Dragoon fighter

Chapter 60 - Reconnaissance before sunset

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After all, the Dark Night Special Forces Brigade is different from ordinary special forces.

Although the air crew has a small number of personnel, they are all top expert elites. The Dark Night base is located in the country's ultimate defense system. It can guarantee normal operation in the face of sudden wars at any time, and can deal with situations of independence and lack of resources. In this situation, the equipment and facilities that a conventional air force base should have are all available, and there are also highly integrated assembly and maintenance centers, even more advanced ones, which are in a state of equipment being updated at any time. This is to ensure that the air crew can assemble the J-10 and the guarantee for subsequent maintenance.

Fighters are not something you can have. If you switch to a general base, it may not be able to support the maintenance and repair work of a jet fighter. Only the Dark Night special service brigade with such rich resources can maintain it. keep.

Many important industrial areas in the country have the same closed war-preparation factories. They are not used for production during normal times, and the equipment is constantly updated. They shoulder the war-preparation force of the domestic industrial system during the war. Bombing and latent sabotage alone cannot completely destroy China's industrial base. Not just China, many countries have the same reserve base.

System self-test passed!

Lin Mo stretched out his head and gestured to the outside of the cabin, while a member of the flight crew took a refueling gun and stuffed it into the fuel tank hole in the fuselage. The long fuel pipe was directly connected to a manual fuel pump inserted into the oil drum.

Everyone, spread out! Be careful with the fireworks! Captain Pan of the flight crew joked and asked others to retreat to a safe distance. Lin Mo's first test machine was still quite dangerous.

Seeing Lin Mo's OK gesture extending out of the cockpit, the man next to the oil drum quickly shook the manual oil pump to input fuel into the aircraft. In a matter of seconds, hundreds of liters of fuel had been poured into the aircraft. Although it was not much, it was enough.

Just as Lin Mo was installing the last accessory, Team Leader Pan led others to quickly count all the tools and accessories to prevent something from being forgotten in the aircraft. The newly installed aircraft might explode when starting the engine for the first time. into a big firework.

There was a solid, red-faced ground crew member who volunteered to test the machine in Lin Mo's place, but was rejected by Lin Mo. If a professional racing driver is not very knowledgeable and confident about his own car, then what qualifications do he have to be a driver? The same goes for fighter pilots. Only weapons that are maintained by one's own hands can exert their maximum power.

The nearly half-used technical instructions were scattered all over the floor. In order to understand these things, Lin Mo often called the technicians at the 7759 base of the old army. After this assembly project, even if Lin Mo becomes a If you are not a pilot, you can at least make a living as a maintenance technician.

No one noticed that a golden coin inexplicably popped out of Lin Mo's pocket every day, disappeared into the plane, or slipped back into Lin Mo's pocket inadvertently.

This guy who usually likes to mess around in the internal structure of the aircraft quietly checked Lin Mo many times while assembling the J-10, and finally did a good thing for him.

I'm going to turn on the phone! Lin Mo said to the walkie-talkie in his hand.

From a distance, Team Leader Pan raised his thumb towards him. Team Leader Pan's voice came from the intercom in Lin Mo's hand: Everything is normal! It can be started!

Lin Mo carried out the startup operation process without hesitation. Under everyone's nervous gaze, the J-10 shook slightly, and a light smoke erupted from the tail, followed by red flames. The high temperature of the distorted air immediately caused the machine to explode. A cloud of dust blew up from the tarmac behind me.

Lin Mo put one hand on the ejection handle beside the seat while staring at the various signal lights. There was also a tablet computer connected to the aircraft's monitoring system. A large amount of the latest detection data was refreshed on the screen like a waterfall. As long as there was a slight movement, Something was wrong, so Lin Mo quickly pulled and ejected to escape.

The power erupted from the engine was very surging, and the machine body vibrated slightly at a certain frequency. All indicators and data were very normal. Lin Mo breathed a sigh of relief and began to do various simple tests, including the movements of various mechanical components and errors. Operation alert.

After a while, the fuel gauge warning light came on and an alarm sounded, and the test work came to an end.

Lin Mo turned off the engine, stood up from the cockpit, raised the V sign with both hands, and shouted loudly in the expectant eyes of everyone around him: The test was successful! We are done!

Before the words were spoken, the nervous air crew members cheered together. Starting from scratch, they directly assembled a J-10, and the test was successful in one go. It was a victory for them.

Hahaha, I've been studying this thing for a long time. I've never touched the real thing. This time, I'm using your light. It's fun. Team Leader Pan, who hadn't slept for two days, opened his eyes and opened his eyes full of bloodshot eyes. His eyes showed no signs of fatigue, and he rushed over first, helping Lin Mo jump out of the plane.

Team leader Pan waved to all the air crew members who were helping around him, and said loudly with joy: Let's go! To celebrate the fact that we assembled the first J-10, I ordered a supper in the canteen! Let's have a good meal first. , go back, take a shower, have a good sleep, and have a day off tomorrow!

Team Leader Pan's words caused everyone to cheer again.

Everyone is packing up their tools, and nearly a week of hard work has finally come to an end.

The debugging of this J-10 is the first step. There is also a weapon live-fire test and an engine running-in period. The aircraft also has a lot of consumables. Fortunately, the delivery department of the 132 Factory Chengdu Aircraft Industry Group has all been supplied at once. Only then will there be a scene of boxes piled up like a hill, nearly most of which are tools and maintenance spare parts.

And there are still many boxes that have not been opened. They contain conformal fuel tanks, various weapons, reconnaissance and other special mounts, suitable for different mission needs.

Comrade Lin Mo! I am Feng Chenye!

