Dragoon fighter

Chapter 61 – Looking askance at people

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The military weather satellite transmitted atmospheric data and the aircraft could not fly in a straight line. Lin Mo kept correcting the direction while flying towards the mission coordinates on the tactical tablet.

Lin Mo adjusted the squint radar and camera, and said to himself: Get it done as soon as possible, and hurry up and go home for dinner!

The mission coordinates are only a reference, provided by ground reconnaissance personnel or informants. The target is always moving, because only a rough range can be obtained. Because it is a mountainous area, not only is it difficult to track, but also the complex changes in the terrain make it difficult to detect in a timely manner. Report, only dispatching air force reconnaissance is the most effective method.

Taking advantage of the afterglow before sunset, Lin Mo opened a battle of fighting spirit above the clouds to cover the entire fuselage, wantonly collecting light element energy, and preparing the light mirror technique. This world is not like the other world with abundant elemental energy, which completely relies on Lin Mo. At that point, only the fighting spirit is left as a seed, and a little bit is a little bit.

Bang! Suddenly, the light spots in the cockpit converged into a small disk. In the middle of the disk, a clear image of a certain position on the ground was shown. The light mirror technology did not appear to be obtrusive in the J-10's cockpit. On the contrary, it looked even more... Science fiction-like.

Collecting reflected photons from the atmosphere and converging them into images, the light mirror technique was simply a cheat for search and tracking. Lin Mo controlled the light mirror technique to continuously search on the ground.

The characteristics of the target were clearly written on the tactical tablet. This was a horse caravan pretending to be an ordinary caravan. It was codenamed Red Scorpion and specialized in smuggling arms in exchange for stolen prey and medicinal materials.

As a country that strictly controls guns, this smuggling group has seriously touched the country's bottom line. Not only that, but also mixed with ambitious separatists, causing bloodshed and chaos in the northwest from time to time.

Lin Mo was tracking this group of arms dealers this time. They had about thirty horses, and they specially chose that kind of mountain road to cross the border from uninhabited areas where it was difficult for the border guards to intercept them.

The purchase price of a half-used AK is only two to three hundred yuan. However, in this desolate and chaotic inland near the national border, whether domestic or neighboring countries, it can be easily replaced with rare medicinal materials and poached items worth tens of thousands of yuan. Although the distance is long, the transportation is inconvenient, and the risks are huge, one round trip can bring crazy profits of hundreds or thousands of times. Moreover, these arms dealers are also quite dangerous. They are all extremely fierce desperadoes with equipment. Advanced and rich in combat experience, ordinary armed police are no match for them. Only regular combat troops can compete with them.

The J-10 has descended below the clouds and is looming among the clouds. The reconnaissance range of the light mirror technique quickly sweeps across the rugged mountains. The bright mountains are not a good place to hide traces. However, they cannot be found in the areas in western China and close to Central Asia. When we arrived at a large mountain covered with trees, we saw that it was full of rocks, sand, low weeds and rust-colored moss. It was not easy to even find a low shrub.

The speed of the fighter jet was very fast, and it carried out a carpet search in the air with the help of light microscope. Lin Mo's pupils suddenly expanded in a circle, Found it!

That is to say, Lin Mo, who possesses light mirror skills. No matter how sharp the eyes of ordinary pilots are, it will be difficult for ordinary pilots to detect a horse team slowly marching in the shadow of the foot of the mountain more than 8,000 meters below. Moving forward in this almost roadless terrain, even motorcycles Cars can't drive in, so they have to rely on livestock to carry them across, let alone how to supply supplies. This makes it harder for people to find it. It's like finding a needle in a haystack in the barren mountains and mountains. Only Lin Mo has this confidence.

The number of horses, the number of people, and the characteristics of the cargo all corresponded to the introduction on the tactical tablet. More importantly, these people were carrying guns. These desperadoes would shoot without hesitation at the slightest sign of trouble. Everything you see.

The roar of the fighter jets was not unexpectedly heard by the cavalry team, but at the extreme point of view, a small dot in the sky could be seen shuttling among the clouds.

The ultra-telephoto camera immediately followed the light microscope and locked onto the cavalry. Lin Mo could clearly see the first man riding on the horse in front of the cavalry. The man with a beard and a turban raised his head and looked towards the sky casually. He glanced at the ground and continued to look ahead to lead the team.

It was quite normal for a plane to pass by in the sky, but the cavalry did not know that what was passing by at this moment was not just a simple soy sauce crowd, using technology and magic to watch them from a distance in the sky.

Okay! Let's call it a day! The moment the leader of the cavalry raised his head, Lin Mo used a super telephoto camera to take a close-up of him. He put away his light microscope, noted the direction of the cavalry's movement, and drew a large arc. , return to the base.

The information collected by the side-looking radar and cameras will be forwarded to the intelligence team for analysis. We will leave it as soon as it is ready and continue tracking it tomorrow.

Fighter reconnaissance is like this, just like a dragonfly, it will stop when it is good. If you follow it blatantly, it will not be easy to follow it next time.

