Dragoon fighter

Chapter 62 – My heart is waiting

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Captain Huang of the 1st Squadron led the team beside this group of soldiers. Lin Mo's eyes moved in the team, and soon he saw his acquaintances Big Li Li Xiuwen, Frog Huang Sheng, Potato Fang Xiaoyan and others. , carrying various equipment such as machine guns, sniper rifles and electronic equipment.

After counting the number of people, not all of the first squadron was dispatched. There were only forty people including the company squadron leader.

Each of them had serious expressions and looked intently. They didn't even look at Lin Mo. They didn't have the laughing and joking side of ordinary people when they met last time. They were like a real iron-blooded warrior, silent and calm. ready.

The First Squadron has an operation at night. We have arranged two Mi-17s to send them there. Lin Mo, you have no mission for the time being. Have a good rest at night. You have worked hard during the day! Lin Mo, as a new and capable general under his command, The one-day mission went surprisingly smoothly, which made Team Leader Pan of the air crew more proud. His tone towards Lin Mo didn't sound like a superior or subordinate at all.

Could it be me during the day... As soon as Lin Mo opened his mouth, Team Leader Pan put his index finger on his mouth, interrupting what Lin Mo was about to say, Shh! Confidentiality regulations!

Look at your own tactical board! Team Leader Pan stopped talking and winked at Lin Mo.

Lin Mo suddenly realized that everyone in the base has different confidentiality rights. Not all information can be seen by anyone. Only the tactical tablet with corresponding rights can be queried and browsed, ensuring that the base information security at every level.

Major Huang De, leader of the 1st Squadron, did not come over to say hello to Team Leader Pan, but began to form a team at the entrance of the hangar.

After going through the standard procedures of standing at attention, taking a break, and reporting the numbers, Squadron Leader Huang issued an order: Sit down and rest on the spot and wait for orders! Then he took a look at his tactical tablet. The battle plan has not arrived yet, but it has. I saw the submission plan time for the preparation of the preliminary plan by the staff department.

Not everyone can own a tactical tablet. The intelligent central command system established by the large-scale computer group in the base can send commands to every node simultaneously using the tactical tablet as a terminal, allowing everyone to know their location. Get the most efficient execution and achieve the most advanced command and management. This is a bit like the oa system used in corporate offices.

At this point, the Chinese military is not inferior to the United States, the international hegemon.

At this moment, Big Li and the others, who had relaxed a little, moved their eyes over. Although they did not move or say anything to celebrate, they winked at Lin Mo and smiled.

Especially the guy Big Li had a very weird smile, which seemed to be provoking Lin Mo, conveying the message that he wanted you to come too.

Lin Mo rolled his eyes at this guy and lowered his voice to Team Leader Pan next to him: Team Leader Pan, can you send me to help? After all, I went to conduct reconnaissance during the day.

The dragon knights were not scouts, so there was no point in watching the scenery from the back line. When Lin Mo saw the warriors of the first squadron who were full of fighting spirit, he became more and more eager to give it a try.

This? Team Leader Pan was hesitant. Pilots are not the kind of soldiers that can continue to fight. Every flight is full of dangers and requires a high degree of concentration and sufficient physical strength.

Don't worry, I have experience in night fighting! It's not the first time! Lin Mo heard that Team Leader Pan's tone was a little loose, and he quickly struck while the iron was hot.

Send a combat application and I'll forward it to the staff for a try. I don't care if it works or not. Team leader Pan thought for a while, but was persuaded by Lin Mo. Compared with the combat unit's effectiveness, the air crew team Most of the time, he is always responsible for the tasks of transportation and cover. Finally, he has a most capable J-10 pilot. He can't just leave it at home to hatch a baby.

Okay! Lin Mo was happy. He quickly took out the tactical tablet from his small backpack, entered the system through palm print and facial recognition, and submitted a combat application item in the combat application. According to his authority, one night He could still see the squadron's operational preparation information, and quickly put his application in the back before the staff group's battle plan was formed.

It's done, it's written!

Team Leader Pan looked at his tablet, waved his finger, and wrote approval directly on the screen, Agree!

Thank you, Team Leader Pan! Lin Mo laughed happily, gave a Patton-style military salute to express his gratitude, and then went straight to his car.

Hurry up, hurry up! The preparations must be completed before eight o'clock. Don't be lazy. Send two people to help Lin Mo! Team Leader Pan's loud voice rang out again.

The black and gray J-10 parked quietly in a corner of the hangar, like an elite warrior ready to go, waiting for its driver without saying a word. The side-viewing radar and ultra-telephoto stabilization camera under the body have been After it was dismantled, the black and gray exterior paint was like a shadow under the staggered light of the large and bright lights on the top of the hangar. It still looked low-key and calm, making the entire aircraft inconspicuous. However, no one dared to underestimate its lethality. The eight-ton J-10 is a big killer.

