Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 3828: Showdown to the fairy king

This scene shocked the heavens.

Many supreme were also shocked, the fighting saint king was so strong and daring to succumb to the mount of the Zixiao Immortal King in this way, it was waiting to completely challenge the majesty of the Zixiao Immortal King.

However, thinking that Immortal King Zixiao would fight the Saint King Douzhan first, the behavior of the Saint King Douzhan was actually natural.

Of course, this behavior in front of him is completely torn apart.


Ye Chen is condescending, looking down at the kneeling ancient beast supreme, standing with his hand holding his hand, and scanning the eleven supreme in the sky of stars. The power and power of these supreme immortals and the ancient emperors are indelible. The impression, for a while, even if it is hostile, he dare not step forward.

Because at this moment, he is invincible.

The Emperor Destiny watched from a distance, and the Emperor Destiny Eyes evolved from his eyes, and the Emperor Destiny Dao was evolving, trying to calculate the fate of Ye Chen.

However, Ye Chen is a quasi-giant of chaos and cannot be deduced at all.

Silently, behind him, an ancient and mysterious portal appeared, imprinted with the most mysterious lines, and the emperor characters representing destiny were written on it.

This is the gate of destiny!

"Battle Saint King, I am more and more curious, what is your ultimate destiny?" The Great Emperor of Destiny murmured, looking at this moment that looked a lot more complicated...

"What a fighting saint king, he's so courageous and dare to attack this mount."

In the ancient world of Immortal Kings, even though Immortal King Zixiao was fighting against Immortal King Pandao, he was still paying attention to the outside world, but he did not expect that his mount supreme was also forced to kneel and yield.

Especially the Fighting Sage King, taking action in public, this is to lose his face, how can the Zixiao Immortal King, who has always been overbearing accustomed to it, accept it.

"Hmph, Fighting Saint King, today you will pay the price."

The Immortal King Zixiao was extremely powerful, even if he was in the hands of the Immortal King, he still forced half of his body out of the ancient world of the Immortal King. That incomparable Immortal King's might was flooded with thirty-three lords.

With a cold snort, as the immortal king of the world, his power is infinite, overlooking the eternal heavens, the strength of the world is simply unimaginable.

Now, he slammed his hand, just sticking out a finger, his skin was cut open, and a drop of the fairy king's blood fell in it.

It was just a drop of the blood of the immortal king, and the moment it fell, countless visions of the great road emerged, such as the immortal king coming to the nine days, the emperor and the emperor’s death in the universe, the supreme immortal blood...

When the supreme from all sides saw it, each and every one of them shone brightly, flashing the meaning of greed.

Because that is not simply the blood of the fairy king, but the blood of the fairy king. A drop of the blood of the fairy king is so precious. The blood glow is like a sea like a sea, and it drowns the vast starry sky. Covered the territory of the star dome where Ye Chen was located.

At this moment, the world is horrified!

Under the terrible momentum, the Immortal King Zixiao showed the supreme magical powers of the Immortal King, and the blood of the Immortal King turned into him, descending into the starry sky, his big sleeves flicked, and one arm protruded directly to Ye Chen. Where is the star dome.


The star dome exploded, and the star fields shattered, and all the tribes of the immortal world were panicked.

After many years, the Immortal King once again displayed supreme power. This is not a repressive shot, but an almost unreserved shot, which is far more terrifying.

Ye Chen looked indifferent, but he didn't dare to be careless, even if it was just a drop of the fairy king's blood, it could show the supreme power of the fairy king in a short time.

Taking a deep breath, at this moment, he adjusted his body and spirit to the peak state, and the entire star dome was almost exploded.


A simple person, condensing Ye Chen's martial arts will, simplifying the avenue, blasting out with a punch, facing the incarnation of the immortal king's essence and blood.


A vast expanse of starry sky was directly sunk, permanently shattered and turned into cosmic dust.

This is the power of the immortal king. With a single blow, everything is gone and no longer exists.

In the land of the sky, Ye Chen's figure flew upside down, dripping drops of chaotic holy blood, and the blood was surging.

Obviously, something is lost.

In the City of Immortal King, Qianxun and the others, who were taken away by Pan Ultimate, were very worried. The father, who had always been invincible, was invincible, and the sky was stained with blood.

The supreme of all parties is silent, as the immortal king, his path is unfathomable, especially the immortal king Zixiao has achieved the status of the immortal king for tens of thousands of years. He is also considered a strong existence among the immortal kings. A drop of his blood is evident. As it turned out, even the quasi-giant like Dou Zhan Saint King, who was able to achieve an invincible posture in the face of the Eleven Supreme, was not an opponent, it was obvious.

Ye Chen steadied his figure. Although there was blood on his body, there was not much injury. He wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth and said indifferently, "Is this the so-called strength of the fairy king? But that's all."

Indeed, he could feel that this drop of the immortal king essence blood incarnation is indeed very strong, but it does not have complete immortal king power. It still belongs to the quasi-immortal king level, but it should belong to the quasi-immortal king limit level, and he is still stronger than the current one. Out of it.

If Ye Chen, a quasi-giant, stands at the pinnacle, it is one step away from the field of eternal giants.

