
00394 Al County

“You're late.”

The emperor frowned and said. El Cast. The woman standing in the center smiles and looks up at the emperor. The emperor grimaces deeper at her smile. Even with a certain degree of killing, the woman can't see any color. I just looked at the Emperor's face as if it were strange.

“You seem a little thinner? ”

Rather, they ask. The words sprayed onto the emperor's forehead and raised his tendon. I can't believe I'm saying this in front of the Empire's owner. But the emperor could not blame him. She was the hardest, and most likely the most unwanted, emperor in Gracia today.

A warrior.

Many have been called warriors in Gracia's long history. The one who defeated the Demon Dragon. The one who defeated the Demon King. There are all kinds of warriors.

Any kingdom will. The existence of a warrior is a problem for the wasteland. They are supported by the public. Citizens love and cherish warriors. In a sense, more than an emperor.

Most warrior legends end when a warrior becomes king, or marries a princess. A warrior who is the protagonist of several tragic stories dies at the end.

I never thought I'd see a warrior in my own company. The emperor tapped the temple and looked down at the woman. A warrior, Rivera, a warrior of the current generation. Loved by Gracians.

“I'm busy with the territory. ”

Rivera pulls out her tongue slightly. The emperor felt his insides boiling. If only a warrior were a man. Would that have made things a little better? You could have taken the princess and married her. No, but it's the same as bad. The Huang family has lost its authenticity. If a warrior is imperial, a warrior must become king.

Because the people want him.

“A week in the name of the Emperor. ”

“I had no choice. ”

Rivera says again. “The commandment was to ignore the inevitable.” The emperor speaks in an annoyed voice, and Rivera squeezes his neck.

“... were you angry? ”

“Because you know the commandment like a dog in tears. ”

“I... I don't think so... I'm really busy.”

Rivera grumbles, and the emperor covers his face with his hands. How many times do I have to kill you? There is nothing good about being a hero. Especially in peaceful times. It would be better if the Demon King came. If the Demon King comes and the world turns upside down, there are plenty of situations to use a card as a warrior.

But not now. The Demon King did not come. Dark Stars, a group of black wizards, are in a commotion, but there are many forces of their kind. The damage they do is to the citizens, and not enough to threaten the Empire. If you tell them to call right now, they won't feel a threat. Naturally extinguishes after a while. That's how dark the stars were for the Empire.

Therefore, there is nowhere to use the warrior in the current situation. If there was such an enemy, I would now use it to consume it. In this peaceful age, there appeared to be no need to be a warrior. Thanks to this, the citizens cheered, and as Imperial Court, they inspired the warriors. Even if you try to use it as a propaganda piece, there's nowhere to go. In this day and age, the warrior is a warrior. I can see the citizens supporting me, but this threatens the authenticity of the empire.


I was reminded of the war when a good sword named Azin came into my arms and I wanted to test him. But the emperor is not mad enough to go to war with just that. There are many complex factors.

Achievements first. Not to mention the turmoil of the Crown Prince. War is the perfect stage to establish it. I will also clean up the kingdom of Gallios, which was a sight for sore eyes.

And the Pentagon. Their power grows too great. I need to tighten it at the right time. Of course, the Pentagon will never rebel against the Imperial Court, but we must remind everyone that it can be used to trade with them when necessary. To all the wizards of the Pentagon.

Again, Rivera. Soldier. I don't want to give Rivera any more inspiration... but being a warrior is not only good for promoting military morale, it's also good for propaganda. Ideally, a warrior dies during a war. I don't think it's going to work out that well.

As the emperor said in the beginning, Gratia is now incredibly powerful in the history of Gracia. It is a pity that this great power remains silent and rots.

“Conquer the Kingdom of Gallios. ”

Why? ”

The emperor exerted patience. He repeatedly told Libera what he had already told the others, and she nodded her head as the bear listened.


Surprisingly, she was neither against nor against the will of the Emperor. I don't know if it was before, but Rivera changed her mind a little while living in Gracia, too. No, actually, she hasn't changed a bit. She still wants him to think what she wants and have fun thinking what she wants.

Conquest of the Kingdom of Gallios. Rivera begins in Gracia and travels alone until she meets Basrodel. Since I met Basrodel, I started to be called a warrior, and I've done a lot of things for the name of a warrior.

That was the only way she could identify herself to stop the invasion of the Kingdom of Gallios on the western front. She didn't have much affection for the Kingdom of Gallios. They plundered for no reason, and the innocent western lands have suffered heavy losses.

The kingdom of Gallios was evil because Rivera ruled it.

“When do you leave? ”

Rivera asks. The emperor looks a little surprised as soon as she asks him, but I feel a little relieved that she said yes without holding back much. Even an emperor cannot be easily treated as a warrior.