At this moment, Lin Mo, who was piloting a fighter jet for maneuver training in the blue sky, received a radio call from the base aircraft.

Although his affiliation is no longer at the base of the 7759th Brigade, training subjects will still continue to be given to him. As an ace fighter pilot is the training goal, all kinds of knowledge and tactical abilities are indispensable. Although this base only has Lin Mo. 10 fighter pilots, still can't have any relaxation.

Gold coins received! Please give instructions! Lin Mo reduced the engine output and exited supersonic speed. The dazzling sunlight from high altitude illuminated the cockpit.

How was the aircraft testing? When will it be ready for combat?! Captain Feng's unchanging voice gave people a strange and charming image.

After a week, the engine will be initially run-in and can be put into actual combat! Lin Mo estimated the condition of the machine body, especially the Russian-made engine. It will need to continue to run for a while, and it should not be operated at too high a load, otherwise it will Affect future fuel consumption and service life.

As long as the engine is running, it must be run-in, the burrs invisible to the naked eye must be ground away, and all parts must be polished to a consistent state during operation.

Very good, you are not required to participate in combat for the time being. There is a reconnaissance mission for you. Report the target location once a day and do not be discovered by the opponent. Live ammunition is allowed to be loaded, but there is no order to prohibit unauthorized attacks. The mission details have been sent to your Tactical tablet. Although Lin Mo belonged to the air crew, he was under the direct command of the Dark Night captain.

Copy that! Lin Mo piloted the fighter jet and began to lower its altitude.

Raising troops for a thousand days is spent in a moment. Lin Mo accepted the mission for the first time after arriving in Dark Night. The difficulty was not high.

After returning to the base, the J-10 was dragged into the hangar by a tractor. Lin Mo immediately opened his cabinet, took out the assigned tactical tablet, and opened the latest mission instructions.

Looking at the flight path of the above mission, it takes about half an hour. The target is located in a wild mountainous area with complex terrain. There are no decent roads. It is not easy to escape the tracking of the aircraft within a day or two.

What Lin Mo needs to consider more is to go back and change the exterior paint of the aircraft to a more hidden black and gray color, and to mount a special high-focus stable camera system and side-viewing radar to meet the needs of this mission.

Although there is light mirror technology that can be used, Lin Mo cannot let people know that he can find targets beyond the range of human physiological vision. Everyone knows that he is too evil.

Captain Feng gave Lin Mo this task. It is probably related to his experience in searching and rescuing the scientific expedition team in the old army. How much extraordinary eyesight is required to count the number of people and status on the ground from high altitude? !Then this similar investigation mission has the same purpose and is more suitable for Lin Mo to carry out.

The painting work of the J-10 was very fast. The members of the air crew were all veterans, and they could even spray out the patterns. The light layer of black-gray matte paint was applied to cover up the original silver-gray fuselage of the J-10, making it even more mysterious. With a heavy feeling, only Lin Mo dared to do this as a private car. If it had been when he was still at the 7719 base, Lin Mo would have been criticized by the leader for being unorganized and undisciplined and would have sat through the confinement room.

Good craftsmanship! Lin Mo raised his thumb and boarded the plane again. During the spraying process, in addition to the conformal endurance fuel tanks, the left and right wings were each loaded with a special side-viewing radar in the weapon mounting position. The aircraft An ultra-long focal length stable camera pod is installed at the bottom. The J-10 guest reconnaissance aircraft is also quite complete in its accessories. It is difficult to imagine that more than a dozen Dongfeng vehicles were all prepared and delivered overnight.

Before sunset, Lin Mo planned to fly first to confirm the target location. As a high-altitude and high-speed fighter, relying on side-viewing radar and ultra-telephoto camera, pretending to be passing by soy sauce is quite deceptive. At most, it is only You can hear the faint roar in the sky, but you may not even be able to see the shadow of the plane.

Lin Mo didn't want to mess up the first mission and disgrace his old unit, the 7759th Aviation Group.

Report! Second Lieutenant Lin has set off! the Signal Corps reported to Colonel Feng Chenye, the top commander of the Dark Night Special Service Brigade, who was flipping through documents in the command hall that integrated office and command.

Colonel Feng Chenye raised his head and looked at the combat command map screen on the wall. A shining small triangle marked the identity number and speed, slowly moving in a certain direction.

I know! Colonel Feng Chenye glanced at it and lowered his head. Lin Mo's actions were somewhat unexpected. He originally thought that Lin Mo would set out to carry out this mission tomorrow, but he didn't expect that the sky was already approaching At sunset, Lin Mo set off directly.

Although darkness is conducive to covert operations, it is more difficult to find the target. Captain Feng did not expect Lin Mo to track the target immediately, thinking that this flight was just to familiarize himself with the terrain.

Gold coins, sunset will be in an hour! Lin Mo's headset came from the voice of team leader Pan on the ground. He thought Lin Mo was a little too hasty, but he didn't object.

To avoid having the call monitored, after Lin Mo took off, Team Leader Pan automatically changed his code name when calling Lin Mo.

Don't worry, team leader! We will be over the target in one hour and we will return in two hours! Save me some dinner! Lin Mo was full of confidence. When he was in another world, he went out with the dragon mount on a reconnaissance mission, no matter what time of day or night. No matter how harsh the environment is, it must be set out, otherwise why would the Dragon Knight be able to enjoy such good treatment? The Dragon Knight must be used in the most dangerous and complex places to show its value.

Preview of the next chapter: Chapter 61 - Squinting at people

Author's note: For technical issues, it is basically enough to write about 70% of the official public information. 10% of the truth involves military secrets. Some things are not even allowed to be guessed, let alone written. I don't want to write about fighter technology and operations. After all, the manual and pilot training syllabus only have so many words.

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