immortal and immortal.

   Later, there were Supreme Immortal Kings who competed at the summit on this battle platform, and had bloodied them, and they were stained with the blood of the Immortal King.

Later, this battlefield became a place for the supremacy of the immortal Dao. Throughout the ages, there have been many supreme immortals, quasi-immortal kings, and even immortal kings on the battlefield. , Thus becoming the extremely prestigious fairy king battle platform.

   After a terrible battle several epochs ago, a great immortal who had originally held the battle platform of the immortal king fell. The immortal king Pandao went through a fierce battle and won the battle platform of the immortal king.

   Unexpectedly, the Immortal King Pan Dao will smelt the battle platform of the Immortal King and Immortal King City together, making the Immortal King City even more terrifying. If it is infected with the blood of the Immortal King, it will be more terrifying than the chaotic milling plate and the immortal king mace.

   Zixiao Immortal King's complexion changed again and again, at this point, he also hesitated.

   Is it really worth it to fight against the holy king and the immortal king Pandao for the sake of a mere battle?

   What's more, the immortal king Pan Dao, who is holding two immortal kings, is really going to fight the peak of the immortal king. To be honest, he doesn't feel confident that he can win.

   Seeing that the battle between the two immortal kings was about to start, several immortal kings immediately admonished.

   At this time, the Final Yan Xianzun, who has never spoken, also spoke, saying: "Pan Dao, Zi Xiao, wait for you to be the immortal king of my prehistoric immortal world, please stop."

   Other immortal kings opening up, it may not be possible to stop them, but finally Yan Xianzun belongs to the first generation giants, and is also the oldest immortal king existence in the prehistoric immortal world. He is the most qualified. When he opens his mouth, any immortal king will have to give three faces.

   Immortal King Zixiao breathed a sigh of relief, but his face was still tough and said: "Okay, I will give Xianzun Zongyan a face."

   Pan Dao Immortal King said coldly: "It's this seat that gave the final Yan Xianzun a face, otherwise you are so presumptuous today, this seat will certainly not let you off easily."

Although he seems very kind during the day, he is not as overbearing as the Immortal King Zixiao, and he looks like an old good person, but today Immortal King Zixiao repeatedly and repeatedly ignores him and makes arbitrarily shots, really let him. The ancient fairy king suffocated a sigh of foul breath.

   Once upon a time, his dignified generation of fairy kings was actually bullied by other fairy kings.

   During the years when he became the Immortal King, he was a bit older than the Zixiao Immortal King. During that period, he committed suicide with an invincible reputation, and he was famous for killing many supreme princes.

   Immortal King Battle Platform, even more so, when Pan Dao Immortal King competed, several immortal kings were hit hard.

   Maybe it was that his subsequent years had been calm for too long, for several epochs, otherwise Immortal King Zixiao wouldn't have dared to be so mad.

   I have to say, holding the two big immortal kings soldiers, Pan Dao Immortal King has enough confidence to say this, Zixiao Immortal King can only stare at him, it is really going to be a battle, and he can't get any benefits from Pan Dao Immortal King.

  Although, as the fairy king, he also has a terrible hole card that has never been shown, but that is the real foundation, and he is not willing to show it easily before the eyes of the world without a last resort.

   "But." Pandao Immortal King said, "Today, Zixiao Immortal King is making a big shot on my site. If I don't pay the corresponding price, don't everyone think that I'm good for cheating and can come and make trouble at any time."

   "You--" Immortal King Zixiao stood his eyes, he knew that Immortal King Pan Dao wanted to use him to gain power.

   But in fact, it is true. Some things need to be killed, otherwise other people will think that the Immortal King Pan Dao is still talking, and in the future, he will come over to take action regardless of the rules.

   "Zixiao." Finally Yan Xianzun spoke and looked at the fairy king Zixiao.

   Tai Ah Xian Wang and other immortal kings also looked over.

   Obviously, several immortal kings hoped that Immortal King Zixiao could pay some price.

"it is good."

   Immortal King Zixiao said indifferently, his big sleeves shook off, and a huge world stone full of houses appeared.

  The world stone is also precious to the fairy king. It is more precious than the chaotic fairy gold. Smelting in the original fairy world can make the original fairy world more immortal and huge.

   Refining into weapons can also make weapons more powerful, which is a priceless material.

   See this The Immortal King Pandao also shows a smile, such a huge world stone, but rare in ancient and modern times.

   Of course, this scene is not visible to outsiders, and it is a kind of compensation for not getting on the stage.

   "The compensation was given to this seat, but this seat requested that the fighting king must be handed over to half seat. He killed an immortal and seated ancient beast under this seat." Zixiao Immortal King said immediately.

   Pan Dao Immortal King said: "Impossible."

   "Zhou Yan Xianzun." The Immortal King Zixiao looked at the end Yan Xianzun, where the latter had the greatest say.

   Finally Yan Xianzun smiled, and said, "Zi Xiao, from my point of view, this is all about it, otherwise it will make Pan Dao go crazy, and you will suffer a lot."

Hearing that, Immortal King Zixiao looked ugly, but he also glanced at the Immortal King City, feeling a little jealous. It was true. I really wanted to provoke the Immortal King Pandao. When a City of Immortal Kings fell, he couldn't say he would have to eat it. loss.

   "Let the junior stop," he shouted.

   The immortal king nodded his head, and sent a voice message to Ye Chen: "Little friend, please stop."

   "Senior Immortal King speaks, juniors should obey." Ye Chen also received the voice of Pan Dao Immortal King, and gave the killed second alien emperor into the body space.

   The supreme battle in the sky of stars is officially over.

   Ye Chen once again severely injured the other four supreme immortals, as well as killed an alien emperor, and severely inflicted the other four alien emperors, with an extremely brilliant record.

   Today, he cut four Supremes in a row, which is considered to have completely confirmed the reputation of the Supreme Butcher.

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