Gold coins! Check the aircraft for me! Ready to start work! Lin Mo casually touched the corner of the aircraft body exposed to the paint with his wrist. The gold dragon in the shape of a watch flowed like mercury in an instant and quickly submerged into the aircraft body. Inside, no one noticed that Lin Mo's wrist was empty.

Lin Mo provides food and research products for the gold coins, and the gold coins provide Lin Mo with security. In the past, this pair of dragon knights who had a bad relationship now have this delicately balanced survival relationship.

Lin Mo quietly retracted his hands into his sleeves and lowered his body to unlock the landing gear wheel lock.

Lin Mo! We are here to help! Xiao Hu and Xiao Deng, who were in charge of logistics support from the air crew, drove the tractor to greet Lin Mo.

You guys are here to help, that's great. Hurry, let me check the system first. Lin Mo didn't need any boarding equipment. He held on to the canards under the cockpit, jumped up and opened the canopy hard, and at the same time set up the cockpit. The edge jumped in like a pommel horse athlete, leaving Xiao Hu and Xiao Deng, two young flight attendants in their twenties, dumbfounded and licking their tongues.

Pilot fire, success!

Equipment check, normal!

Half an hour later, the inspection was completed. Lin Mo did not dare to be careless during each inspection procedure. Although he fell from a high altitude and was protected by a gold dragon gold coin, his life was not in danger, but how to explain to his superiors that he would be seriously injured after returning to the ground? Can a plane still fly with mechanical failure? !

This world government does not believe in miracles. If they appear once or twice, they will eventually find that there is something wrong with Lin Mo.

It only took a while for the J-10 fuel tank to be filled. Deng and Hu quickly checked the J-10 according to the operation manual and cooperated with Lin Mo. Then they dragged the ammunition trailer to the ammunition depot and waited for the ammunition list for combat. Come back quickly and reload.


Lin Mo was sitting in the cabin holding a tactical tablet and waiting for news. Suddenly the computer made a sound. The staff's combat plan was released in advance. It was quickly approved by Colonel Feng and entered the confirmation process of the higher-level military commission.

Everything operates flawlessly under a highly centralized computer cluster command system.

Lin Mo's application for combat was also listed behind the first squadron's combat plan, but due to his authority, he could only see the title of the combat plan but not the content. Only after his application for combat was approved could he be qualified to review the details of the first squadron. Combat content.

It was another long wait. Outside the hangar, the two Mi-17b5 armed transport helicopters that were pushed out began to roar with warm engines. After the soldiers of the first squadron got up, they trotted out of the hangar and rushed straight to the transport. helicopter.

At this moment, Lin Mo's combat approval has not yet been issued.

My heart is waiting forever,

My heart is waiting forever...”

As if to match Lin Mo's mood, the voice of Zhang Xing, the original singer of Platform, sounded loudly in the cabin. Although the gold coins could not speak directly to Lin Mo, they could play music pretending to be MP3 players.

Lin Mo was so angry at Gold Coin's deliberate ridicule that he was cheating.

The roar of the two Mi-17s outside the warehouse suddenly increased, and then gradually moved higher and disappeared quickly.

Come back soon, I can't bear it alone... Jin Coin took the opportunity to play Sun Nan's Come Back Soon and played background music for Lin Mo on his own initiative, maliciously setting off Lin Mo's fake mood like an abandoned kitten. .

The loud music coming from the J-10 cabin made the nearby air crew members look sideways. It was so loud that it was like turning on a power amplifier. The hangar was filled with the voice of Come back soon singing at the top of one's voice like a harem.

Well, this bastard dragon successfully pranked Lin Mo. Anyone with a discerning eye knew why Lin Mo was here. The ground crew who had just finished their work felt a cramp in their stomachs when they heard the song played by the gold coins.

Worrying about his men's appearance, he only saw the centipede on Team Leader Pan's face twisting and twisting. The twisting was very hard, and of course, the holding was also very hard.

If they hadn't known Team Leader Pan for a while and knew that he was a kind-hearted and meticulous person, people who didn't know him would be frightened just by looking at his fierce-looking face with a big centipede scar.

Lin Mo had a black line on his face. When did this damn dragon become so sinister? He wanted to dig the gold coins out of the J-10 and throw them back into the steel furnace.

How much of his flight allowance did this guy embezzle to buy a memory card with a certain capacity, and he actually had all kinds of music?

Just as the Gold Coin guy was desperately enjoying himself, Lin Mo's tactical tablet made a new message notification sound.

The music of gold coins suddenly stopped at this moment.

Lin Mo quickly pulled away and took a look. The application for combat was approved because Colonel Feng requested to capture the core figures. The combat mission assigned to him was to shoot ground combat videos and fire harassment from the air. He was only loaded with aircraft bullets and no air-to-ground missiles.

Preview of the next session: Session 63 - 2:37 a.m.

Dragon Fighter begs for rewards, more rewards, more updates!

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