Then the blood incarnation of Immortal King Zixiao was only a line away.

There was an uproar in the world, and the fighting saint king was not afraid to provoke the immortal king Zixiao.

However, the avatar of the Zixiao Immortal King's essence and blood has been released, and he still has not been able to truly threaten the Fighting Saint King. It can be seen that the Fighting Saint King is confident.

Immortal King Zixiao's essence and blood incarnate condescendingly, overlooking Ye Chen indifferently, and said: "A junior, dare to continue to be presumptuous. Is it true that this seat can't handle you?"


The Immortal King seat came from the sky, and the colorful ancient beast supreme approached under the Immortal King's incarnation.

But seeing the incarnation of the blood of the immortal king stepped onto the seat of the immortal king, at this moment, the immortal king’s seat freed up infinite runes of the immortal king, which resonated, and the incarnation of the blood of the immortal king shone infinite light, The power of the immortal king became stronger and stronger, as if the real supreme immortal king came.

Ye Chen squinted his eyes, and the immortal king's essence and blood incarnation combined with the immortal king's car, which made him feel a sense of crisis in his heart, obviously very unusual.

With a move with his hands, the great chaos cauldron came out and stood on the cauldron, and at this moment, he used the secret method of chaos ascension, and in an instant, the Qi machine climbed to the extreme.

This is at the highest level of the quasi-giant, and there is no way to enter, because it is only a thin line away from the real eternal giant level.

However, it is this line of separation that is the biggest shackle. Throughout the ages, I don't know how many quasi-giants have gone further and cannot make a breakthrough.

The same is true for Ye Chen.

He is already extremely powerful, he is already in the top state of the quasi-giant, using the promotion secret method, it is just a step from the difference to the first line, nothing more.

It is conceivable that if he wants to have the Dao Xing of the eternal giant level, I am afraid that he needs to prove Dao to become an emperor to achieve it.

However, the chaos cultivator wants to prove that Dao becomes Emperor, the possibility is infinitely close to zero.

Today, Ye Chen is infinitely close to the level of the eternal giants. The mighty day is like a boom, shaking the vast star dome. It is almost like a giant of the world rising, overlooking the eternal heavens.

"I don't know if I can go further on this basis after using the secret of the three gods in one, so as to truly have the eternal giant-level peerless power?" Ye Chen whispered in his heart.

This idea passed by, of course, there is no need to experiment at the moment.

"Today, I killed your incarnation of essence and blood!"

Ye Chen was cold and sun-dried, strode over, and used the Chaos Dao Technique to forcefully collide with this incarnation of essence and blood, the Dao technique was fully revealed, and he struck across.

"Junior, I want to see it, you have some ability."

The essence and blood incarnation of Immortal King Zixiao sat on the seat of the immortal king, driving the seat of the immortal king across the past, colliding with Ye Chen.

During the period, it was like two great immortal kings colliding, and the star sky was already sinking at every turn. I don't know how many vast territories, big stars continuously exploded one after another, permanently becoming fans.

Even Qing Yuxian and many other sages who were originally aimed at Ye Chen can't participate at this moment.

All of this is due to the fact that the two are really strong to an extreme level.

In the city of the Immortal King, as well as the land of the great immortal realms of the prehistoric immortal world, a statue of the ancient emperor or the supreme immortal, looking at the land of the stars, you can see the blood incarnation of the immortal king who is fighting against the immortal king Zixiao. In the downwind, all were deeply shocked.

"The Fighting Saint King is really strong, and he can actually fight to this point."

"Yes, the incarnation of His Majesty Immortal King Zixiao is not necessarily his opponent."

"At this moment, the strength of the two should be infinitely close to the level of the fairy king!"

In an instant, hundreds of rounds passed.

In the end, the blood incarnation of Immortal King Zixiao was blown up by Ye Chensheng, exploded, and even the immortal Immortal King's car was also broken, breaking it in two parts.

As for the colorful ancient beast supreme that pulled the cart, it was even more powerfully killed, blood staining the star sky.

Ye Chen stood in Although there were also his own, immortal chaotic body in tatters, bones were visible in many parts, and he paid a **** price, but more belonged to the other party.

At this point, he truly showed the invincible power under the eternal giants, making the quasi-immortal kings concerned by the prehistoric immortal world also awe-inspiring.

Even if it took the secret method of promotion to get to this point, it proved that the terrible thing about the fighting king is definitely above the average quasi-giant.

Ye Chen panted, pulling the blood from all sides in the starry sky, slowly condensing into a drop of essence and blood and a group of supreme flesh and blood in front of him.

The essence and blood belonged to the immortal king Zixiao, and the will contained in it was shattered by him. Of course, more than half of the power of the immortal king in the essence and blood also passed away.

The supreme flesh and blood is naturally a pulling beast belonging to the supreme class.

Only at this moment did he truly witness the terrible immortal king.

Only a drop of essence and blood derived from the incarnation of the fairy king, combined with the upper fairy king's car, can have such a powerful power, it is unimaginable that it is really going to be duel, Ye Chen feels that he can't even call the immortal king Zixiao, and each other The gap is too big.

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