In western China, where the Dark Sky brigade is located, it usually doesn't get dark until after 8 p.m.

The moment the sun disappeared on the horizon, Lin Mo's J-10 landed with a huge roar on the special runway in the small valley. The news he brought back was immediately conveyed to Colonel Feng Chenye, the captain of the Dark Night team. in the ears.

What?! He found it?! Colonel Feng Chenye's tone was obviously a little surprised. According to his prediction, Lin Mo should have at least two or three days of proofreading by ground personnel before he could truly find it. Find the target.

Does this Lin Mo really have the talent for high-altitude reconnaissance? ! Colonel Feng secretly had the idea that he had really poached someone this time.

Have you obtained the information? Colonel Feng still didn't believe it and asked.

The intelligence team has reviewed the images and terrain scanning data sent back, and verified that it is indeed the 'Red Scorpion'!

The document in his hand was gently placed on the table. Colonel Feng, who kept a cold and serious expression most of the time, tapped his index finger on the table. Now it was his turn to issue an order.

Let the first squadron be responsible for solving the 'Red Scorpion' issue. The air crew will send them there and tell the staff team that I want to see the combat plan before ten o'clock in the evening. Colonel Feng knocked on the table dozens of times and made a decisive decision. It was decided that this arms dealer is like a maggot attached to the bone, secretly providing arms and ammunition to some restless organizations in the country, and it is best to deal with it as soon as possible.

Actual combat troops do not just rely on words to destroy the enemy.

Yes! The signal soldier saluted, turned around and was about to leave to convey Colonel Feng's order when Colonel Feng's voice came from behind him again, Wait a minute, pay attention to Captain Huang, the backbone of the 'Red Scorpion', I I want to see if they are alive, where do they get their supplies from?

Yes! The signal soldier turned around and continued to salute, taking note of Colonel Feng's words. After turning around, he slowed down a few steps. Finally, he no longer heard Colonel Feng's voice, so he quickened his pace and left.

After grabbing a big bowl of noodles from the canteen, Lin Mo returned excitedly to the air crew hangar. The hangar has almost become most of his home. Except for sleeping, he stayed here most of the time. A brand-new The J-10 can be manipulated by him, and there will be no such opportunity no matter where he is. In the dark night, in addition to being a fighter pilot, Lin Mo also has the responsibilities of a repair and maintenance mechanic. Although he is not from a formal academic background, However, the dozens of thick illustrations and instruction manuals sent with the aircraft, coupled with the maintenance basics he learned at the 7719 Flying Group base, turned Lin Mo into a half-baked mechanic who could at least fiddle with something. There won't be any big problems with the J-10.

Maintenance personnel do not necessarily need to understand the principles and structure of the product better than the manufacturer and designer. They only need to follow the diagrams to identify the fault status and the precautions during assembly.

Lin Mo wiped his mouth while still wondering whether to modify which component and replace the electrolytic capacitor with a super farad capacitor. He was simply modifying the fighter jet as his private property, squeezing out and improving every bit of performance.

Fighters are just mass-produced industrial products. Unless they are prototypes, it is inevitable to reach a balance between performance and cost, and there is still considerable room for improvement.

Just for this reason, he searched for learning materials, and even sent more than a dozen emails to the manufacturer's confidential mailbox to verify his modification ideas. He was a major Rolls-Royce customer.

The former gold-type dragon was not idle. At the very least, this guy who relied on Lin Mo for some food could at least be used as an alarm clock and a radio, and it also integrated a military mobile phone sim card issued by the base with a confidential channel. It can also be used as a mobile phone. You can put a TF card in your stomach and play small games or something. The battery is not needed. The void magnetic field of the metal dragon's talent can be converted into a stable power supply based on physical principles. It was simulated not long ago. Super Farad capacitors can also save electrical energy for emergencies.

This guy who had long since lost his dragon appearance had never imagined that his body would evolve into so many complex structures and modules, and that he would still have so many uses for them.

After leaving the 7719 base, Lin Mo still had to worry about gold coin rations. There wasn't that much scrap metal here, but the remaining bullets and shells from training could barely keep the gold coins full, otherwise he would be like Panda Mimi 》As the lyrics say, where is tomorrow’s breakfast?

Hurry up! Push out both Mi-17s, fill them up quickly, bring the oil barrels, be careful not to fly back, put the machine guns on them, get everything done before eight o'clock, you still have one hour to prepare. Team Leader Pan was waving his hands loudly and giving instructions. From time to time he looked at the list on the tactical tablet in his hand, and more than a dozen people in the air crew were busy running back and forth.

Lin Mo looked at his tactical tablet and saw that there was no task assigned to him. The task list was still on standby, so he went up and said hello: Team Leader Pan!

Second Lieutenant Lin! There will be tonight... Team leader Pan was about to speak, when he heard a burst of heavy footsteps and the slogan one, two, one rushing towards him.

I saw a large group of heavily armed soldiers rushing over with their troops shouting and cheering.

Preview of the next chapter: Chapter 62 - My heart is waiting

Looking forward to rewarding!

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