
00393 Al County


Azin asked in a dazed voice. Hermione nods her head with an anxious, yet excited face.

“The Emperor himself has declared. ”

Hermione speaks in a feverish voice. All Out War with the Kingdom of Gallios. The Conquest War where the Emperor himself led an army into the sea, targeting Sea Dragon Sericrapa and Gallios. It's only been a few hundred years since the Emperor's direct battle.

“The sword of Hemonia and the five stars of the Pentagon have decided to take part. One hundred and fifty thousand sailors, two hundred thousand knights, and infantry. All the Imperial Knights, excluding the Near Crisis Squad, are famous for their high competence! It is mandatory for the nobles to join the knights. ”

Hermione clenches her fist. This will be recorded in history. The war itself has been for decades. Previous wars, like Gallios and Nornia and the neurological wars or some meaningless local wars.

“.. invasion war. ”

Azin mutters in a small voice. I didn't think the emperor would come out like this. Gratia is a giant empire. An empire that occupies all these great continents. The continent itself is different from the progress of a single faction.

Gratia is divided into three countries, one with a faction of Gracias. Gracias, the continental empire, Galior and Nornia, the island states. After all, Nornia is divided into countries and western countries.

‘Gratia doesn't need to invade another country. ’

Gratia's power is absolute. A vast empire and many soldiers. From there to the Wizards. It is natural that the name of the faction is' Gracia ’. The power of Galios and Nornia cannot take Gratia's land.

Is it really the player that can be left as a variable? If most of the players are on the side of Nornia or Gallios, they could use their power to bring down Gracia. But you don't have to. This game, First, is because there is definitely an ending. The story of the game ends with the Demon King coming one day in the game and defeating the Demon King. I don't know what will happen after that, but I don't want to play war because it is the imperative to stop the Demon King from coming right now.

Is this an opportunity? ’

Ajin touches his chin and thinks. Gratia wages an invasion war. What if we take down Gallios and turn it into a territory? Nothing has changed significantly. In the beginning, Gratia was an unstoppable force. More power does not change the flow of the continent.

What's the harm? Let's take it mainly. What Azin wants is for the power of Gracia to decrease. His origin is not in Gratia, but in Jinjin. Maybe one day we'll move on to invade Gracia. If you are preparing for the future, it is better to cut down on the power of Gracia.

‘There's no need to invade. ’

If you conquer powerlessly, the damage is too great. Look at the future.There's very little profit to this side if you try to scavenge the land. I don't know if Azin was a regular player, but he is a surrogate, not a player. A chess horse used in the power games of the transcendents. Growing power is all that matters. What if we formed a friendly alliance with Gracie?

“... are the princes staying in the palace? ”

“No. Four emperors, including myself, were told to bring a thousand soldiers to the war and show them their abilities. ”

Hermione's expression is a little stiff. He taps his fingers on the temples. He met the emperor himself. I didn't know everything about him, but I could see just a little bit of what kind of man he was.

‘He doesn't trust his children. ’

I think you're the best. I think of Hermione when I talk about the Emperor. The father of blood. Hermione's feelings for such existence were frightening. And that fear creates awe. Well, I have no choice. The opponent is the owner of this great empire.

“What do you think, Your Majesty? ”


Hermione asks in a slightly stiff voice. You're nervous. Ajin grins. Hermione cannot be called a brilliant genius. Rather than ordinary. No, not ordinary. He knows his stuff. In this vast imperial palace, it is commendable to the Emperor himself that he did nothing and remained silent.

‘It's better for someone who knows the subject. Rather than the clueless one. ’

I like that there's no vanity. I don't know what will change when I gain power, but that doesn't matter to me. It doesn't matter what king Hermione becomes. The important thing is that if Hermione becomes Emperor, Azin will become Hermione's savior.

“There's a lot going on in war. A lot of people die. If the prince dies in Verzola, it's clear to us who the unsub is, but not in war. ”

Blind arrow. A sword that swings from place to place. The hardest thing on the battlefield is not killing someone, but catching my mind. Do not attack allies.

“This is some kind of test. ”

Azin's eyes narrowed.

“Your Majesty is trying to test the qualities of the princes through this war. The turmoil of the Imperial Emperors in this capital city and in the Imperial Palace Verzola can only naturally become a power struggle. ”

A quarrel within the Imperial Court. Since we can't settle down, we can only compete with the power of bloodless. Whose boat you were born on. What nobleman's ceremony is Mother who gave birth to herself? What position is your foreign relative in? Based on it, the branches are widespread. Depending on who is outside, there will be friendly nobles and hostile nobles. It is also where supporters are born and supported by the Imperial Knights.

Hermione had nothing. His exile was a small nobleman, and Hermione's mother died a long time ago. Hermione's estranged mother's death leaves Hermione at a distance.

“But in war, it's different. Especially in this war. ”

All of the Imperial Court's power falls from the Crown Prince. In this war, only 1,000 soldiers can serve as the Crown Prince. Only the escort knights are there to keep you safe for a minimum.