“A month. ”

It's a war of hundreds of thousands and hundreds. War requires a great deal of money and a great deal of time. But only for a month. That will suffice. Gratia is an empire. I am always prepared for situations. Supplies for war, maintenance of ships, and training of soldiers. Everything is already prepared. Honestly, we can leave with supplies and soldiers on the ship in a week, without even having to catch them for a month.

“It should be quite a distance from here to the West Sea. ”

“Moving is a knight. The Navy is stationed on the west coast anyway, and the Army uses Western field forces. Major commanders, knights, and wizards move to the West Sea. There's no problem at the Warp Gate. ”

Warp Gates don't move hundreds of thousands of people at once. The Army Gun Commander was commissioned by the Marquis of Portia, and the troops he commanded were originally the First Rangers and the Monarch Defence Force. However, just because the commander is part of a different field force, there is no problem with the command system. Soldiers only follow whoever the commander is.

“What about the Knights of my territory? ”

"It is mandatory to join the knights in each territory. How many knights are there on your turf? ”


“Then choose 10 knights and join them. Get him to the capital in a month. ”

“Got it.”

Rivera smiles widely and answers. If you do this, you can get articles from all over the country. There are more than 1,000 articles. Hundreds of thousands of soldiers and over 1,000 knights. There's a warrior, Grand Wizard.

“Do I have to take Mr. Basrodel with me? ”

Rivera tilts her head and asks. The emperor's face is slightly stiff. Vasrodel. The emperor whispers his name a little.

On the contrary, Basrodel is known as the Grand Wizard who moves with the warriors. It's not uncommon. The combination of a warrior and a wizard is a frustrating material in ancient stories. A warrior, a woman, a wizard, a woman. It's a little negative that they're both young and beautiful.


Great wizard close to the master mage. A wizard who does not belong to the Pentagon. The place of origin, teachers, academics, everything is unknown.

She is a dragon. Knowing this is the Pentagon's five-star, imperial court wizard, Muren, and even the emperor himself. The emperor motionlessly touched his chin. Defeating the Sea Dragon Serikrapa is the top priority in this war. Will Bashrodel, the same dragon, cooperate?

“Do you think she'll cooperate in killing the same dragon? ”

I asked him myself because I didn't know. Libera tilts her head in the question. “Should I ask him?” The emperor nods at the question. It may be a rude question, but if you take her there and Basrodel starts a riot, this is the wrong way.

“Oh, and... ”

You clap as if it reminds you of Rivera. Despite his reckless behavior, the emperor ignores Rivera's reaction. There's no end to every bag.

“I heard here that... who was it? The Four Princes brought in a guardian?" ”

“I did.”

“He said his name was Ajin, right? From the Jinsun.”

Rivera's eyes gleam and glow. The eyes of the emperor twitched. I've never seen Rivera look at me like that before.


“Wow! You're real! Can I see him? ”

Rivera shudders, and the emperor's eyes twitch. “Do you know each other?” Rivera's words pause with the emperor's question. She looked at the emperor.


You smile. The emperor glances down at Ribera, smiling heavily. Rivera covers her mouth with her hands and screams.

“Yes, I know him. ”



“Tell me.”

“I don't want to.”

The question answered quickly. The emperor's heart boils. I don't like it either. Leaving being a warrior, I hate that girl. I don't like the way you're laughing up and down. He is the emperor of Gracia, and this is El Cast. This is his temple. There is no one in this great empire who does not obey him, and there is no one who does not tighten his head in front of him.

“Tell me.”

“I don't want to.”

Rivera replies. She's still smiling, and it breaks something from the emperor. The emperor rises up. As he rises from the throne, the spirit within his body awakens. Qar! El Cast is shaking violently. It is not simply a pressure. The four Spirit Kings show their true colors.

“Tell me. ”

“I said no. Why do you keep saying no? ”

Rivera takes it, and the emperor no longer sees Rivera. Quadruck! Rivera's fist was shot down by the Spirit of Flame King. The red gunfire blazes and the air inside El Cast howls and rises. The emperor kicks his tongue.

The Spirit King's fist splits open. The emperor feels his arms twitching a bit, and tries to shoot the emperor in the face without damaging Libera.

“Why are you attacking? ”

“Because you didn't listen to me. ”

“Everyone has something they want to hide. ”

The emperor raises his hand and covers his face in Libera's reply. That's why I hate her. With words, with dignity, with strength. In a different way, I wonder. The blade of wind strikes the Rivera.

But I can't reach it. The moment she touches her body, the blade of the wind turns and scratches the surroundings. The runes engraved on the bottom of El Cast have been greatly corrupted. The emperor sighs and sits on his feet.

“... get out. ”


Rivera bows her head. Looking out the door at Rivera, the emperor presses down on his flimsy head.

“I'll have to engrave it again. ”

The emperor sighs as he looks at the deep ground left by the beast's claws.

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