“Soldier management. No, leave it... can you survive or not? ”

A public battlefield. It's a Galios invasion of the Gracias Empire, but inside there is an argument between the princes. The deterrent will be more everlasting, and the vile among them will go out and slaughter the other princes themselves. War makes excuses and excuses. If the prince dies, it's just a tragedy. This is bad luck. If it's the Emperor's personality, he'll give it to you even if his son dies.

I would have targeted him in the first place.

“.. an osteophylactist. ”

Hermione mutters, as she does not deserve. Even though there is no love between families, he is a brother who has shed blood.

“Do you want to get hit with nothing? ”

Azin asked, struggling. Hermione says nothing. He looks down at the ice-cold cup of tea.

“Your ears are strong, aren't they? ”

Hermione asks, "Azin didn't answer me in person." Instead, the outstretched hand grabs Hermione's teacup.

“Your tea is cold. ”

Once I touched the cup with my hand, the tea inside was hooked and heated up. White steam blooms in hot heat. Hermione glances at it.

“Strong, Ra. I think I've proven myself quite capable... but why don't you ask me? ”

Azin slaps his hand on the teacup and smiles.

“What can I do? ”

“.. what can His Majesty do? ”

“You can do most of the work. ”

Azin replied as if he was waiting.

“Let's see... a frontal battle is especially confident. Well, like I said, I can do most of the work. You can do things that regular knights can't. ”

“If the Knight can't do it...”


I answered without changing my face.

“Well, it might be a little different from the assassin, but we can do that kind of thing. It sucks to be back. ”

“... the other princes...”

“It is the Crown Prince who chooses it. ”

Ajin shakes his head.

“As I said before, think of me as a... umm... knife. It is His Royal Highness who decides where to swing. I just bend it and cut it. ”

“I'm the one who decides to swing.” Hermione's voice darkens. It's a story of guilt. You can't be burdened by pain. Using tools is always a person. You can put a knife in it or you can swing it.

‘What should I do? ’

Hermione has a delicate side. To be precise, it's indecisive. That's what life has been all about, but I hesitate to make harsh decisions. The role of Azin is to shake Hermione's back. No matter how prepared I get, I feel sick and dirty when I get hit. Even with the guard up.

If so? Either this side hits first, or they don't even think about hitting. Electrons are better for the taste of azin. Beat him to death or crush him at all.

“A monarch.”

Azin opens his mouth. I applied some saliva to my lips before speaking. so that it moves smoothly.

“You mean the one at the top. It's just for now, right? ”

Azin tugs at his back.

“When the Emperor speaks of war, there is war. War on Invasion. The Kingdom of Gallios has been raiding from the West Sea to date, but this is not a childish prank. Three hundred and fifty thousand soldiers on the move this time. Just the number of soldiers deployed in Gracia right now. ”

Hermione's expression changed. He opens his ears and listens to Azin. Azin liked the way Hermione looked. The fact that you are not arrogant because you are a royal.

“Do you know the population of the Kingdom of Gallios? ”

I think it's about a million. ”

“Not all of them are legitimate. Most of them are simple citizens. If there's a war, a lot of people die. An innocent citizen.”

Hermione's face turns white.

“In the words of the Emperor, there is a war like this. We have a force of 350,000. They're all skilled professional soldiers, powerful knights and... swordsmen named Dragon Slayer. Six wizards close to Master Meiji and a magical army of Gracias. ”

Different sizes of concentrated force. A wizard changes the flow of war. There are a thousand such wizards, and there are six of them close to Master Meiji. If you are a Great Wizard, you can turn a Great Territory into a field. They have the power of a strategic weapon.

“The kingdom of Galyos will fall. I have no choice. The Emperor is expecting him, and his strength is moving. How many casualties do you think there will be in the process? How many innocent people do you think will die? ”

Hermione says nothing. He groans in agony and covers his face with his hands.


“He's the emperor. He owns the empire. Not only in war, but in its place you will see and hear more. Hundreds of people died in the monster raid on Celebrity Territories where I was right now. And it is the emperor who knows and hears all of that death. ”

Azin's eyes narrowed.

“If you want the Emperor's place, you must prepare for it. Well, it doesn't matter if you don't want to be emperor. And if I did, you wouldn't have made me a chaperone in the first place. ”

Hermione says nothing. The silence was understood as a positive and painful word.

“To stop brothers, to kill them. I agree that it's painful. But I'm sure the other princes will. War is an opportunity for them. And a chance for King Hermione.” “You have to. ”

Hermione replies. Quick answer, quick decision. Azin's jaw rises. Hermione understands quickly. At the same time, he has a greed to grab what he wants.

“.. but we'll talk about it later. Just so you know, I'm ready to swing a knife. I know who to swing at, who to swing at... and I'm ready to take it on my own. ”

Very good.

Ajin grins.

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